A comparison of updating processes in children good or poor in arithmetic word problem-solving
2005 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Pazzaglia, Francesca
Apprendimento matematico: analisi delle abilità sottostanti e possibili percorsi di intervento
2006 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Lucangeli, Daniela
Approximate additions and working memory in individuals with Down syndrome
2014 Belacchi, Carmen; Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Brentan, Elena; Dante, Arianna; Persi, Lara; Cornoldi, Cesare
Cognitive abilities as precursors of the early acquisition of mathematical skills during first through second grades
2008 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Mammarella, IRENE CRISTINA; Altoe', Gianmarco
Difficulties of children with ADHD symptoms in solving mathematical problems when information must be updated
2016 Re, ANNA MARIA; Lovero, Francesca; Cornoldi, Cesare; Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA
Early numerical abilities and cognitive skills in kindergarten children
2015 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Lanfranchi, Silvia; Altoe', Gianmarco; Nadia, Sollazzo
Executive functions, math anxiety and math performance in middle school students
2022 Živković, Marija; Pellizzoni, Sandra; Mammarella, Irene Cristina; Passolunghi, Maria Chiara
Individual differences in memory updating in relation to arithmetic problem solving
2004 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Pazzaglia, Francesca
Influenza della memoria di lavoro visiva e spaziale sull'abilità di soluzione dei problemi aritmetici
2011 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Mammarella, IRENE CRISTINA; DEL TORRE, E.
Mathematics anxiety, working memory, and mathematics performance in secondary-school children
2016 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Caviola, Sara; DE AGOSTINI, Ruggero; Perin, Chiara; Mammarella, IRENE CRISTINA
Maths anxiety in primary and secondary school students: Gender differences, developmental changes and anxiety specificity
2016 Hill, Francesca; Mammarella, IRENE CRISTINA; Devine, Amy; Caviola, Sara; Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Szucs, Denes
Meta-analysis on inhibition from childhood to young adulthood in people with Down syndrome
2021 Fontana, M.; Usai, M. C.; Toffalini, E.; Passolunghi, M. C.
Selective Spatial Working Memory Impairment in a Group of Children With Mathematics Learning Disabilities and Poor Problem-Solving Skills
2012 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Mammarella, IRENE CRISTINA
Spatial working memory impairments in children with difficulties in arithmetic word problem-solving
2010 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Mammarella, IRENE CRISTINA
The contribution of general cognitive abilities and approximate number system to early mathematics
2014 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; E., Cargnelutti; Pastore, Massimiliano
The relationship betweens math anxiety and arithmetic reasoning: The mediating role of working memory and self-competence
2023 Zivkovic, M.; Pellizzoni, S.; Mammarella, I. C.; Passolunghi, M. C.
The role of working memory updating, inhibition, fluid intelligence, and reading comprehension in explaining differences between consistent and inconsistent arithmetic word-problem-solving performance
2022 Passolunghi, M. C.; De Blas, G. D.; Carretti, B.; Gomez-Veiga, I.; Doz, E.; Garcia-Madruga, J. A.
Working Memory Failures in Children with Arithmetical Difficulties
2008 Passolunghi, MARIA CHIARA; Cornoldi, Cesare