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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A fluvial-dominated, lacustrine, sandy Gilbert-type delta in the Pleistocene Dandiero Basin (Eritrea): sedimentary processes and depositional architecture 2011 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + - - abstract
A sedimentary model for early Palaeozoic fluvial fans, Alderney Sandstone Formation (Channel Islands, UK) 2016 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY - -
Aggradation and lateral migration shaping geometry of a tidal point bar: an example from salt marshes of the Northern Venice Lagoon (Italy). 2016 BRIVIO, LARAGHINASSI, MASSIMILIANOD'ALPAOS, ANDREAFINOTELLO, ALVISEFONTANA, ALESSANDRORONER, MARCELLA + SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY - -
An integrated approach to determine three-dimensional accretion geometries of tidal point bars: Examples from the Venice Lagoon (Italy) 2021 D'Alpaos A.Ghinassi M. + SEDIMENTOLOGY - -
An integrated study of the Homo-bearing Aalat stratigraphic section (Eritrea): An expanded continental record at the Early-Middle Pleistocene transition 2015 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANOCarnevale, GiorgioROOK, LORENZOBONDIOLI, LUCA + JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES - -
Anatomy of an incised valley-fill at an evolving rift margin: Pleistocene of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece 2011 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + - - abstract volume
Anatomy of falling stage to early transgressive fluvial-deltaic deposits: outcrop and borehole data from the lacustrine late Pliocene of the Upper Valdarno Basin (Italy) 2012 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + - - rendiconti società geologica italiana
Arid climate 2.5 Ma in the Plio-Pleistocene Valdarno Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy) 2004 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY - -
Blue Carbon assessment in the salt marshes of the Venice lagoon (Italy) 2022 Alice PuppinDavide TogninMichela PaccagnellaMirella ZancatoMassimiliano GhinassiMarco MaraniAndrea D’Alpaos - - Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology
Blue Carbon Assessment in the Salt Marshes of the Venice Lagoon: Dimensions, Variability and Influence of Storm‐Surge Regulation 2024 Puppin, AliceTognin, DavidePaccagnella, MichelaZancato, MirellaGhinassi, MassimilianoD'Alpaos, ChiaraMarani, MarcoD'Alpaos, Andrea EARTH'S FUTURE - -
Caratterizzazione della decomposizione della materia organica negli ambienti di barena della Laguna di Venezia 2021 Puppin A.Roner M.Finotello A.Ghinassi M.Tommasini L.Marani M.D’Alpaos A. - - XXXVII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
Carbonate Deposition In Restricted Basins: A Pliocene Case Study From the Central Mediterranean (Northwestern Apennines), Italy. 2016 NALIN, RONALDGHINASSI, MASSIMILIANODALLANAVE, EDOARDO + JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH - -
Changes in the wind-wave field within the Venice Lagoon in the last four centuries and related salt-marsh lateral erosion 2018 Laura TommasiniLuca CarnielloMarcella RonerMassimiliano GhinassiAndrea D’Alpaos - - EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Changes in the wind‐wave field and related salt‐marsh lateral erosion: inferences from the evolution of the Venice Lagoon in the last four centuries 2019 Tommasini, LauraCarniello, LucaGhinassi, MassimilianoRoner, MarcellaD'Alpaos, Andrea EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS - -
Channel incision in tidal landscapes: insights from the Venice lagoon 2022 Francesca UguagliatiDavide TogninAlice PuppinMassimiliano GhinassiAndrea D’Alpaos - - Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology
Channel mobility drives a diverse stratigraphic architecture in the dryland Mojave River (California, USA) 2020 Ielpi A.Finotello A.Ghinassi M.D'Alpaos A. + EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS - -
Characterization of organic matter decomposition in the Venice Lagoon using the Tea Bag Index 2021 Puppin A.Roner M.Finotello A.Ghinassi M.Tommasini L.Marani M.D’Alpaos Andrea - - EGU General Assembly 2021
Chute channels in the Holocene high sinuosity-river deposits of the Firenze plain, Tuscany, Italy 2011 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO SEDIMENTOLOGY - -
Climatic and tectonic signature in the fluvial infill of an upper Pliocene valley (Siena basin, northern Apennines, Italy). 2007 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH - -
Comparative facies analysis of the sigmoidal and oblique foreset deposits of Gilbert-type deltas: implications for the recognition of short-term relative sea-level changes 2012 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + - - abstract volume