Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.990
EU - Europa 6.956
AS - Asia 1.365
OC - Oceania 77
SA - Sud America 43
AF - Africa 37
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 19.470
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.869
IT - Italia 5.495
CN - Cina 577
SG - Singapore 463
FR - Francia 343
GB - Regno Unito 233
FI - Finlandia 214
UA - Ucraina 130
DE - Germania 126
CA - Canada 118
VN - Vietnam 97
SE - Svezia 96
AU - Australia 69
IN - India 57
NL - Olanda 49
BE - Belgio 42
ES - Italia 39
IE - Irlanda 39
TW - Taiwan 29
HR - Croazia 26
TR - Turchia 26
RO - Romania 24
KR - Corea 23
CH - Svizzera 21
GH - Ghana 20
ID - Indonesia 19
JP - Giappone 16
PL - Polonia 15
BG - Bulgaria 14
BR - Brasile 14
HK - Hong Kong 14
AR - Argentina 12
GR - Grecia 12
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 8
IR - Iran 7
AT - Austria 6
DK - Danimarca 6
EC - Ecuador 6
IL - Israele 6
MY - Malesia 6
PE - Perù 6
PH - Filippine 6
PT - Portogallo 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
CL - Cile 4
DZ - Algeria 4
NG - Nigeria 4
SA - Arabia Saudita 4
HU - Ungheria 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
MA - Marocco 3
MX - Messico 3
TH - Thailandia 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
CI - Costa d'Avorio 2
EU - Europa 2
IQ - Iraq 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
MV - Maldive 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PK - Pakistan 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
SI - Slovenia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
CO - Colombia 1
CY - Cipro 1
EG - Egitto 1
LT - Lituania 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
SM - San Marino 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 19.470
Città #
Fairfield 1.836
Woodbridge 1.081
Houston 930
Ashburn 801
Seattle 731
Chandler 648
Wilmington 637
Ann Arbor 621
Cambridge 576
Padova 505
Milan 356
Singapore 339
Rome 300
Jacksonville 299
Boardman 271
Santa Clara 224
Princeton 221
San Diego 194
Medford 151
Roxbury 126
Des Moines 125
Beijing 106
Naples 98
Nanjing 96
Turin 96
Bologna 95
Dong Ket 95
Helsinki 91
Verona 77
Florence 61
Trento 58
Palermo 54
Bari 47
Catania 41
Cagliari 39
Venice 38
Montreal 36
Brescia 35
Genoa 34
London 33
Shenyang 32
Vicenza 31
Guangzhou 30
Hebei 30
Dublin 29
Rovigo 27
New York 26
Trieste 26
Sydney 25
Mallare 24
Dallas 23
Trois-Rivières 23
Agordo 22
Jiaxing 22
Nanchang 21
Monza 20
Redwood City 20
Istanbul 19
Jinan 18
Treviso 18
Melbourne 17
Tremelo 17
Zagreb 17
Norwalk 16
Taipei 16
Cologno Monzese 15
Dalmine 15
Jakarta 15
Accra 14
Bengaluru 14
Hyderabad 14
Madrid 14
Parma 14
Sarno 14
Tianjin 14
Cattolica 13
Costabissara 13
Pescara 13
Salerno 13
Santa Giustina in Colle 13
Udine 13
Venezia 13
Castello di Brianza 12
Genova 12
Pisa 12
Reggio Calabria 12
Changsha 11
Nice 11
Rimini 11
Scorzè 11
Shawinigan 11
Washington 11
Ancona 10
Dupnitsa 10
Enemonzo 10
Hounslow 10
Paris 10
Perugia 10
Pistoia 10
Rende 10
Totale 13.199
Nome #
Lab-I Empowerment emotivo-motivazionale. Ben-essere dal costrutto teorico alle applicazioni. 903
ADVANCED INSTRUMENTAL ACTIVITIES OF DAILY LIVING SCALE (AIADL): Scala di valutazione delle attività strumentali di tipo avanzato della vita quotidiana degli anziani, in differenti contesti di vita e in un mondo tecnologicamente avanzato e in continuo e rapido cambiamento (proposta valutativa con implicazioni e prospettive diagnostiche e riabilitative). 892
Lab-I Empowerment cognitivo. Intervento e potenziamento della memoria in adulti e anziani. 746
BAC. Benessere e Abilità  Cognitive nell'età  adulta e avanzata. 465
Evidence-based practice recommendations for memory rehabilitation. 400
La capacità  di riserva cerebrale e cognitiva nell'invecchiamento normale. 353
Invecchiamento di successo. Vivere a lungo, vivere bene. 320
Memoria e metacognizione nell'invecchiamento: l'intervento strategico metacognitivo “Lab-I Empowerment Cognitivo". 285
Intuitive physical exercise: gender differences and impact on positive body image and intuitive eating 280
Ben-essere nell'arco di vita 272
Memoria e metacognizione nell’invecchiamento: l’intervento strategico metacognitivo “Lab.I- Empowerment Cognitivo” Ricerche di Psicologia 191
Ricordi falsi: Il ruolo del controllo delle informazioni irrilevanti in memoria di lavoro 187
Batteria VS. Abilità visuo-spaziali nell’arco di vita adulta [VS Battery. Visuo-spatial abilities in adults life span] 175
Interventi di potenziamento del ben-essere psicologico nell'invecchiamento 172
Le funzioni esecutive nell'invecchiamento fisiologico. 171
The Influence of Metacognitive Beliefs on Sleeping Difficulties in Older Adults 171
Valutare la qualità della vita nelle residenze per anziani. Guida all'uso dell'intervista standardizzata Quality_VIA 160
Map Learning in Normal Aging: the Role of Individual Visuo-Spatial Abilities and Implications 150
Map learning in young and older adults: The influence of perceived stereotype threat 145
How to enhance route learning and visuo-spatial working memory in aging: a training for residential care home residents 141
Training working memory in older adults: Is there an advantage of using strategies? 139
Remembering the past and imagining the future: age-related differences between young, young-old and old-old 135
Benefits of Well-Being Training in Healthy Older Adults 134
Impact of metacognition and motivation on the efficacy of strategic memory training in older adults: analysis of specific, transfer and maintenance effects. 131
Personality traits and sleep quality: The role of sleep-related beliefs 131
Modificazioni delle funzioni cognitive nell’invecchiamento 130
Misure oggettive di valutazione funzionale nell’invecchiamento: quali relazioni con le abilita cognitive di base e complesse? 129
Psicologia dell'invecchiamento e della longevità. 125
Noise, age and gender effects on speech intelligibility and sentence comprehension for 11- to 13-year-old children in real classrooms. 125
Age differences in verbal and visuo-spatial working memory updating: Evidence from analysis of serial position curves. 124
Mental rotation training: transfer and maintenance effects on spatial abilities 123
Verbal working memory training in older adults: an investigation of dose response 122
The relevance of memory sensitivity for psychological well-being in aging 121
Is working memory training in older adults sensitive to music? 121
Self-help memory training for healthy older adults in a residential care center: specific and transfer effects on performance and beliefs 121
The influence of personality traits and facets on visuo-spatial task performance and self-assessed visuo-spatial inclinations in young and older adults. 119
Reading comprehension in aging: The role of working memory and metacomprehension 117
Beyond interference control impairment in ADHD: Evidence from increased intraindividual variability in the color-stroop test. 117
Working Memory and Processing Speed mediate the effect of age on a General Ability Construct: Evidence from the Italian WAIS-IV standardization sample 117
Learning a Map of Environment: The Role of Visuo-Spatial Abilities in Young and Older Adults 116
La comprensione del testo in giovani e anziani: un'abilità  stabile? 115
Age-differences in environment route learning: The role of input and recall-test modalities in young and older adults 114
Improvements in Reading Comprehension Performance After a Training Program Focusing on Executive Processes of Working Memory 114
Using dolls for therapeutic purposes: A study on nursing home residents with severe dementia 114
Temi, problemi e prospettive della psicologia dell'invecchiamento. 113
Map learning and the alignment effect in young and older adults: how do they gain from having a map available while performing pointing tasks? 112
Benefits in tasks related to everyday life competences after a working memory training in older adults 112
The role of practice and strategy in mental rotation training: Transfer and maintenance effects 111
Are age-related differences between young and older adults in an affective working memory test sensitive to the music effects? 110
Does a Brief Mindfulness Intervention Counteract the Detrimental Effects of Ego Depletion in Basketball Free Throw Under Pressure? 109
Quotidiana-mente. La valutazione dell’autonomia funzionale e dell’auto-percezione di fallimenti cognitivi in adulti e anziani. 108
Working Memory Training for Healthy Older Adults: The Role of Individual Characteristics in Explaining Short- and Long-Term Gains 106
Increased intraindividual variability is a marker of ADHD but also of dyslexia: A study on handwriting 105
Benefits of training visuospatial working memory in young–old and old–old. 105
La terapia di stimolazione cognitiva: un intervento efficace per la persona con demenza. Programma base e di mantenimento della Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) 105
Learning a route using a map and/or description in young and older adults. 104
Auditory and cognitive performance in elderly musicians and nonmusicians 104
Inhibitory mechanisms in Down syndrome: Is there a specific or general deficit? 104
The role of auditory abilities in basic mechanisms of cognition in older adults 103
Emotional prosody effects on verbal memory in older and younger adults 103
Environment Learning from Spatial Descriptions: The Role of Perspective and Spatial Abilities in Young and Older Adults 103
Is there an affective working memory deficit in patients with chronic schizophrenia? 102
Spatial abilities across the adult life span. 102
Working memory, control of interference and everyday experience of thought interference: when age makes the difference. 102
Performance-based everyday functional competence measures across the adult lifespan: the role of cognitive abilities 101
Separating math from anxiety: The role of inhibitory mechanisms 101
Examining an emotion enhancement effect in working memory: Evidence from age-related differences 100
Effetti di trasferimento di un training di memoria di lavoro verbale a prove di intelligenza fluida e ad abilità di vita quotidiana 100
The relationship between intelligence, working memory, academic self-esteem, and academic achievement 100
CON.IMPEGNO PER UN INVECCHIAMENTO ATTIVO. Un programma con attività, strategie e buone prassi per (ri)attivare le risorse mentali. 100
Working memory training: from metaphors to models 100
Training working memory updating in young adults 99
The efficacy of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) for people with mild-to-moderate dementia: A review 99
Does strategic memory training improve the working memory performance of younger and older adults? 97
Role of working memory in explaining the performance of individuals with specific reading comprehension difficulties: A meta-analysis 96
Gains in language comprehension relating to working memory training in healthy older adults 96
Episodic future thinking: the role of working memory and inhibition on age-related differences 96
The Role of Switching, Inhibition and Working Memory in Older Adults' Performance in the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test 93
Adult age differences in the Color Stroop Test: A comparison between an Item-by-item and a Blocked version 93
When the mind wanders: Age-related differences between young and older adults 93
Age Differences in Text Processing: The Role of Working Memory, Inhibition, and Processing Speed 92
Do working memory and susceptibility to interference predict individual differences in fluid intelligence? 92
Working memory training in older adults: evidence of transfer and maintenance effects. 92
Inferential false memories for emotional events in older adults 92
The efficacy of a training that combines activities on working memory and metacognition: transfer and maintenance effects in children with ADHD and typical development 92
Efficacy of cognitive stimulation therapy for older adults with vascular dementia [Eficácia da terapia de estimulação cognitiva para idosos com demência vascular] 90
Is working memory affective in dementia of alzheimer’s type? 89
Environment learning using descriptions or navigation: The involvement of working memory in young and older adults 89
Reading Comprehension and aging: Does an age-related difference necessarily mean impairment? 88
Working memory training in old-age: an examination of transfer and maintenance effects. 88
Benefits of training working memory in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: specific and transfer effects 87
I meccanismi base della cognizione nell'invecchiamento: memoria di lavoro, inibizione e velocità  di elaborazione 85
The ability to point to well-known places in young and older adults 85
Map learning in young and older adults: what is the effect to re-present the map in recall phase? 84
The influence of training task stimuli on transfer effects of working memory training in aging 83
Working memory and inhibitory control across the life span: Intrusion errors in the Reading Span Test 81
Cognitive stimulation therapy in the Italian context: its efficacy in cognitive and non-cognitive measures in older adults with dementia 81
Age differences in proactive interference in verbal and visuospatial working memory. 80
The structure of visuospatial memory in adulthood 79
Totale 14.964
Categoria #
all - tutte 62.204
article - articoli 50.192
book - libri 5.476
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.302
Totale 121.174

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.895 0 0 0 0 279 193 231 283 345 267 185 112
2020/20212.907 111 141 177 248 204 230 101 169 427 439 262 398
2021/20222.618 36 150 455 119 151 156 49 329 207 188 285 493
2022/20232.224 363 173 114 154 280 220 74 187 233 98 188 140
2023/20243.389 146 161 250 288 275 236 357 345 241 290 409 391
2024/20252.355 267 451 514 546 577 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.830