Dipartimento di Geoscienze
A comprehensive assessment of stream fragmentation in Great Britain
2019 Jones, J.; Borger, L.; Tummers, J.; Jones, P.; Lucas, M.; Kerr, J.; Kemp, P.; Bizzi, S.; Consuegra, S.; Marcello, L.; Vowles, A.; Belletti, B.; Verspoor, E.; Van de Bund, W.; Gough, P.; Garcia de Leaniz, C.
A Dynamic, Network Scale Sediment (Dis)Connectivity Model to Reconstruct Historical Sediment Transfer and River Reach Sediment Budgets
2022 Tangi, Marco; Bizzi, Simone; Fryirs, Kirstie; Castelletti, Andrea
A framework for coupling explanation and prediction in hydroecological modelling
2014 Surridge, B. W. J.; Bizzi, S.; Castelletti, A.
A multi-scale hierarchical framework for developing understanding of river behaviour to support river management
2016 Gurnell, A. M; Rinaldi, M.; Belletti, B.; Bizzi, Simone; Blamauer, B.; Braca, G.; Buijse, A. D.; Bussettini, M.; Camenen, B.; Comiti, F.; Demarchi, L.; García de Jalón, D.; González del Tánago, M.; Grabowski, R. C.; Gunn, I. D. M.; Habersack, H.; Hendriks, D.; Henshaw, A. J.; Klösch, M.; Lastoria, B.; Latapie, A.; Marcinkowski, P.; Martínez Fernández, V.; Mosselman, E.; Mountford, J. O.; Nardi, L.; Okruszko, T.; O’Hare, M. T.; Palma, M.; Percopo, C.; Surian, Nicola; van de Bund, W.; Weissteiner, C.; Ziliani, L.
A width-based approach to estimating historical changes in coarse sediment fluxes at river reach and network scales
2022 Brenna, A; Bizzi, S; Surian, N
Analysing biological, chemical and geomorphological interactions in rivers using Structural Equation Modelling
2009 Bizzi, S.; Surridge, B.; Lerner, D. N.
Balancing Sediment Connectivity and Energy Production via Optimized Reservoir Sediment Management Strategies
2023 Tangi, M; Bizzi, S; Schmitt, R; Castelletti, A
Changing sediment budget of the Mekong: Cumulative threats and management strategies for a large river basin
2018 Kondolf, G. M.; Schmitt, R. J. P.; Carling, P.; Darby, S.; Arias, M.; Bizzi, S.; Castelletti, A.; Cochrane, T. A.; Gibson, S.; Kummu, M.; Oeurng, C.; Rubin, Z.; Wild, T.
Characterizing fluvial systems at basin scale by fuzzy signatures of hydromorphological drivers in data scarce environments
2014 Schmitt, R.; Bizzi, S.; Castelletti, A.
Characterizing physical habitats in rivers using map-derived drivers of fluvial geomorphic processes
2012 Bizzi, S.; Lerner, D. N.
Combining hillslope erosion and river connectivity models to assess large scale fine sediment transfers: Application over the Rhône River (France)
2024 Fabre, Clément; Fressard, Mathieu; Bizzi, Simone; Branger, Flora; Piegay, Hervé
Combining Hyperspectral, LiDAR, and Forestry Data to Characterize Riparian Forests along Age and Hydrological Gradients
2022 Godfroy, Julien; Lejot, Jérôme; Demarchi, Luca; Bizzi, Simone; Michel, Kristell; Piégay, Hervé
Global mapping of river sediment bars
2024 Carbonneau, Patrice E.; Bizzi, Simone
Hierarchical object-based mapping of riverscape units and in-stream mesohabitats using lidar and VHR imagery
2016 Demarchi, L.; Bizzi, S.; Piegay, H.
How multiple anthropic pressures may lead to unplanned channel patterns: Insights from the evolutionary trajectory of the Po River (Italy)
2024 Brenna, Andrea; Bizzi, Simone; Surian, Nicola
Improved trade-offs of hydropower and sand connectivity by strategic dam planning in the Mekong
2018 Schmitt, R. J. P.; Bizzi, S.; Castelletti, A.; Kondolf, G. M.
Integrating mobile bed numerical modeling into reservoir planning operations: The case study of the hydroelectric plant in Isola Serafini (Italy)
2013 Bernardi, D.; Bizzi, S.; Denaro, S.; Dinh, Q.; Pavan, S.; Schippa, L.; Soncini-Sessa, R.
LiDAR-based fluvial remote sensing to assess 50–100-year human-driven channel changes at a regional level: The case of the Piedmont Region, Italy
2019 Bizzi, S.; Piegay, H.; Demarchi, L.; Van de Bund, W.; Weissteiner, C. J.; Gob, F.
Mapping riverbed sediment size from Sentinel-2 satellite data
2022 Marchetti, G; Bizzi, S; Belletti, B; Lastoria, B; Carbonneau, Pe; Comiti, F
Modelling sediment (dis)connectivity across a river network to understand locational‐transmission‐filter sensitivity for identifying hotspots of potential geomorphic adjustment
2021 Khan, Sana; Fryirs, Kirstie; Bizzi, Simone