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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A fluvial-dominated, lacustrine, sandy Gilbert-type delta in the Pleistocene Dandiero Basin (Eritrea): sedimentary processes and depositional architecture 2011 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + - - abstract
A sedimentary model for early Palaeozoic fluvial fans, Alderney Sandstone Formation (Channel Islands, UK) 2016 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY - -
Aggradation and lateral migration shaping geometry of a tidal point bar: an example from salt marshes of the Northern Venice Lagoon (Italy). 2016 BRIVIO, LARAGHINASSI, MASSIMILIANOD'ALPAOS, ANDREAFINOTELLO, ALVISEFONTANA, ALESSANDRORONER, MARCELLA + SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY - -
An integrated approach to determine three-dimensional accretion geometries of tidal point bars: Examples from the Venice Lagoon (Italy) 2021 D'Alpaos A.Ghinassi M. + SEDIMENTOLOGY - -
An integrated study of the Homo-bearing Aalat stratigraphic section (Eritrea): An expanded continental record at the Early-Middle Pleistocene transition 2015 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANOCarnevale, GiorgioROOK, LORENZOBONDIOLI, LUCA + JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES - -
Anatomy of an incised valley-fill at an evolving rift margin: Pleistocene of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece 2011 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + - - abstract volume
Anatomy of falling stage to early transgressive fluvial-deltaic deposits: outcrop and borehole data from the lacustrine late Pliocene of the Upper Valdarno Basin (Italy) 2012 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + - - rendiconti società geologica italiana
Arid climate 2.5 Ma in the Plio-Pleistocene Valdarno Basin (Northern Apennines, Italy) 2004 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY - -
Blue Carbon assessment in the salt marshes of the Venice lagoon (Italy) 2022 Alice PuppinDavide TogninMichela PaccagnellaMirella ZancatoMassimiliano GhinassiMarco MaraniAndrea D’Alpaos - - Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology
Caratterizzazione della decomposizione della materia organica negli ambienti di barena della Laguna di Venezia 2021 Puppin A.Roner M.Finotello A.Ghinassi M.Tommasini L.Marani M.D’Alpaos A. - - XXXVII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche
Carbonate Deposition In Restricted Basins: A Pliocene Case Study From the Central Mediterranean (Northwestern Apennines), Italy. 2016 NALIN, RONALDGHINASSI, MASSIMILIANODALLANAVE, EDOARDO + JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH - -
Changes in the wind-wave field within the Venice Lagoon in the last four centuries and related salt-marsh lateral erosion 2018 Laura TommasiniLuca CarnielloMarcella RonerMassimiliano GhinassiAndrea D’Alpaos - - EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts
Changes in the wind‐wave field and related salt‐marsh lateral erosion: inferences from the evolution of the Venice Lagoon in the last four centuries 2019 Tommasini, LauraCarniello, LucaGhinassi, MassimilianoRoner, MarcellaD'Alpaos, Andrea EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS - -
Channel incision in tidal landscapes: insights from the Venice lagoon 2022 Francesca UguagliatiDavide TogninAlice PuppinMassimiliano GhinassiAndrea D’Alpaos - - Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology
Channel mobility drives a diverse stratigraphic architecture in the dryland Mojave River (California, USA) 2020 Ielpi A.Finotello A.Ghinassi M.D'Alpaos A. + EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS - -
Characterization of organic matter decomposition in the Venice Lagoon using the Tea Bag Index 2021 Puppin A.Roner M.Finotello A.Ghinassi M.Tommasini L.Marani M.D’Alpaos Andrea - - EGU General Assembly 2021
Chute channels in the Holocene high sinuosity-river deposits of the Firenze plain, Tuscany, Italy 2011 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO SEDIMENTOLOGY - -
Climatic and tectonic signature in the fluvial infill of an upper Pliocene valley (Siena basin, northern Apennines, Italy). 2007 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH - -
Comparative facies analysis of the sigmoidal and oblique foreset deposits of Gilbert-type deltas: implications for the recognition of short-term relative sea-level changes 2012 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + - - abstract volume
Deeply channelled Precambrian rivers: Remote sensing and outcrop evidence from the 1.2 Ga Stoer Group of NW Scotland 2016 GHINASSI, MASSIMILIANO + PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH - -