Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.268
EU - Europa 861
AS - Asia 498
AF - Africa 6
OC - Oceania 3
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 5.637
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.252
IT - Italia 500
SG - Singapore 241
CN - Cina 206
FR - Francia 75
FI - Finlandia 62
DE - Germania 57
SE - Svezia 49
GB - Regno Unito 43
JP - Giappone 36
UA - Ucraina 22
CA - Canada 15
NL - Olanda 10
CH - Svizzera 9
HU - Ungheria 8
IE - Irlanda 8
EG - Egitto 6
IN - India 6
ES - Italia 4
HK - Hong Kong 4
AU - Australia 3
BE - Belgio 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
TR - Turchia 3
GR - Grecia 2
AT - Austria 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BR - Brasile 1
BS - Bahamas 1
EE - Estonia 1
IR - Iran 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MY - Malesia 1
PL - Polonia 1
RU - Federazione Russa 1
Totale 5.637
Città #
Fairfield 639
Chandler 453
Woodbridge 352
Ashburn 312
Houston 304
Ann Arbor 257
Cambridge 228
Santa Clara 224
Wilmington 213
Singapore 200
Seattle 197
Padova 134
Boardman 125
Jacksonville 111
Princeton 81
Des Moines 71
Medford 65
San Diego 50
Milan 42
Beijing 39
Roxbury 38
Osaki 31
Nanjing 28
Helsinki 27
Rovigo 23
Guangzhou 14
Ottawa 13
Washington 13
London 12
Rome 12
Turate 11
Bologna 10
Eupilio 10
Venice 10
Sant'Angelo Lodigiano 9
Budapest 8
Cagliari 8
Dublin 8
Falls Church 8
Ogden 8
Shenyang 8
Treviso 8
Munich 7
Phoenix 7
Ash Shatibi 6
Jiaxing 6
Nocera Inferiore 6
Changsha 5
Hebei 5
Nanchang 5
New York 5
Nuremberg 5
Taizhou 5
Basel 4
Casier 4
Edinburgh 4
Hangzhou 4
Hounslow 4
Lappeenranta 4
Laure-Minervois 4
Mestre 4
Pescantina 4
Rende 4
Vicenza 4
Agordo 3
Bagheria 3
Brno 3
Canegrate 3
Cavarzere 3
Delhi 3
Detroit 3
Hemel Hempstead 3
Hong Kong 3
Irsina 3
Jinan 3
Kharkiv 3
Mira 3
Naples 3
Norwalk 3
Perth 3
Reggio Emilia 3
San Giovanni la Punta 3
Shimorenjaku 3
Yenibosna 3
Acquaro 2
Amsterdam 2
Auburn Hills 2
Brussels 2
Castel San Pietro Terme 2
Castelbuono 2
Chicago 2
Cuorgnè 2
Genoa 2
Hillsborough 2
Indiana 2
Konstanz 2
Los Angeles 2
Modena 2
Mountain View 2
Ningbo 2
Totale 4.612
Nome #
Unpleasant stimuli differentially modulate inhibitory processes in an emotional Go/NoGo task: an event-related potential study 221
Auditory processing during sleep in preterm infants: An event related potential study 142
Influence of impulsiveness on emotional modulation of response inhibition: An ERP study 139
The Neuropsychological Profile of Infantile Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 137
Dissociating top-down and bottom-up temporal attention in Down syndrome: A neurocostructive perspective 135
Neurocognitive development in preterm infants: insights from different approaches 130
Spatiotemporally dissociable neural signatures for generating and updating expectation over time in children: A High Density-ERP study 129
Spatiotemporal Neurodynamics Underlying Internally and Externally Driven Temporal Prediction: A High Spatial Resolution ERP Study 128
Cross-frequency phase-amplitude coupling as a mechanism for temporal orienting of attention in childhood 123
Functional dissociation of anterior cingulate cortex and intraparietal sulcus in visual working memory 118
Cognitive profile and MRI findings in limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 2I 118
Spatiotemporal neurodynamics of automatic temporal expectancy in 9-month old infants 113
Socio-emotional and cognitive development in intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) and typical development infants: Early interactive patterns and underlying neural correlates. Rationale and methods of the study 109
The role of the P3 and CNV components in voluntary and automatic temporal orienting: A high spatial-resolution ERP study 106
Automatic Temporal Expectancy: A High-Density Event- Related Potential Study 101
Functional hemispheric asymmetries in humans: electrophysiological evidence from preterm infants 100
Exposure to linguistic labels during childhood modulates the neural architecture of race categorical perception 100
La flessibilità dell’apprendimento implicito nello sviluppo tipico e atipico: un confronto tra autismo, ADHD e dislessia. 98
Applying machine learning EEG signal classification to emotion‑related brain anticipatory activity 91
Subclinical executive function impairment in children with asymptomatic, treated phenylketonuria: A comparison with children with immunodeficiency virus 90
Electrophysiological correlates of attentional monitoring during a complex driving simulation task 90
The passive CNV: carving out the contribution of task-related processes to expectancy 88
Cortical auditory event-related potentials in preterm newborns infants: maturational and clinical factors. 84
Driving with intuition: A preregistered study about the EEG anticipation of simulated random car accidents 84
Developmental trajectories of internally and externally driven temporal prediction 81
Neural correlates of attention to emotional facial expressions in dysphoria 79
Cognitive processing in preterm newborns: electrophysiological evidence 75
Subtle Executive Function impairment in HIV-infected and treated phenylketonuric children: a comparison 73
Neuropsychological profile of infantile Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. 70
The Virtual Tray of Objects Task as a novel method to electrophysiologically measure visuo-spatial recognition memory 70
The relationship between maturational factors and auditory cortical processing: an ERP study 68
Cortical auditory processing in preterm newborns: an ERP study. 68
Cognitive profile in LGMD-2I 68
Nascita pretermine e ruolo dell’ambiente. Un’indagine conoscitiva sui reparti di terapia intensiva neonatale in Italia 66
The two faces of avoidance: Time-frequency correlates of motivational disposition in blood phobia 66
Should I stay or should I go? How local-global implicit temporal expectancy shapes proactive motor control: An hdEEG study 65
The Effect of Probabilistic Context on Implicit Temporal Expectations in Down Syndrome 64
Il punto di vista delle Neuroscienze Cognitive dello Sviluppo 63
EEG anticipation of random high and low arousal faces and sounds 63
Implicit learning e flessibilità: il caso della dislessia e dell’ADHD. 62
Prompting future events: Effects of temporal cueing and time on task on brain preparation to action 59
The Developing Predictive Brain: How Implicit Temporal Expectancy Induced by Local and Global Prediction Shapes Action Preparation Across Development 55
Behavioral and Socio-Emotional Disorders in Intellectual Giftedness: A Systematic Review 54
Auditory event-related potentials in preterm infants recorded in quiet and active sleep 53
How time shapes cognitive control: A high-density EEG study of task-switching 52
Neuropsychological and behavioral profiles of self-limited epileptic syndromes of childhood: a cross-syndrome comparison 52
Chi controlla i controllori? Una rivisitazione del concetto di «top-down» nelle funzioni esecutive e relative implicazioni per lo sviluppo cognitivo tipico e atipico 50
Implicit cognitive flexibility in self-limited focal epilepsy of childhood: An HD-EEG study 49
Cognitive and neuroradiological profile in LGMD-2I 46
Investigation of dynamic functional connectivity of the source reconstructed epileptiform discharges in focal epilepsy: A graph theory approach 46
Grounding Adaptive Cognitive Control in the Intrinsic, Functional Brain Organization: An HD-EEG Resting State Investigation 44
Un nuovo paradigma per lo studio dei correlati elettrofisiologici dell’elaborazione temporale implicita 40
Cognitive profile in LGMD-2I 39
Dealing with uncertainty: A high-density EEG investigation on how intolerance of uncertainty affects emotional predictions 39
Cognitive profile in LGMD-2I 36
Implicit learning of non-verbal regularities by deaf children with cochlear implants: An investigation with a dynamic temporal prediction task 35
What's next? Neural correlates of emotional predictions: A high-density EEG investigation 35
The case of late preterm birth: sliding forwards the critical window for cognitive outcome risk 34
L’entità dell’effetto inversione in volti, corpi e case: uno studio ERP 33
Effects of predictability on emotional processing: a high-density EEG investigation. 31
The role of frontoparietal circuit in time discrimination: a rTMS study 30
Does intolerance of uncertainty affect emotional predictions? A high-density EEG investigation. 30
The development of a flexible bodily representation: behavioural outcomes and brain oscillatory activity during the Rubber Hand Illusion in preterm and full-term school-age children 30
Adaptive Cognitive Control in Prematurely Born Children: An HD-EEG Investigation 29
Unbalanced functional connectivity at rest affects the ERP correlates of affective prediction in high intolerance of uncertainty individuals: A high density EEG investigation 27
Adaptive cognitive control in preterm children: and HD-EEG investigation. 27
Elaborazione di espressioni facciali emozionali in soggetti disforici: uno studio ERP 27
Effetti della predittività sull’elaborazione emozionale: uno studio ERP 27
Face specific neural anticipatory activity in infants 4 and 9 months old 25
To risk it or not: how the global predictive context shapes children’s anticipation of riskiness in a decision-making task. 25
Can I afford one more candy? How motivational contexts shape Adaptive Cognitive Control in children 25
Intolleranza all’incertezza e correlati neurali delle predizioni emozionali: uno studio EEG ad alta densità. 25
Degenerate pathway for processing smile and other emotional expressions in congenital facial palsy: an hdEEG investigation 25
Methodological Issues in Evaluating Machine Learning Models for EEG Seizure Prediction: Good Cross-Validation Accuracy Does Not Guarantee Generalization to New Patients 24
Correlati neurali della predizione emozionale: uno studio EEG. 24
Emotional processing as a function of different probabilistic contexts: a high-density EEG investigation. 24
Can faces affect object-based attention? Evidence from online experiments 23
The construction of emotional predictions: a high-density EEG investigation on the role of probabilistic context. 22
Impulsività e inibizione della risposta in contesti emozionali: un’indagine tramite potenziali evento-relati. 20
How previous experience shapes future affective subjective ratings: A follow-up study investigating implicit learning and cue ambiguity 19
Emotion regulation strategies differentially modulate neural activity across affective prediction stages: An HD-EEG investigation 18
Calibrating Deep Learning Classifiers for Patient-Independent Electroencephalogram Seizure Forecasting 18
Unbalanced functional connectivity at rest affects the ERP correlates of affective prediction in high Intolerance of Uncertainty individuals: a high density EEG investigation. 18
Little fast, little slow, should I stay or should I go? Adapting cognitive control to local-global temporal prediction across typical development 17
Resting state network dynamic reconfiguration and neuropsychological functioning in temporal lobe epilepsy: An HD-EEG investigation 17
Faces do not guide attention in an object-based facilitation manner 16
Doing Experimental Psychological Research from Remote: How Alerting Differently Impacts Online vs. Lab Setting 16
Challenges and new perspectives of developmental cognitive EEG studies 16
Altered spreading of neuronal avalanches in temporal lobe epilepsy relates to cognitive performance: A resting-state hdEEG study 14
The inversion effect for human faces and bodies: Same or different? An ERP investigation. 14
Emotion regulation strategies differentially modulate neural activity across affective prediction stages: an HD-EEG investigation. 11
From «what» to «how»: Learning and context as fundamental factors in the regulation of inhibitory control [DAL «COSA» AL «COME»: L’APPRENDIMENTO E IL CONTESTO COME FATTORI FONDAMENTALI NELLA REGOLAZIONE DEL CONTROLLO INIBITORIO] 10
Dynamic transient brain states in preschoolers mirror parental report of behavior and emotion regulation 10
Italian Children Grappling With Uncertainty: An Investigation Through the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale – Parent (IUS-P) 3
Totale 5.757
Categoria #
all - tutte 25.404
article - articoli 20.284
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 167
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 176
Totale 46.031

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020443 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 93 86 79 51 37
2020/2021986 17 55 74 99 20 37 15 85 95 308 118 63
2021/2022916 14 96 108 45 43 49 43 85 59 62 84 228
2022/2023850 147 88 44 84 117 120 14 79 96 11 33 17
2023/2024657 24 63 65 59 46 84 34 36 30 32 98 86
2024/2025809 18 151 77 120 359 80 4 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.757