Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale - DPG  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 63 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.041 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A comparison of different multitasking methods across lifespan 2023 GIULIO CONTEMORIFIORELLA DEL POPOLO CRISTALDIMARIA SILVIA SACCANIMARIO BONATO + - - Atti 8th Scientific Meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (FENS)
A momentum effect in temporal arithmetic 2021 Bonato, MarioD'Ovidio, UmbertoZorzi, Marco + COGNITION - -
Agentic collective narcissism and communal collective narcissism: Do they predict COVID-19 pandemic-related beliefs and behaviors? 2024 Jonason P. K.Bonato M.Najafi R. + JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PERSONALITY - -
Asymmetric spatial processing under cognitive load 2018 Bonato, Mario + FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
Auditory selective attention under working memory load 2021 Bayramova R.Toffalini E.Bonato M.Grassi M. PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH - -
Auto-GEMS: una versione online ed auto somministrata del GLOBAL EXAMINATION OF MENTAL STATE (GEMS). 2021 Contemori G.Pucci V.Saccani M. S.Mondini S.Bonato M + - - XXVI° Congress of the Italian Psychological Association (AIP) Experimental Section
Auto-Global Examination of Mental State (Auto-GEMS): a web-based self-administered cognitive screening 2024 Pucci V.Contemori G.Saccani M. S.Mondini S.Bonato M. + AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH - -
Cognitive screenings in remote settings: tele-GEMS and auto-GEMS. Symposium: Move the Distance Closer: Reinventing Cognitive assessmenty trough teleneuropsychology. 2022 Mondini SaraBonato MarioContemori GiulioMontemurro SoniaPucci VeronicaSaccani Maria Silvia + - - Associazione Italiana di Psicologia
Cognitive-Cognitive Dual-task in aging: A cross-sectional online study 2024 Contemori G.Saccani M. S.Bonato M. PLOS ONE - -
Comparison of Slides and Video Clips as Different Methods for Inducing Emotions: An Electroencephalographic Alpha Modulation Study 2022 Romeo, ZairaFusina, FrancescaSemenzato, LucaBonato, MarioAngrilli, AlessandroSpironelli, Chiara FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE - -
Computer-Based Assessment: Dual-Task Outperforms Large-Screen Cancellation Task in Detecting Contralesional Omissions 2022 Bonato M. + FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
Computer-based testing unveils severe neglect in apparently intact patients. 2013 BONATO, MARIOPRIFTIS, KONSTANTINOSZORZI, MARCO + BEHAVIOURAL NEUROLOGY - -
Cue-target contingencies modulate voluntary orienting of spatial attention: dissociable effects for speed and accuracy 2018 BONATO, MARIOLISI, MATTEO + PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH - -
Deficits of Contralesional Awareness: A Case Study on What Paper-and-Pencil Tests Neglect 2012 BONATO, MARIOPRIFTIS, KONSTANTINOSUMILTA', CARLO ARRIGOZORZI, MARCO + NEUROPSYCHOLOGY - -
Difficulty matters: Unspecific attentional demands as a major determinant of performance highlighted by clinical studies 2013 BONATO, MARIOZORZI, MARCOUMILTA', CARLO ARRIGO BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES - -
E' automatico attivare una rappresentazione mentale ogni volta che vediamo dei numeri? 2004 BONATO, MARIOZORZI, MARCO GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA - -
Effects of multimodal load on spatial monitoring as revealed by ERPs 2015 BONATO, MARIOSPIRONELLI, CHIARALISI, MATTEOPRIFTIS, KONSTANTINOSZORZI, MARCO PLOS ONE - -
Electrophysiological correlates of spatial processing during multitasking 2019 Romeo, ZairaBonato, MarioZorzi, MarcoSpironelli, Chiara NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA - -
Emotional processing in ALS shows right hemispheric impairment 2009 PALMIERI, ARIANNABONATO, MARIOPEGORARO, ELENASORARU', GIANNIAngelini C. 2009 + NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES - -
Grandiose narcissism, unfounded beliefs, and behavioral reactions during the COVID-19 pandemic 2024 Jonason P. K.Bonato M.Najafi R.Spoto A. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -