Dipartimento di Neuroscienze - DNS  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
2004-2015 - 12 anni di screening uditivo neonatale universale. Il significato della continuità assistenziale e l’importanza del follow-up. 2015 Cama E. 1, 2SCIMEMI, PIETROMAININI, NICOLETTASANTARELLI, ROSAMARIA + - - 35 SIAF 2015 Aggiornamenti in audiologia infantile - Abstract book
A European perspective on auditory processing disorder-current knowledge and future research focus 2017 Santarelli, Rosamaria + FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY - -
A multicenter study on the prevalence and spectrum of mutations in the otoferlin gene (OTOF) in subjects with non-Syndromic Hearing impairment and auditory neuropathy. 2008 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIAARSLAN, EDOARDO + HUMAN MUTATION - -
A New Method for Deconvolution of Steady State Responses 2002 SPARACINO, GIOVANNISANTARELLI, ROSAMARIAARSLAN, EDOARDO + - - Abstracts of IX International Symposium on Audiological Medicine
A novel missense mutation in the Connexin 26 gene associated with autosomal recessive nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing loss in a consanguineous Tunisian family 2009 CAMA, ELONASANTARELLI, ROSAMARIAARSLAN, EDOARDO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - -
A novel mutation of the EYA4 gene associated with post-lingual hearing loss in a proband is co-segregating with a novel PAX3 mutation in two congenitally deaf family members 2018 CESCA, FEDERICABETTELLA, ELISAPOLLI, ROBERTACAMA, ELONASCIMEMI, PIETROSANTARELLI, ROSAMARIAMURGIA, ALESSANDRA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - -
Abilità percettivo-verbali e sviluppo del linguaggio in bambini impiantati con e senza disabilità associate 2007 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIA + - - Atti del XXXI Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Audiologia e Foniatria
Abnormal cochlear potentials from deaf patients with mutations in the otoferlin gene 2009 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIASCIMEMI, PIETROCAMA, ELONAARSLAN, EDOARDO + JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH IN OTOLARYNGOLOGY - -
Abnormal cochlear potentials in Friedreich's ataxia point to disordered synchrony of auditory nerve fiber activity 2015 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIACAMA, ELONAPEGORARO, ELENASCIMEMI, PIETRO NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES - -
Abnormal Cochlear Potentials recorded by Transtympanic Electrocochleography from Patients with Auditory Neuropathy due to Mutations in the Otoferlin or OPA1 gene 2011 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIAARSLAN, EDOARDO + ABSTRACTS OF THE ... MIDWINTER RESEARCH MEETING - -
Abnormal cochlear potentials recorded by transtympanic electrocochleography from patients with auditory neuropathy due to mutations in the Otoferlin or OPA1 gene 2010 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIASCIMEMI, PIETROCAMA, ELONAROSSI, ROBERTAARSLAN, EDOARDO + - - Abstracts of Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum Meeting
Adaptation and resonance phenomena in the generation of the auditory steady-state responses (SSRs) in rats 1996 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIA + - - Abstracts of the XXIII International Congress of Audiology
An audiological perspective on ‘‘Two further patients with Warsaw breakage syndrome. Is a mild phenotype possible?” 2020 Brotto D.Manara R.Scimemi P.Montino S.Maritan F.Martini A.Santarelli R.Trevisi P. + MOLECULAR GENETICS & GENOMIC MEDICINE - -
Anacusia post-traumatica da frattura apice cocleare con fistola cocleo-carotidea 2013 CAMA, ELONAROSSI, ROBERTAMANZOLI, MICHELASANTARELLI, ROSAMARIA + - - Disabilità Uditiva Abstract Book
Analisi di mutazione in soggetti con sospetta sindrome di Pendred 2009 CAMA, ELONASANTARELLI, ROSAMARIA + - - XXXII Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Audiologia e Foniatria. Screening Uditivi e Diagnosi Precoce.
Analogic and Symbolic Comparison of Numerosity in Preschool Children with Cochlear Implants 2011 ARFE', BARBARALUCANGELI, DANIELATREVISI, PATRIZIASANTARELLI, ROSAMARIA + DEAFNESS & EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL - -
Anticompensatory fast eye movements in the horizontal and vertical vestibulo-ocular reflexes 1989 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIA + PFLÜGERS ARCHIV - -
Anticompensatory fast phases of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in cats 1992 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIA + - - Proceedings of XVII Barany Society Meeting
Assistive devices for patients with auditory neuropathy: hearing aid use 2013 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIAARSLAN, EDOARDO + SEMINARS IN HEARING - -
Asymmetries in eye and head reflex movements 1991 SANTARELLI, ROSAMARIA + PFLÜGERS ARCHIV - -