Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione - DPSS  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Modern Case Sheds Light on a Classical Enigma: Beethoven's Deafness 2020 Brotto, DavideSorrentino, FlaviaGheller, FlaviaTrevisi, PatriziaBovo, Roberto + LARYNGOSCOPE - -
Assessing the cognitive effects of noise in children with cochlear implants: A proof-of-concept study In corso di stampa Barbara ArféGaia SpicciarelliFlavia GhellerPatrizia Trevisi + RIVISTA DI PSICOLINGUISTICA APPLICATA - -
Auditory Dysfunction in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy Type 1: Beyond The Inner Ear Involvement 2021 Gheller, FlaviaBrotto, DavideSorrentino, FlaviaLovo, ElisaTrevisi, PatriziaBovo, RobertoPegoraro, Elena + OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY - -
Being a deaf student in a face mask world: Survey data from Italian university students 2023 Arfé B.Gheller F. + RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES - -
Classroom acoustics: Listening problems in children 2019 Gheller F.Lovo E.Arsie A.Bovo R. BUILDING ACOUSTICS - -
Cochlear implant outcomes in the elderly: a uni- and multivariate analyses of prognostic factors 2019 Favaretto NMarioni GBrotto DSorrentino FGheller FCastiglione AMontino STrevisi PMartini ABovo R. + EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY - -
Cochlear implantation in adults with auditory deprivation: what do we know about it? 2020 Sorrentino FGheller FBrotto DTrevisi PMartini AMarioni GBovo R + AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY - -
Cochlear Implants in Alström Syndrome 2020 Gheller FGallo S.Trevisi P.Dassie F.Maffei P.Bovo R. + ANNALS OF OTOLOGY RHINOLOGY AND LARYNGOLOGY - -
CoEN (Cognitive Effort in Noise) App: a serious game application for the assessment of children’s ability to focus in noisy environments 2023 Gaia SpicciarelliFlavia GhellerBarbara Arfé - - ADVANCES IN THE STUDY OF LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT AND LITERACY LEARNING IN THE DIGITAL AGE
Correspondence Between Cognitive and Audiological Evaluations Among the Elderly: A Preliminary Report of an Audiological Screening Model of Subjects at Risk of Cognitive Decline With Slight to Moderate Hearing Loss 2019 Sorrentino F.Gheller F.Montino S.Limongi F.Brotto D.Trevisi P.Bovo R.Martini A. + FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE - -
Cortical sources of resting state EEG rhythms are abnormal in dyslexic children 2012 Gheller, Flavia + CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY - -
Effects of noise on the cognitive performance of primary school children 2024 F. GhellerG. SpicciarelliA. Di BellaP. RomagnoniB. Arfé + - - Proceedings of the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum 2023
How can we investigate auditory plasticity in deaf patients with cochlear implant? 2017 Flavia Gheller HEARING, BALANCE AND COMMUNICATION - -
How noise affect cognitive performances of children with additional learning needs: a preliminary study 2022 Gaia SpicciarelliFlavia GhellerBarbara Arfé - - Learning Disabilities assesment and intervention: new challenges in uncertain times
In Response to Beethoven's Deafness 2021 Brotto D.Sorrentino F.Gheller F.Trevisi P.Bovo R. + LARYNGOSCOPE - -
In Response to In Reference to A modern Case Sheds Light on a Classical Enigma: Beethoven's Deafness 2021 Brotto D.Sorrentino F.Gheller F.Trevisi P.Bovo R. + LARYNGOSCOPE - -
Individual differences in children’s cognitive performance in noise 2022 Barbara ARFÉGaia SPICCIARELLIFlavia GHELLERChiara MONTUORILucia RONCONI - - PROCEEDINGS of the 24th International Congress on Acoustics
Innovative diagnostic and rehabilitative tools in audiology and otoneurology 2021 Sorrentino F.Brotto D.Favaretto N.Franchella S.Cazzador D.Gheller F.Zanoletti E.Trevisi P.Bovo R.Martini A. OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - -
Investigating predictive audiovisual language processing in cochlear implant users 2023 Gastaldon S.Vespignani F.Gheller F.Brotto DavideTrevisi P.Peressotti F + - - XXIX Congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Psicologia - Sezione Sperimentale
Late cochlear implant in a prelingually hearing impaired subject: electrophysiological and audiometric improvement over time 2017 F. GhellerS. MontinoM. ErmaniP. Trevisi + HEARING, BALANCE AND COMMUNICATION - -