Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF
2D numerical modeling of intense bedload-transport processes at confluences of mountain rivers and steep tributaries
2024 Holzner, J.; Ostrander, T. S. P.; Andreoli, A.; Mazzorana, B.; Comiti, F.; Gems, B.
A comparative study of plant water extraction methods for isotopic analyses: Scholander-type pressure chamber vs. cryogenic vacuum distillation
2022 Zuecco, G.; Amin, A.; Frentress, J.; Engel, M.; Marchina, C.; Anfodillo, T.; Borga, M.; Carraro, V.; Scandellari, F.; Tagliavini, M.; Zanotelli, D.; Comiti, F.; Penna, D.
A new monitoring station for debris flows in the European Alps: first observations in the Gadria basin
2014 F., Comiti; L., Marchi; P., Macconi; M., Arattano; Bertoldi, Gabriele; Borga, Marco; F., Brardinoni; M., Cavalli; D'Agostino, Vincenzo; D., Penna; J., Theule
Abundance and morphological effects of large woody debris in forested basins of Southern Andes
2006 Andreoli, Andrea; Comiti, Francesco; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Acumulaciones de detritos lenosos en un cauce de montana de Tierra del Fuego: analisis de la movilidad y de los efectos hidromorfològicos
2008 Mao, Luca; Burns, S; Comiti, Francesco; Andreoli, Andrea; Urciuolo, A; GAVINO NOVILLO, M; Iturraspe, R; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Alternative methods to determine the δ2H-δ18O relationship: An application to different water types
2020 Marchina, C.; Zuecco, G.; Chiogna, G.; Bianchini, G.; Carturan, L.; Comiti, F.; Engel, M.; Natali, C.; Borga, M.; Penna, D.
An integrated approach for investigating geomorphic response to extreme events: Methodological framework and application to the October 2011 flood in the Magra River catchment, Italy
2016 Rinaldi, Massimo; Amponsah, William; Benvenuti, Marco; Borga, Marco; Comiti, Francesco; Lucãa, Ana; Marchi, Lorenzo; Nardi, Laura; Righini, Margherita; Surian, Nicola
Analogia tra i torrenti a morfologia step pool e gli alvei sistemati con opere trasversali
2005 Andreoli, Andrea; Comiti, Francesco; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Areas simultaneously susceptible and (dis-)connected to debris flows in the Dolomites (Italy): regional-scale application of a novel data-driven approach
2024 Pitscheider, F.; Steger, S.; Cavalli, M.; Comiti, F.; Scorpio, V.
Artificial steps to stabilize mountain rivers: a post-project ecological assessment
2009 Comiti, F; Mao, Luca; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE; Siligardi, M.
Assessing the physical vulnerability of check dams through an empirical damage index
2013 Dell'Agnese, A.; Mazzorana, B.; Comiti, F.; VON MARAVIC, P.; D'Agostino, Vincenzo
Bankfull and bed load effective discharge in a steep boulder-bed channel
2005 Mao, Luca; Comiti, Francesco; Andreoli, Andrea; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Bankfull and bed load effective discharge in a steep boulder-bed channel
2005 Mao, Luca; Comiti, Francesco; Andreoli, Andrea; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE; Scussel, G. R.
Basin-scale analysis of the geomorphic effectiveness of flash floods: A study in the northern Apennines (Italy)
2018 Scorpio, V.; Crema, S.; Marra, F.; Righini, M.; Ciccarese, G.; Borga, M.; Cavalli, M.; Corsini, A.; Marchi, L.; Surian, N.; Comiti, F.
Bedload dynamics in steep mountain rivers: Insights from the Rio Cordon experimental station (Italian Alps)
2010 Mao, Luca; Comiti, Francesco; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Bedload dynamics in steep mountain rivers: insights from the Rio Cordon experimental station (Italian Alps)
2010 Mao, Luca; Comiti, Francesco; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Caratteristiche e quantificazione del legname in alveo in corsi d'acqua di grandi dimensioni: risultati preliminari sul fiume Piave
2007 Pecorari, Eliana; Comiti, Francesco; Rigon, Emanuel; Picco, Lorenzo; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Caratteristiche e quantificazione del legname in alveo in corsi d’acqua di grandi dimensioni: risultati preliminari per il fiume Piave (Belluno)
2007 Pecorari, Eliana; Comiti, Francesco; Rigon, Emanuel; Picco, Lorenzo; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Channel adjustments and vegetation cover dynamics in a large gravel bed river over the last 200 years
2011 Comiti, F; DA CANAL, M; Surian, Nicola; Mao, L; Picco, Lorenzo; Lenzi, MARIO ARISTIDE
Channel changes during and after extreme floods in two catchments of the Northern Apennines (Italy)
2024 Scorpio, V.; Comiti, F.