Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII
3D near-bed flow field measurements at low sediment transport rates
2010 Tregnaghi, Matteo; A., BUSOLIN BOTTACIN; S. J., Tait; Marion, Andrea
A contaminant transport model for wetlands accounting for distinct residence time bimodality
2014 Musner, T.; Bottacin Busolin, A.; Zaramella, Mattia; Marion, Andrea
A Eulerian-Lagrangian model for simulating fish pathline distributions in vertical slot fishways
2024 Ruiz-Coello, M. X.; Bottacin Busolin, A.; Marion, A.
A Method for Calibrating the Transient Storage Model from the Early and Late-Time Behavior of Breakthrough Curves
2023 Dallan, E.; Bottacin Busolin, A.; Zaramella, M.; Marion, A.
A new conversion model for areal sampling of fluvial sediments.
1997 Marion, Andrea; Fraccarollo,
A New Theoretical Framework to Model Incipient Motion of Sediment Grains and Implications for the Use of Modern Experimental Techniques
2013 Marion, Andrea; Tregnaghi, Matteo
A numerical study of the effect of wetland shape and inlet-outlet configuration on wetland performance
2017 Sabokrouhiyeh, Nima; Bottacin-Busolin, Andrea; Savickis, Jevgenijs; Nepf, Heidi; Marion, Andrea
A numerical study of the effects of vegetation patterns on wetland performance
2015 Bottacin-Busolin, Andrea; Fabris, L; Zaramella, Mattia; Marion, Andrea
A residence time model for stream-subsurface exchange of contaminants
2005 Marion, Andrea; Zaramella, M.
Affinity and similarity of local scour holes at bed sills
2007 Tregnaghi, Matteo; Marion, Andrea; Gaudio, R.
An Evolutionary Approach to Wetlands Design
2013 Marco, Gaudesi; Marion, Andrea; Musner, Tommaso; Giovanni, Squillero; Alberto, Tonda
Analysis of small-scale gravel bed topography during armouring
2003 Marion, Andrea; Tait, S. J.; Mcewan, I. K.
Antioxidant Responses Induced by PFAS Exposure in Freshwater Fish in the Veneto Region
2022 Piva, Elisabetta; Schumann, Sophia; Dotteschini, Serena; Brocca, Ginevra; Radaelli, Giuseppe; Marion, Andrea; Irato, Paola; Bertotto, Daniela; Santovito, Gianfranco
Applicability of the Transient Storage Model to the hyporheic exchange of metals
2006 Zaramella, M.; Marion, Andrea; Packman, A.
Application of the Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Modeling All-Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
2015 Maggiolo, Dario; Picano, Francesco; Marion, Andrea; Guarnieri, Massimo
Application of the transient storage model to analyze advective hyporheic exchange with deep and shallow sediment beds
2003 Zaramella, M.; Packman, A.; Marion, Andrea
Aquatic interfaces: a hydrodynamic and ecological perspective
2014 Marion, Andrea; Vladimir, Nikora; Sara, Puijalon; Tjeerd, Bouma; Katinka, Koll; Francesco, Ballio; Simon, Tait; Zaramella, Mattia; Alexander, Sukhodolov; Matthew, O'Hare; Geraldene, Wharton; Jochen, Aberle; Tregnaghi, Matteo; Peter, Davies; Heidi, Nepf; Gary, Parker; Bernhard, Statzner
Assessment of the nutrient removal efficiency of free-surface wetlands with different configurations
2016 Sabokrouhiyeh, Nima; BOTTACIN BUSOLIN, Andrea; Marion, Andrea
Assessment of transient storage exchange and advection-dispersion mechanisms from concentration signatures along breakthrough curves
2016 Zaramella, Mattia; Marion, Andrea; Lewandowski, J.; Nützmann, G.
Characterisation of the prdx4 gene in Squalius cephalus and its role in freshwater environments with varying impact of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
2025 Pacchini, Sara; Vanzan, Giacomo; Schumann, Sophia; Piva, Elisabetta; Bakiu, Rigers; Bertotto, Daniela; Bottacin-Busolin, Andrea; Irato, Paola; Marion, Andrea; Santovito, Gianfranco