Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare - DMM  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Dynamic G-Quadruplex Region Regulates the HIV-1 Long Terminal Repeat Promoter 2013 PERRONE, ROSALBANADAI, MATTEOFRASSON, ILARIAMANTELLI, BARBARAPALUMBO, MANLIOPALU', GIORGIORICHTER, SARA + - - 4th International Meeting on Quadruplex Nucleic Acids Book of Abstracts
A dynamic G-quadruplex region regulates the HIV-1 LTR promoter 2013 PERRONE, ROSALBANADAI, MATTEOFRASSON, ILARIAPALUMBO, MANLIOG. PalùRICHTER, SARA + - - Virologie - Programme and Book of Abstract
A dynamic i-motif with a duplex stem-loop in the long terminal repeat promoter of the HIV-1 proviral genome modulates viral transcription 2019 Ruggiero, EmanuelaLago, SaraNadai, MatteoFrasson, IlariaRichter, Sara N + NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH - -
Angiotensin II Promotes SARS-CoV-2 Infection via Upregulation of ACE2 in Human Bronchial Cells 2022 Caputo, IlariaCaroccia, BrasilinaFrasson, IlariaPoggio, ElenaMorpurgo, MargheritaSeccia, Teresa M.Calì, TitoBrini, MarisaRichter, Sara N.Rossi, Gian Paolo + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - -
Antimicrobial Treatment and Containment Measures for an Extremely Drug-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST101 Isolate Carrying pKPN101-IT, a Novel Fully Sequenced blaKPC-2 Plasmid 2012 FRASSON, ILARIALAVEZZO, ENRICOFRANCHIN, ELISATOPPO, STEFANOBARZON, LUISARICHTER, SARAPALU', GIORGIO + JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY - -
Basso Livello di resistenza ai fluochinoloni mediato dai geni qnr in ceppi produttori di ESBL 2009 BERGO, CRISTINAFRASSON, ILARIARICHTER, SARA + - - Abstract Book del XXXVIII Congresso Nazionale AMCLI (Associazione Microbiologi Clinici Italiani)
Biophysical characterization and antiviral effect of a cluster of G-Qaudruplex forming sequences in the HIV-1 Nef coding region 2012 PERRONE, ROSALBANADAI, MATTEODEL VECCHIO, CLAUDIAFRASSON, ILARIAPALUMBO, MANLIOG. PalùPAROLIN, MARIA CRISTINARICHTER, SARA - - 11th National Congress of the Italian Society for Virology Abstract book
Characterisation of qnr plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance in Enterobacteriaceae from Italy: association of the qnrB19 allele with the integron element ISCR1 in Escherichia coli 2010 RICHTER, SARAFRASSON, ILARIABERGO, CRISTINAMANGANELLI, RICCARDOPALU', GIORGIO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS - -
Comparison of phenotypic methods for the detection of carbapenem non-susceptible Enterobacteriaceae 2014 FRASSON, ILARIARICHTER, SARAPALU', GIORGIO + GUT PATHOGENS - -
Complete sequence of pKPN101-IT, a novel plasmid harbouring the blaKPC-2 betalactamase gene in a Klebsiella pneumoniae ST101 isolated from a patient in Italy 2012 FRASSON, ILARIALAVEZZO, ENRICOBARZON, LUISAPalù G.RICHTER, SARA + - - Abstract book
Conserved G-quadruplexes regulate the immediate early promoters of human alphaherpesviruses 2019 Frasson I.Nadai M.Richter S. N. MOLECULES - -
Diffusione della resistenza mediata da plasmide di tipo qnr, aac(6')-Ib-cr e qepA nel Nord-Est Italia 2009 FRASSON, ILARIAPALU', GIORGIORICHTER, SARA + - - Abstract Book del XXXVIII Congresso Nazionale AMCLI (Associazione Microbiologi Clinici Italiani)
Editorial: Biology of non-canonical nucleic acids from humans to pathogens 2022 Frasson, Ilaria FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY - -
Efficient SARS-CoV-2 infection antagonization by rhACE2 ectodomain multimerized onto the Avidin-Nucleic-Acid-NanoASsembly 2023 Bernardotto, SimoneFrasson, IlariaSchiavon, ElisaMattarei, AndreaRossi, GianpaoloBrini, MarisaRichter, Sara N.Morpurgo, Margherita + BIOMATERIALS - -
Emerging resistance mechanisms in ESBL-producing strains 2010 FRASSON, ILARIAG. PalùRICHTER, SARA + CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION - Special Issue: Abstracts of the 20th ECCMID, Vienna, Austria, 10-13 April 2010
Evolving epidemiology of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae: molecular characterisation of KPC-positive strains and circulating plasmids 2012 FRASSON, ILARIAPARISI, SAVERIOPALU', GIORGIORICHTER, SARA + CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION - Special Issue: Abstracts of the 22nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, London, United Kingdom, 31 March – 3 April 2012
Formation of a Unique Cluster of G-Quadruplex Structures in the HIV-1 nef Coding Region: Implications for Antiviral Activity 2013 PERRONE, ROSALBANADAI, MATTEOFRASSON, ILARIAPALUMBO, MANLIOPALU', GIORGIORICHTER, SARA + PLOS ONE - -
Formation of a unique cluster of G-quadruplex structures in the HIV-1 nef coding region: implications for antiviral activity 2012 PERRONE, ROSALBANADAI, MATTEODEL VECCHIO, CLAUDIAFRASSON, ILARIAPALUMBO, MANLIOPAROLIN, MARIA CRISTINAPALU', GIORGIORICHTER, SARA - - COST Action MP0802 Final Conference - Conformational diversity and applications of G-quadruplexes Conference booklet
Fused in Liposarcoma Protein, a New Player in the Regulation of HIV-1 Transcription, Binds to Known and Newly Identified LTR G-Quadruplexes 2022 Emanuela RuggieroIlaria FrassonSara N Richter + ACS INFECTIOUS DISEASES - -