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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A comparison between different variants of the spatial Stroop task: The influence of analytic flexibility on Stroop effect estimates and reliability 2023 Viviani, GiadaVisalli, AntoninoFinos, LivioVallesi, AntoninoAmbrosini, Ettore BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS - -
A Maximum Entropy Procedure to Solve Likelihood Equations 2019 Calcagnì AntonioFinos LivioAltoé GianmarcoPastore Massimiliano ENTROPY - -
A new nonparametric approach for multiplicity control: Optimal Subset procedures. 2005 FINOS, LIVIOSALMASO, LUIGI COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS - -
A note on Left-Spherically Distributed Test with covariates 2011 FINOS, LIVIO STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS - -
A novel CFA + EFA model to detect aberrant respondents 2024 Finos, LivioCalcagni', Antonio + JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES C-APPLIED STATISTICS - -
Abstracts of the XXIII rd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG): Poster abstracts 2017 Cecilia SalvoroCAMPANELLI, CARLOLivio FinosGiorgio ValleLuisa MostacciuoloStefania BortoluzziGiovanni Vazza EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY - -
Adjusting Stepwise p-Values in Generalized Linear Models 2010 FINOS, LIVIOSALMASO, LUIGI + COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS. THEORY AND METHODS - -
Advances in Multi-Variate Analysis Methods for New Physics Searches at the Large Hadron Collider 2021 Finos, LivioKotkowski, GrzegorzMenardi, GiovannaScarpa, BrunoStrong, Giles C. + REVIEWS IN PHYSICS - -
Age-related changes in the primary auditory cortex of newborn, adults and aging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are located in the upper cortical layers 2024 Graïc, Jean-MarieCorain, LivioFinos, LivioCentelleghe, CinziaPeruffo, Antonella + FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY - -
All-Resolutions Inference for brain imaging 2018 Finos, LivioSolari, AldoGoeman, Jelle Jurjen + NEUROIMAGE - -
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) haplotypes and cyclosporine A (CsA) response: a model of the complex relationship between ACE quantitative trait locus and pathological phenotypes 2005 FINOS, LIVIO + HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS - -
Assessing the health status of farmed mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) through histological, microbiological and biomarker analyses 2018 Matozzo, ValerioPerolo, AlbertoFinos, LivioBertotto, DanielaRadaelli, GiuseppeQuaglio, Francesco + JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY - -
Behavioural and immunological responses to an immune-challenge in Octopus vulgaris 2013 LOCATELLO, LISAFINOS, LIVIORASOTTO, MARIA BERICA + PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR - -
Biomarker responses in the clam Ruditapes philippinarum and contamination levels in sediments from seaward and landward sites in the Lagoon of Venice 2012 MATOZZO, VALERIOMASIERO, LUCIANOFINOS, LIVIOBRESSAN, MONICAMARIN, MARIA + ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS - -
Body schema plasticity is altered in Developmental Coordination Disorder 2022 Livio Finos + NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA - -
Can ecological history influence immunomarker responses and antioxidant enzyme activities in bivalves that have been experimentally exposed to contaminants? A new subject for discussion in “eco-immunology” studies 2013 MATOZZO, VALERIOFINOS, LIVIOMARIN, MARIABARGELLONI, LUCAMILAN, MASSIMO + FISH AND SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY - -
Cell cycle alterations due to perfluoroalkyl substances PFOS, PFOA, PFBS, PFBA and the new PFAS C6O4 on bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) skin cell 2022 Otero-Sabio, CristinaGiacomello, MartaCentelleghe, CinziaCaicci, FedericoVenerando, AndreaGraïc, Jean-MarieMazzariol, SandroFinos, LivioCorain, LivioPeruffo, Antonella + ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY - -
Conditional inference under simultaneous stochastic ordering constraints 2007 FINOS, LIVIOSALMASO, LUIGI + JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE - -
Confronti multipli tramite metodi di permutazione 2003 FINOS, LIVIOPESARIN, FORTUNATOSALMASO, LUIGI STATISTICA APPLICATA - -
Coping with seawater acidification and the emerging contaminant diclofenac at the larval stage: A tale from the clam Ruditapes philippinarum. 2016 MUNARI, MARCOFINOS, LIVIOMARIN, MARIA + CHEMOSPHERE - -