Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.161
EU - Europa 1.426
AS - Asia 903
AF - Africa 60
SA - Sud America 54
OC - Oceania 20
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 3
Totale 7.627
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.140
IT - Italia 646
SG - Singapore 305
CN - Cina 288
DE - Germania 158
FI - Finlandia 131
GB - Regno Unito 106
FR - Francia 80
SE - Svezia 80
UA - Ucraina 70
VN - Vietnam 68
IN - India 67
HK - Hong Kong 48
RU - Federazione Russa 43
ID - Indonesia 39
BR - Brasile 32
NL - Olanda 29
IE - Irlanda 22
MA - Marocco 21
LK - Sri Lanka 16
PE - Perù 14
TR - Turchia 13
TW - Taiwan 12
AU - Australia 11
PH - Filippine 10
CA - Canada 9
HR - Croazia 9
IR - Iran 9
MX - Messico 9
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 9
CH - Svizzera 7
EG - Egitto 7
ES - Italia 7
MY - Malesia 7
PK - Pakistan 6
RO - Romania 6
BG - Bulgaria 5
HU - Ungheria 5
JP - Giappone 5
KE - Kenya 5
NG - Nigeria 5
BW - Botswana 4
CO - Colombia 4
EC - Ecuador 4
BE - Belgio 3
FO - Isole Faroe 3
GH - Ghana 3
GQ - Guinea Equatoriale 3
RS - Serbia 3
TN - Tunisia 3
YE - Yemen 3
AT - Austria 2
DZ - Algeria 2
ET - Etiopia 2
EU - Europa 2
KR - Corea 2
LT - Lituania 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PL - Polonia 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
PT - Portogallo 2
RW - Ruanda 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
CD - Congo 1
CM - Camerun 1
CU - Cuba 1
EE - Estonia 1
JO - Giordania 1
QA - Qatar 1
SC - Seychelles 1
Totale 7.627
Città #
Fairfield 676
Ann Arbor 603
Houston 505
Woodbridge 433
Jacksonville 321
Santa Clara 301
Ashburn 277
Seattle 247
Wilmington 238
Singapore 222
Cambridge 221
Chandler 179
Padova 168
Boardman 164
Princeton 136
Medford 91
Nanjing 69
San Diego 66
Des Moines 58
Helsinki 45
Dong Ket 44
Milan 43
Beijing 41
Hong Kong 41
Guangzhou 38
Roxbury 33
Rome 28
Shenyang 21
New York 20
Nanchang 16
Trieste 14
Marabá 13
Brescia 12
Hanoi 12
Tianjin 12
Colombo 11
Falkenstein 11
Jiaxing 11
London 11
Norwalk 11
Shanghai 11
Turin 11
Changsha 10
Florianópolis 10
Mantova 10
Verona 10
Dublin 9
Ho Chi Minh City 9
Lima 9
Zagreb 9
Council Bluffs 8
Fort Worth 8
Hebei 8
Jinan 8
Naples 8
Redwood City 8
Treviso 8
Amsterdam 7
Bandung 7
Casablanca 7
Istanbul 7
Paris 7
Siegen 7
Southwark 7
Fossò 6
Indiana 6
Bari 5
Borås 5
Central 5
Delhi 5
Jakarta 5
Las Vegas 5
Nairobi 5
Newcastle upon Tyne 5
Nuremberg 5
Rockville 5
Sheffield 5
Tappahannock 5
Abuja 4
Andover 4
Belluno 4
Bologna 4
Budapest 4
Camden 4
Catania 4
Gaborone 4
Göttingen 4
Jena 4
Kaohsiung City 4
Kharkiv 4
Melbourne 4
Ogden 4
Reggio Emilia 4
Salerno 4
Semarang 4
Surabaya 4
Sydney 4
Venice 4
Aachen 3
Accra 3
Totale 5.824
Nome #
Balanced Scorecard per le PMI. Gestire le prestazioni critiche 255
A review of decision-support tools and performance measurement and sustainable supply chain management 164
Value of maturity models in performance measurement 151
A performance measurement system for SMEs taking part in Quality Award Programmes 150
Benchmarking on managerial practices: a tool for SMEs 139
Performance Measurement: Challenges for Tomorrow 134
Supplier involvement in integrated product development: evidence from a group of Italian SMEs 131
The role of organisational culture and leadership style in performance measurement and management: a longitudinal case study 131
Lean manufacturing in developing countries: evidence from Indian SMEs 123
New product development assessment: towards a normative-contingent audit 121
Dynamics of performance measurement and organisational culture 118
Industry 4.0 key research topics: A bibliometric review 114
Unveiling strategy in SMEs through Balanced Scorecard implementation: A circular methodology 113
Understanding the relationship between PMS and MIS in SMEs: An organizational life cycle perspective 112
How to compare performances of firms operating in different sectors? 112
Towards a contingency approach to Performance Measurement: an empirical study in Scottish SMEs 111
How bridging organisations manage technology transfer in SMEs: an empirical investigation 111
A new measure of Italian hidden energy poverty 111
How organizational culture influences performance measurement systems in SMEs 107
La misurazione delle prestazioni nelle PMI: un'analisi critica della letteratura 106
Measurement and management of competences by enterprise social networking 105
Design and Implementing a Performance Measurement System in SMEs: a bottom up approach 103
Big data and performance measurement research: trends, evolution and future opportunities 103
Managerial processes: business process that sustain performance 99
Organizational Capability in SMEs: Performance Measurement as a key system in supporting company development 96
Benchmarking 93
Performance measurement system contingency factors: a cross analysis of Italian and Indian SMEs 91
Human resource management (HRM) in the performance measurement and management (PMM) domain: a bibliometric review 91
Evolutionary paths of performance measurement and management system: the longitudinal case study of a leading SME 91
How decision making in Industry 4.0 environment is changing the management of human resources: an empirical study on manufacturing companies. 88
The implementation of Balanced Scorecard: an action research approach 86
La misurazione delle prestazioni nelle piccole e medie imprese: i primi risultati di uno studio empirico 85
From ISO Quality Standards to Integrated Management System: the key role of Balanced Scorecard in SMEs 83
Performance Measurement Systems in SMEs: a review for a research agenda 82
Twenty-first century supply chain management: a multiple case study analysis within the UK aerospace industry 81
Social media and decision making process in SMEs: empirical studies of leading organizations. 80
Decision making and national culture: an empirical study of Italian, Indian and Moroccan SMEs. 79
