Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche - DiSCOG  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A germline predictive signature of response to platinum chemotherapy in esophageal cancer 2016 MALACRIDA, SANDROBATTAGLIA, GIORGIOCASTORO, CARLOAMADORI, ALBERTO + TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH - -
Detection of genetic alterations in cfDNA as a possible strategy to monitor the neoplastic progression of Barrett's esophagus 2017 Boldrin, ElisaMalacrida, SandroRealdon, StefanoFassan, MatteoBattaglia, GiorgioAmadori, AlbertoRugge, Massimo + TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH - -
DJ-1 and SOD1 Act Independently in the Protection against Anoxia in Drosophila melanogaster 2022 Federica De LazzariFrancesco AgostiniDavide DoniSandro MalacridaMauro A. ZordanPaola CostantiniLuigi BubaccoFederica SandrelliMarco Bisaglia ANTIOXIDANTS - -
Effects of the Ketogenic diet in overweight divers breathing Enriched Air Nitrox 2018 Bosco, GerardoRizzato, AlexQuartesan, SilviaCamporesi, EnricoPaganini, MatteoCenci, LorenzoMalacrida, SandroPaoli, Antonio + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Genetic variants of the TERT gene, telomere length, and circulating tert as prognostic markers in rectal cancer patients 2020 Cecchin E.Del Bianco P.Spolverato G.Giunco S.Lonardi S.Malacrida S.Toffoli G.Pucciarelli S.De Rossi A. + CANCERS - -
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy ameliorates osteonecrosis in patients by modulating inflammation and oxidative stress 2018 Bosco, GerardoVezzani, GiulianoRizzato, AlexMalacrida, SandroQuartesan, SilviaCamporesi, Enrico + JOURNAL OF ENZYME INHIBITION AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY - -
Lifespan and ROS levels in different Drosophila melanogaster strains after 24 h hypoxia exposure 2022 Malacrida S.De Lazzari F.Zordan M. A.Bisaglia M.Menti G. M.Meda N.Frighetto G.Bosco G.Strapazzon G.Reggiani C.Gussoni M.Megighian A. + BIOLOGY OPEN - -
Nasopharingeal aspirate value in paediatric chronic lower respiratory tract illness 2018 Lunardi FVuljan SEPerissinotto EPezzuto FMalacrida SBugin SBERTOZZI, ILARIASnijders DRizzo SBarbato ACalabrese F. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL - -
Oxidative stress assessment in breath-hold diving 2019 Rizzato AMalacrida SPaganini MCancellara PBosco G + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY - -
Polymorphims of innate immunity genes influence disease progression in HIV-1 infected children 2012 GIANESIN, KETTYMALACRIDA, SANDROGIAQUINTO, CARLODE ROSSI, ANITA + RETROVIROLOGY - Abstracts from the 17th International Symposium on HIV and Emerging Infectious Diseases (ISHEID)
Secretion-Positive LGI1 Mutations Linked to Lateral Temporal Epilepsy Impair Binding to ADAM22 and ADAM23 Receptors 2016 Leonardi, EmanuelaBelluzzi, ElisaMALACRIDA, SANDROVITIELLO, LIBEROGREGGIO, ELISATOSATTO, SILVIO + PLOS GENETICS - -
Transcription Factors Regulation in Human Peripheral White Blood Cells during Hypobaric Hypoxia Exposure: an in-vivo experimental study. 2019 Malacrida SGiannella ACeolotto GReggiani CStrapazzon G. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -