Dipartimento di Neuroscienze - DNS  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A comparison between different variants of the spatial Stroop task: The influence of analytic flexibility on Stroop effect estimates and reliability 2023 Viviani, GiadaVisalli, AntoninoFinos, LivioVallesi, AntoninoAmbrosini, Ettore BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS - -
A questionnaire to collect unintended effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation: A consensus based approach 2022 Vallesi, AOliveri, MTarantino, VAmbrosini, EBortoletto, MMasina, FMiniussi, CBurgio, F + CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY - -
Action perception as hypothesis testing 2017 AMBROSINI, ETTORE + CORTEX - -
Action selection conflict and intentional binding: An ERP study 2020 Ambrosini E. + CORTEX - -
Affective norms for italian words in older adults: Age differences in ratings of valence, arousal and dominance 2017 AMBROSINI, ETTOREMontefinese, Maria + PLOS ONE - -
Affordances after spinal cord injury 2018 Ambrosini, EttoreBottini, Gabriella + JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGY - -
Aging-related effects on the controlled retrieval of semantic information 2023 Ambrosini, EttorePeressotti, FrancescaBenavides-Varela, SilviaMontefinese, Maria + PSYCHOLOGY AND AGING - -
Asymmetry in prefrontal resting-state EEG spectral power underlies individual differences in phasic and sustained cognitive control 2016 AMBROSINI, ETTOREVALLESI, ANTONINO NEUROIMAGE - -
Bayesian modeling of temporal expectations in the human brain 2019 Antonino VisalliMariagrazia CapizziEttore AmbrosiniIlaria MazzonettoAntonino Vallesi NEUROIMAGE - -
Behavioral Investigation on the Frames of Reference Involved in Visuomotor Transformations during Peripheral Arm Reaching 2012 AMBROSINI, ETTORE + PLOS ONE - -
Body posture differentially impacts on visual attention towards tool, graspable, and non-graspable objects 2017 AMBROSINI, ETTORE + JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-HUMAN PERCEPTION AND PERFORMANCE - -
Body structural representation in schizotypy 2022 Ambrosini E. + SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH - -
Body-environment integration: Temporal processing of tactile and auditory inputs along the schizophrenia continuum 2021 Ambrosini E. + JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH - -
Brain oscillations in cognitive control: a cross-sectional study with a spatial Stroop task 2019 TAFURO, ALESSANDRAAmbrosini E.Vallesi A + NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA - -
Brain oscillatory activity associated with switch and mixing costs during reactive control 2020 Capizzi M.Ambrosini E.Arbula S.Vallesi A. PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Catching the intangible: A role for emotion? 2020 Montefinese M.Ambrosini E.Visalli A. + BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES - -
Cognitive brakes in interference resolution: A mouse-tracking and EEG co-registration study 2020 Alessandra TafuroAntonino VallesiEttore Ambrosini CORTEX - -
Depressed mood, brooding rumination and affective interference: The moderating role of heart rate variability 2021 Dell'Acqua, CarolaDal Bò, ElisaMesserotti Benvenuti, SimoneAmbrosini, EttoreVallesi, AntoninoPalomba, Daniela INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -
Depressive Symptoms and Cognitive Control: the Role of Affective Interference 2022 Dell'Acqua, CarolaMesserotti Benvenuti, SimoneVallesi, AntoninoPalomba, DanielaAmbrosini, Ettore COGNITION & EMOTION - -
Different ways to deal with interference: evidence from young and elderly population 2018 Tafuro A.Ambrosini E.Vallesi A. + - - Abstract Book EWCN 2018