Supplier Involvement in Integrated Product Development: Evidence from a group of Italian SMEs 78
The Technology Broker fostering innovation in SMEs: activities and intervention process 77
The development of SME managerial practice for effective performance management 77
A new funnel framework to support innovation management in SMEs 76
Using Theory of Constraints to Control Manufacturing Systems: A Conceptual Model 75
The new generation of human resources and performance management 73
The role of HRM in the innovation of performance measurement and management systems: a multiple case study in SMEs 73
A framework to classify PMS adopted by SMEs: an empirical study of the Italian leading companies 71
The Interplay Between Performance Measurement, Organisational Culture and Management Styles 68
Performance Measurement and Management in the Public Sector: state of the art and research opportunities 68
Innovative Face of Organizations 67
Assessing Industry 4.0 Maturity: An Essential Scale for SMEs 67
New Product Development Assessment for Smes: A Review 65
Human resource performance management in Multi-National Companies: a cross case analysis of leading organization. 65
Performance Measurement: Questions for Tomorrow 62
Implementing a Management System in SMEs: the Home Cucine case 62
Organizational Capability for getting over the Edge of Chaos 62
A circular approach to performance measurement in SMEs 62
In search of knowledge for innovation:a study of Italian SMEs 61
From Balanced Scorecard to Integrated Management System: linking operation to strategy in SMEs 60
The impact of organizational culture on performance measurement system design, implementation and use: Evidence from Moroccan SMEs 59
Impact of the changing business environment on performance measurement and management practices 59
Il benchmarking 58
Crescere in Rete 56
The Performance-Related Pay Systems Design: a Strategy-Based Approach 56
Enhancing resilience in healthcare organisations during COVID-19 pandemic: the key role of information systems 56
Integration of Flexibility from Distributed Energy Resources: Mapping the Innovative Italian Pilot Project UVAM 53
A Cooperative Development Approach to Performance Measurement in a Not-for-Profit Organization: the COPE Galway Case Study 52
A benchmarking tool for organizational development in SMEs 51
Lean accounting in SMEs: a new challenge for performance measurement research 49
Understanding the relationship between PMS and MIS in SMEs: the key role of organizational development 47
Bridging organizations to foster innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: the role of Technology Broker 47
Development of a tool for assessing ISO 9001 audits 47
Performance Measurement in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Empirical Study in Scottish Companies 46
Communication chasms and potential pitfalls in knowledge management within collaborative networks 45
Performance measurement and management in industry 4.0: a multiple case study in Italian SMEs 45
Il distretto dell'occhialeria bellunese: analisi delle ricerche 43
An Empirical Evidence on Future of Performance Measurement & Management (PMM) 43
Developing new product in small manufacturing firms: the role of internal and external integration 43
Performance Measurement with the Balanced Scorecard (Foreword by Robert Kaplan) 42
Performance measurement system in SMEs: diffusion, characteristics and models 41
Performance Management in Innovative SMEs: the Key Role of the Social Media 41
Diagnosi dello sviluppo nuovi prodotti: verso un audit normativo - contingente 40
Performance-related pay system: a design methodology 40
The performance measurement in the public sector: a science mapping analysis 40
Diagnosi dello sviluppo nuovi prodotti: verso un audit normativo - contingente 39
L'audit per lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti per le piccole e medie imprese 39
The strategy-Focused Face of SMEs 38
The Interplay Between Performance Measurement, Organisational Culture and Management Styles 38
Performance management process in SMEs: a maturity model based on literature and practice 38
Management Development Needs in SMEs: Managerial Practices versus Theory 38
The Evolution of Balanced Scorecard in Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Its Design, Implementation, Use, and Review 37
Managerial Growth in Small and Medium Enterprises: Performance Measurement as a key system supporting companies development 37
The Performance Measurement in the Public Sector: A systematic review 37
Coaching Effectiveness in Performance Measurement and Management: An Exploratory Review in the Industry 4.0 Era 37
Performance Measurement Systems in Italian and Indian SMEs: the role of Corporate Governance Structures 36
Key managerial activities to support public performance measurement and management: The case of an effective Italian Court 36
Impact of national culture on performance measurement systems in manufacturing firms 36
“Performance management practices and coaching projects: a survey” 35
Supply Chain Risk Management: a multi-professional perspective 35
Tre casi di E-learning 35
Lo sviluppo qualitativo nelle piccole e medie imprese 35
Elementi della formazione integrata 35
Totale 7.379
Categoria #
all - tutte 26.858
article - articoli 15.613
book - libri 859
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 165
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 1.915
Totale 45.410

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020572 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 106 114 138 154 60
2020/20211.058 60 61 84 79 50 57 32 103 104 101 87 240
2021/20221.023 35 173 80 77 38 71 45 82 34 71 100 217
2022/2023714 188 16 3 51 120 77 15 51 78 14 58 43
2023/2024788 44 55 43 58 86 72 31 64 37 93 104 101
2024/20251.323 35 189 123 87 502 55 147 185 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.814