Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale - ICEA  

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Risultati 1 - 18 di 18 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.055 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Assessment and improvement of the seismic safety of historic constructions: research and applications in Italy 2008 MODENA, CLAUDIOVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSADA PORTO, FRANCESCAMUNARI, MARCOMAZZON, NICOLAPANIZZA, MATTEO + - - -
Criteri e tecniche per l'intervento di miglioramento sismico di edifici storici 2009 MODENA, CLAUDIOVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSADA PORTO, FRANCESCAGARBIN, ENRICOPANIZZA, MATTEOMAZZON, NICOLAMUNARI, MARCODALLA BENETTA, MASSIMO + - - Il dopo terremoto della Val Sabbia e Del Garda: tra esigenze di tutela e requisiti di sicurezza
Discrete element modelling of punch tests with a double-twist hexagonal wire mesh 2017 Pol A.Gabrieli F.Mazzon N. + - - RocExs 2017 6th Interndisciplinary Workshop on Rockfall Protection
Dynamic identification and damage detection of multi-leaf stone masonry building by shaking table test 2010 MAZZON, NICOLAVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSACASARIN FMODENA, CLAUDIO + JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING - -
Dynamic modal identification of strengthened three-leaf stone masonry walls subjected to out-of-plane shaking table tests 2013 MAZZON, NICOLAVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSAGIARETTON, MARTAMODENA, CLAUDIO - - XV Convegno ANIDIS - L’Ingegneria Sismica in Italia
Effectiveness of injections evaluated by sonic tests on reduced scale multi-leaf masonry building subjected to seismic actions 2009 VALLUZZI, MARIA ROSAMAZZON, NICOLAMUNARI, MARCOMODENA, CLAUDIO + - - Proceedings of 7th International Symposiumon Non Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering
Experimental characterization of out-of-plane seismic response of strengthened three-leaf stone masonry walls by shaking table test 2013 VALLUZZI, MARIA ROSAMAZZON, NICOLAGARBIN, ENRICOMODENA, CLAUDIO - - XV Convegno ANIDIS - L’Ingegneria Sismica in Italia
Infuence of Grout Injection on the Dynamic Behaviour of Stone Masonry Buildings 2010 Mazzon, Nicola - - -
Iniettabilità ed efficacia dell’iniezione di miscele consolidanti in murature multistrato di pietra 2009 VALLUZZI, MARIA ROSADA PORTO, FRANCESCAMAZZON, NICOLAGARBIN, ENRICOMODENA, CLAUDIO - - -
Intervention criteria for historic masonry constructions subjected to seismic actions / Kryteria interwencji dla historycznych konstrukcji murowanych podlegających oddziaływaniom sejsmicznym 2009 MODENA, CLAUDIOVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSADA PORTO, FRANCESCAGARBIN, ENRICOMUNARI, MARCOMAZZON, NICOLAPANIZZA, MATTEODALLA BENETTA, MASSIMO + WIADOMOSCI KONSERWATORSKIE - WIADOMOSCI KONSERWATORSKIE
Out-of-plane shake-table tests of strengthened multi-leaf stone masonry walls 2017 Giaretton, MartaValluzzi, Maria RosaMazzon, NicolaModena, Claudio BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - -
Recent advances in the structural analysis and intervention criteria for historic stone masonry constructions subjected to seismic actions / Najnoviji pomaci u analizi konstrukcija i kriterijima za izvodenje zahvata na historijskim kameninm zidanim konstrukcijama izlozenim siezmickom djelovanju 2010 MODENA, CLAUDIOVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSADA PORTO, FRANCESCAGARBIN, ENRICOMUNARI, MARCOMAZZON, NICOLAPANIZZA, MATTEODALLA BENETTA, MASSIMO + - - Assessment and strengthening of historical stone masonry structures subjected to seismic actions
Shaking table tests on multi-leaf stone masonry structures: analyses of stiffness decay 2010 MAZZON, NICOLAVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSAMODENA, CLAUDIO + ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH - SAHC2010 Structural analysis of historical constructions – Strengthening and retrofitting
Shaking table tests on two multi-leaf stone masonry buildings 2009 MAZZON, NICOLAVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSAGARBIN, ENRICOMODENA, CLAUDIO + - - Proceedings of the 11th Canadian Masonry Symposium
Sperimentazione su tavola vibrante di modelli di edificio in muratura di pietra multistrato 2009 MAZZON, NICOLAVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSAGARBIN, ENRICOMODENA, CLAUDIO + - - XIII Convegno di Ingegneria Sismica, ANIDIS
Strengthening of RC beams with an innovative timber-FRP composite system 2008 MAZZON, NICOLAVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSA + MECHANICS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS - -
Structural interventions on historical masonry buildings: review of Eurocode 8 provisions in the light of the Italian experience 2009 MODENA, CLAUDIODA PORTO, FRANCESCAGARBIN, ENRICOMAZZON, NICOLAMUNARI, MARCOPANIZZA, MATTEOVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSA + - - Eurocode 8 Perspectives from the Italian Standpoint Workshop
Systemic improvement of overall seismic response 2012 VALLUZZI, MARIA ROSAMAZZON, NICOLA + - - Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions