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Risultati 1 - 20 di 363 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.054 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Bayesian approach to rapid seismic vulnerability assessment at urban scale 2018 CAMPOSTRINI, GIAN-PAOLOTaffarel, SabrinaBettiol, GiuliaValluzzi, Maria RosaDa Porto, FrancescaModena, Claudio INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE - -
A contribution to the characterization of masonry typologies by using sonic waves investigations 2009 VALLUZZI, MARIA ROSADA PORTO, FRANCESCAMODENA, CLAUDIO + - - 7th International Symposium on Non Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering
A masonry infill wall model with in-plane—out-of-plane interaction applied to pushover analysis of RC frames 2016 Longo, F.GRANELLO, GABRIELETecchio, G.da Porto, F.Modena, C. - - Brick and Block Masonry: Trends, Innovations and Challenges - Proceedings of the 16th International Brick and Block Masonry Conference, IBMAC 2016
A Multilevel Procedure at Urban Scale to Assess the Vulnerability and the Exposure of Residential Masonry Buildings: The Case Study of Pordenone, Northeast Italy 2020 Vettore, MarcoDonà, MarcoCarpanese, PietroFollador, Veronicada Porto, FrancescaValluzzi, Maria Rosa HERITAGE - -
A new code approach to the seismic vulnerability assessment of historic masonry buildings 2006 DA PORTO, FRANCESCAVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSA + - - Structural Analysis of historical constructions - Possibilities of numerical and experimental techniques
A new combined approach to prioritise seismic retrofit interventions on stocks of r.c. school buildings 2023 Saler, Eda Porto, F + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION - -
A new macro-model to analyse the combined in-plane/out-of-plane behaviour of unreinforced and strengthened infill walls 2022 Donà M.Verlato N.da Porto F. + ENGINEERING STRUCTURES - -
A simplified procedure for seismic vulnerability assessment of railway masonry arch bridges 2015 da Porto F.Tecchio G.Modena C. - - Concepção, Conservação e Reabilitação de Pontes
A strengthening technique for timber floors using traditional materials 2004 MODENA, CLAUDIOVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSAGARBIN, ENRICODA PORTO, FRANCESCA - - Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions. Possibilities of Numerical and Experimental Techniques.
Aggiornamento della sicurezza degli edifici esistenti secondo il nuovo approccio della normativa sismica 2007 DA PORTO, FRANCESCAVALLUZZI, MARIA ROSAMODENA, CLAUDIO + - - -
Ambient and free-vibration tests to improve the quantification and estimation of modal parameters in existing bridges 2019 Lorenzoni F.De Conto N.da Porto F.Modena C. JOURNAL OF CIVIL STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING - -
An inventory of unreinforced load-bearing stone masonry buildings in New Zealand 2014 GIARETTON, MARTADA PORTO, FRANCESCA + BULLETIN OF THE NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY FOR EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - -
Analisi del danno e indagini strutturali in dieci edifici residenziali in c.a. a L’Aquila 2013 MORBIN, RICCARDOSTIEVANIN, ELENAZANINI, MARIANO ANGELOPELLEGRINO, CARLODA PORTO, FRANCESCAMODENA, CLAUDIO + - - XV Convegno ANIDIS - L'Ingegneria Sismica in Italia
Analisi di vulnerabilità sismica e interventi di miglioramento strutturale di un aggregato nel centro storico de L’Aquila 2011 MUNARI, MARCODA PORTO, FRANCESCAMODENA, CLAUDIO + - - Atti del XIV Convegno ANIDIS, L’Ingegneria Sismica in Italia
Analisi limite per la valutazione della capacità sismica trasversale di ponti multi-campata in muratura con pile snelle 2013 TECCHIO, GIOVANNIDA PORTO, FRANCESCAMODENA, CLAUDIO + - - XV Convegno ANIDIS - L’Ingegneria Sismica in Italia
Analysis and Comparison of EBR Techniques Applied to Masonry Vaults 2018 Cescatti E.da Porto F.Modena C. - ACI SP Composites with inorganic matrix for Repair of Concrete and Masonry Structures
Analysis and repair of clustered buildings: Case study of a block in the historic city centre of L'Aquila (Central Italy) 2013 DA PORTO, FRANCESCAMUNARI, MARCOMODENA, CLAUDIO + CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS - -
Analysis of out-of-plane behaviour of tall reinforced masonry walls under P-Δ effects 2011 DA PORTO, FRANCESCA + - - -
Analytical Model for Estimating the Out-of-Plane Behaviour of Masonry 2025 Gaspari, MarcoDona, Marcoda Porto, Francesca - LECTURE NOTES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering