Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale - DPG  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A common neural substrate for number comparison, hand reaching and grasping: A SDM-PSI meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies 2022 Ranzini M.Scarpazza C.Cutini S.Semenza C.Zorzi M. + - - Abstract ESLP 2021
A common neural substrate for number comparison, hand reaching and grasping: a SDM-PSI meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies 2022 Ranzini, MariagraziaScarpazza, CristinaCutini, SimoneSemenza, CarloZorzi, Marco + CORTEX - -
A comparison of feature extraction methods for prediction of neuropsychological scores from functional connectivity data of stroke patients 2021 Testolin A.De Filippo De Grazia M.Zorzi M. + BRAIN INFORMATICS - -
A Comparison of Shallow and Deep Learning Methods for Predicting Cognitive Performance of Stroke Patients From MRI Lesion Images 2019 Chauhan, SuchetaDe Filippo De Grazia, MicheleCorbetta, MaurizioZorzi, Marco + FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS - -
A Computational and Empirical Investigation of Graphemes in Reading 2013 ZORZI, MARCO + COGNITIVE SCIENCE - -
A computational model of planning in the Traveling Salesman Problem 2005 CUTINI, SIMONEBISIACCHI, PATRIZIAZORZI, MARCO + - - Proceedings of the XXVII Annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
A computational model of saccadic planning and spatial attention 2003 ZORZI, MARCOUMILTA', CARLO ARRIGO + - - Proceedings of EuroCogSci03
A computational model of the Simon effect. 1995 ZORZI, MARCOUMILTA', CARLO ARRIGO PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH - -
A connectionist model of simple mental arithmetic 2003 STOIANOV, IVILIN PEEVZORZI, MARCOUMILTA', CARLO ARRIGO - - Proceeding of EuroCogSci 2003
A connectionist model of simple mental arithmetic. 2003 ZORZI, MARCOUMILTA', CARLO ARRIGO + - - Proceedings of EuroCogSci03
A Developmental Approach for Training Deep Belief Networks 2022 Zambra M.Testolin A.Zorzi M. COGNITIVE COMPUTATION - -
A hemodynamic correlate of lateralized visual short-term memories 2011 Simone CutiniFabio ScarpaPietro ScatturinPatrik PluchinoMarco ZorziRoberto Dell'Acqua + NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA - -
A machine learning approach to QoE-based video admission control and resource allocation in wireless systems 2014 TESTOLIN, ALBERTOZANFORLIN, MARCODE FILIPPO DE GRAZIA, MICHELEMUNARETTO, DANIELEZANELLA, ANDREAZORZI, MARCOZORZI, MICHELE - - Proceedings of the 13th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (MED-HOC-NET)
A methodology to improve estimation of stimulus-evoked hemodynamic response from fNIRS measurements 2011 Fabio ScarpaSabrina BrigadoiSimone CutiniPietro ScatturinMarco ZorziRoberto Dell'AcquaGiovanni Sparacino IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY ... ANNUAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBS)
A momentum effect in temporal arithmetic 2021 Bonato, MarioD'Ovidio, UmbertoZorzi, Marco + COGNITION - -
A new adaptive videogame for training attention and executive functions: design principles and initial validation 2014 MONTANI, VERONICADE FILIPPO DE GRAZIA, MICHELEZORZI, MARCO FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
A new method based on ICBM152 head surface for probe placement in multichannel fNIRS 2011 CUTINI, SIMONEZORZI, MARCO + NEUROIMAGE - -
A novel stroke lesion network mapping approach: improved accuracy yet still low deficit prediction 2021 Pini, LorenzoSalvalaggio, AlessandroDe Filippo De Grazia, MicheleZorzi, MarcoThiebaut de Schotten, MichelCorbetta, Maurizio BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS - -
A re-analysis of a case of category-specific semantic impairment 2005 ZORZI, MARCO + CORTEX - -
A recurrent model for spatial attention 2005 ZORZI, MARCOUMILTA', CARLO ARRIGO + - - Proceedings of the Twenty Seventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society