Università di Padova  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 22 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.049 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A semi-quantitative risk assessment of remote handling operations on the SPES Front-End based on HAZOP-LOPA 2024 Lilli, GiordanoSanavia, MatteoOboe, RobertoVianello, ChiaraAndrighetto, Alberto + RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY - -
Formal Verification of the Control Software of a Radioactive Material Remote Handling System, Based on IEC 61499 2023 Lilli, GiordanoOboe, Roberto + IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF THE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS SOCIETY - -
High temperature compression tests on graphite POCO EDM-3, used in devices for SPES project 2019 L. CentofanteA. AndrighettoS. CorradettiG. LilliM. ManzolaroD. ScarpaG. PreteL. BiasettoG. MeneghettiR. OboeP. NicolosiP. ColomboM. GuerzoniA. ZenoniM. TosatoM. Verona + LNL- ANNUAL REPORT - -
Low energy radioactive ion beams at SPES for nuclear physics and medical applications 2023 Andrighetto, AlbertoMonetti, AlbertoCorradetti, StefanoLilli, GiordanoMeneghetti, GiovanniColombo, PaoloBiasetto, LisaOboe RobertoLunardon Marcello + NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS - -
Machine Protection System Design 2023 D. MarcatoA. MonettiG. LilliL. PranoviD. Benini + LNL- ANNUAL REPORT - -
Maintenance assessment of the SPES Front-End 2022 M. SanaviaG. LilliA. AndrighettoM. BallanD. BeniniL. CentofanteS. CorradettiM. ManzolaroA. MonettiL. MorselliR. OboeD. ScarpaC. Vianello + LNL- ANNUAL REPORT - -
New solid state laser system for SPES: Selective Production of Exotic Species project at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro 2022 Scarpa, DBuono, ABallan, MCentofante, LCorradetti, SLilli, GManzolaro, MMonetti, AMorselli, LAndrighetto, A + REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS ONLINE - -
Preliminary design of the Target Window for SPES Project at LNL 2020 A. AndrighettoS. CorradettiG. LilliM. ManzolaroD. ScarpaG. PreteL. BiasettoG. MeneghettiR. OboeP. NicolosiP. ColomboM. GuerzoniA. Zenoni + LNL- ANNUAL REPORT - -
Remote handling of radioactive targets at the SPES facility 2023 Lilli, GiordanoAndrighetto, AlbertoCorradetti, StefanoMonetti, AlbertoOboe, Roberto + IL NUOVO CIMENTO C - Il nuovo cimento C
Remote handling systems for the Selective Production of Exotic Species (SPES) facility 2022 Lilli, GiordanoCentofante, LisaManzolaro, MattiaMonetti, AlbertoOboe, RobertoAndrighetto, Alberto NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY - -
Risk Assessment of the SPES On-Line Front End: HAZOP and LOPA Analysis 2022 G. LilliM. SanaviaA. AndrighettoM. BallanD. BeniniL. CentofanteS. CorradettiM. ManzolaroA. MonettiL. MorselliR. OboeD. ScarpaC. Vianello + LNL- ANNUAL REPORT - -
Safety-driven design of automation systems in nuclear facilities 2024 LILLI, GIORDANO - - -
Status of the SPES ISOL Front-End: installation and commissioning plan 2023 G. LilliA. AndrighettoS. CorradettiD. MarcatoA. Monetti + LNL- ANNUAL REPORT - -
Study of the radioactive contamination of the ion source complex in the Selective Production of Exotic Species (SPES) facility 2021 Corradetti, SLilli, GMonetti, AAndrighetto, A + REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS - -
Study of the radionuclide deposition in the radioactive ion line of the Selective Production of Exotic Species (SPES) facility 2024 Monetti, A.Corradetti, S.Lilli, G.Andrighetto, A. + APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES - -
Test on the electrostatic dipoles and steerers for the 1+ beam line of the SPES project 2019 L. CentofanteA. AndrighettoS. CorradettiG. LilliM. ManzolaroD. ScarpaM. MiglioranzaG. PreteL. BiasettoR. OboeP. NicolosiP. ColomboM. GuerzoniI. CristofoliniA. ZenoniM. TosatoM. Verona + LNL- ANNUAL REPORT - -
Test on the triplet prototype for the 1+ beam line of the SPES project 2019 L. CentofanteG. LilliD. ScarpaG. PreteL. BiasettoG. MeneghettiR. OboeP. NicolosiP. ColomboM. GuerzoniM. TosatoM. Verona + LNL- ANNUAL REPORT - -
The SPES On-Line Front End Commissioning Test Setup 2020 (3) G. LilliA. AndrighettoM. ManzolaroL. CentofanteS. CorradettiD. ScarpaD. BortolatoD. MarcatoM. RoettaM. MiglioranzaG. PreteL. BiasettoG. MeneghettiR. OboeP. NicolosiP. ColomboM. GuerzoniA. ZenoniM. TosatoM. Verona + LNL- ANNUAL REPORT - -
The SPES target ion source automated storage system 2023 G. LilliA. AndrighettoA. MonettiR. Oboe + - - Proceedings of the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC2023)
The SPES target ion source automated storage system 2024 Lilli, GAndrighetto, AMonetti, AOboe, R + JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES - -