Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 13.501
EU - Europa 3.785
AS - Asia 2.219
AF - Africa 59
SA - Sud America 52
OC - Oceania 27
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 19.647
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 13.453
IT - Italia 2.074
CN - Cina 973
SG - Singapore 787
FI - Finlandia 390
UA - Ucraina 315
DE - Germania 244
FR - Francia 239
SE - Svezia 198
GB - Regno Unito 158
VN - Vietnam 144
IN - India 108
PH - Filippine 65
CA - Canada 37
BR - Brasile 32
NL - Olanda 30
PK - Pakistan 28
IE - Irlanda 22
RU - Federazione Russa 21
AU - Australia 19
IR - Iran 18
HK - Hong Kong 15
EG - Egitto 14
GR - Grecia 13
KR - Corea 13
MY - Malesia 12
ZA - Sudafrica 12
MX - Messico 11
TR - Turchia 11
IQ - Iraq 10
AR - Argentina 9
BE - Belgio 9
CH - Svizzera 9
NG - Nigeria 9
BD - Bangladesh 8
ES - Italia 8
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 7
ID - Indonesia 6
PL - Polonia 6
RO - Romania 6
BG - Bulgaria 4
ET - Etiopia 4
EU - Europa 4
HU - Ungheria 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
NO - Norvegia 4
PE - Perù 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
SM - San Marino 4
TH - Thailandia 4
UG - Uganda 4
CO - Colombia 3
DK - Danimarca 3
JP - Giappone 3
MA - Marocco 3
TZ - Tanzania 3
AT - Austria 2
CL - Cile 2
CM - Camerun 2
HR - Croazia 2
IL - Israele 2
LT - Lituania 2
OM - Oman 2
PT - Portogallo 2
RS - Serbia 2
RW - Ruanda 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SO - Somalia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
ZW - Zimbabwe 2
BO - Bolivia 1
BT - Bhutan 1
CG - Congo 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
GH - Ghana 1
QA - Qatar 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 19.647
Città #
Fairfield 1.612
Woodbridge 1.216
Jacksonville 1.211
Chandler 1.122
Houston 970
Ann Arbor 939
Ashburn 801
Wilmington 657
Singapore 647
Seattle 553
Cambridge 528
Boardman 482
Santa Clara 442
Princeton 435
Padova 266
Medford 244
San Diego 191
Beijing 185
Nanjing 174
Dong Ket 142
Helsinki 140
Des Moines 138
Milan 134
Roxbury 97
Rome 83
Shenyang 70
Bologna 58
Hebei 57
Palermo 52
Jinan 47
Norwalk 46
Nanchang 39
New York 39
Jiaxing 36
Florence 31
Changsha 30
Tianjin 30
Naples 29
Spresiano 29
Guangzhou 26
London 26
Turin 22
Dublin 21
Kharkiv 19
Monza 19
Triggiano 16
Ningbo 15
Ogden 14
Vicenza 14
Washington 14
Venice 13
Zhengzhou 13
Borås 12
Chennai 12
Falls Church 12
Hyderabad 12
Phoenix 12
Redwood City 12
Arezzo 11
Genoa 11
Hangzhou 11
Cairo 10
Dallas 10
Frankfurt am Main 10
Haikou 10
Hong Kong 10
Indiana 10
Lappeenranta 10
Toronto 10
Bari 9
Catania 9
Como 9
Parma 9
Sydney 9
Amsterdam 8
Cagayan de Oro 8
Chicago 8
Istanbul 8
Paris 8
Ferrara 7
Genova 7
Kilburn 7
Lanzhou 7
Leeds 7
Mira 7
Mumbai 7
Pescara 7
Taizhou 7
Verona 7
Agrate Brianza 6
Bacolod City 6
Bengaluru 6
Chieti 6
Crespino 6
Curitiba 6
Hefei 6
Moscow 6
Napoli 6
Treviso 6
Viterbo 6
Totale 14.640
Nome #
Smart fertilizers: What should we mean and where should we go? 431
Elementi di Agrometeorologia e agroclimatologia. 419
Minima lavorazione del terreno tramite sistemazione a porche permanenti: aspetti applicativi e produttivi. 261
Consorzi di bonifica e sviluppo sostenibile. Itinerari e azioni per il raggiungimento degli Obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030. Obiettivo 15: Proteggere, ripristinare e favorire un uso sostenibile dell’ecosistema terrestre, gestire sostenibilmente le foreste, contrastare la desertificazione, arrestare e far retrocedere il degrado del terreno e fermare la perdita di diversità biologica. 233
Consorzi di bonifica e sviluppo sostenibile. Itinerari e azioni per il raggiungimento degli Obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030. Obiettivo 2: Porre fine alla fame, raggiungere la sicurezza alimentare, migliorare la nutrizione e promuovere un’agricoltura sostenibile 221
Biomethanation potential of wetland biomass in codigestion with pig slurry. 187
Agricoltura di terza generazione, paesaggio e storia locale. Analisi agro-ambientale e culturale del territorio di Rolle (Tv). 185
Farming largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) with lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and radicchio (Cichorium intybus) in aquaponics: effects of stocking density on fish growth and quality, and vegetable production 150
Fertimetro, a Principle and Device to Measure Soil Nutrient Availability for Plants by Microbial Degradation Rates on Differently-Spiked Buried Threads 148
Treatment performance and macrophytes growth in a restored hybrid constructed wetland for municipal wastewater treatment 143
Buffer Strips on the Low-Lying Plain of Veneto Region (Italy): Environmental Benefits and Efficient Use of Wood as an Energy Resource 140
Treatment performance and greenhouse gas emission of a pilot hybrid constructed wetland system treating digestate liquid fraction 135
A Tool for the Evaluation of Irrigation Water Quality in the Arid and Semi-Arid Regions 133
Root system characterization and water requirements of ten perennial herbaceous species for biomass production managed with high nitrogen and water inputs 129
Vegetated ditches for the mitigation of pesticides runoff in the po valley 127
Newly-established free water-surface constructed wetland to treat agricultural waters in the low-lying Venetian plain: Performance on nitrogen and phosphorus removal 122
Effectiveness of buffer strips in removing pollutants in runoff from a cultivated field in North-East Italy 119
A simplified process of swine slurry treatment by primary filtration and Haematococcus pluvialis culture to produce low cost astaxanthin 117
Performance of a floating treatment wetland for in-stream water amelioration in NE Italy 116
Multi-year N and P removal of a 10-year-old surface flow constructed wetland treating agricultural drainage waters 115
Carbon dioxide emissions from horizontal sub-surface constructed wetlands in the Mediterranean Basin 114
Fitodepurazione e acquaponica: innovazioni sostenibili - INFORMATORE AGRARIO - ISSN:0020-0689 vol. 26 113
Effect of stocking density of fish on water quality and growth performance of European Carp and leafy vegetables in a low-tech aquaponic system 111
Comparison of nitrogen elimination rates of different constructed wetland designs. 110
Bioethanol and biomethane potential production of thirteen pluri-annual herbaceous species 110
Multiple functions of buffer strips in farming areas 109
Water table management to save water and reduce nutrient losses from agricultural fields: 6 years of experience in North-Eastern Italy 108
A constructed surface flow wetland for treating agricultural waste waters 107
Effect of injection depth of digestate liquid fraction on soil carbon dioxide emission and maize biomass production 107
Multi-functional pollution mitigation in a rehabilitated mangrove conservation area. 106
Efficiency of controlled drainage and subirrigation in reducing nitrogen losses from agricultural fields. 106
Responses of different panicum miliaceum l. Genotypes to saline and water stress in a marginal mediterranean environment 106
Agricultural Land Use and N losses to water: the case study of a fluvial park in Northern Italy 105
Irrigation Management in an Irrigation District of the Veneto Region: a case study in the Berici Hills 105
TECH-IA floating system introduced in urban wastewater treatment plants in Veneto Region – Italy. 105
A review on the main affecting factors of greenhouse gases emission in constructed wetlands. 105
Effect of different macrophytes in abating nitrogen from a synthetic wastewater. 103
Olive mill wastewater spreading and AMF inoculation effects in a low-input semi-arid Mediterranean crop succession 103
Crop yield and energy use in organic and conventional farming: A case study in north-east Italy 102
Short-term effects of biochar and salinity on soil greenhouse gas emissions from a semi-arid Australian soil after re-wetting 102
Assessing reference evapotranspiration by the Hargreaves method in north-eastern Italy 99
Sorghum biomass production using constructed wetland treated urban wastewater and different fertilization in a Mediterranean environment. 99
Abatement of NO3-N concentration in agricultural waters by narrow buffer strips 99
Assessment of energy potential from wetland plants along the minor channel network on an agricultural floodplain 98
Aquaponics: smart system for food production in smart cities 98
Environment, agro-system and quality of food production in Italy 97
Production and energy value of phragmites australis obtained from two constructed wetlands. 96
Performance of a hybrid constructed wetland treating piggery wastewater 96
Compost as a substitute for mineral N fertilization? Effects on crops, soil and N leaching 96
Produzioni areiche 95
Agricultural Land Use And N Losses To Water: The Case Study Of A Fluvial Park In Northern Italy 95
Medium-term evolution of soil properties in a constructed surface flow wetland with fluctuating hydroperiod in North Eastern Italy. 95
Effects of tillage systems on energy and carbon balance in north-eastern Italy 94
Wetland plants, micro-organisms and enzymatic activities interrelations in treating N polluted water. 94
An integrated non point source model-GIS system for selecting criteria of best management practices in the Po valley, North Italy 94
Life cycle assessment of a micro aquaponic system for educational purposes built using recovered material 94
Modelling assessment of carbon supply by different macrophytes for nitrogen removal in pilot vegetated mesocosms 93
Effects of five macrophytes on nitrogen remediation and mass balance in wetland mesocosms 93
Influence of salinity and osmotic stress on germination process in an old sicilian landrace and a modern cultivar of triticum durum desf 93
Biomass production and soil organic carbon accumulation in a free water surface constructed wetland treating agricultural wastewater in North Eastern Italy 91
Digestato su mais ceroso: effetti su emissioni di CO2 e resa. 91
Effects of different composts on soil nitrogen balance and dynamics in a biennial crop succession. 90
La fitodepurazione per il trattamento di acque di origine agricola e di reflui zootecnici. Quaderno progetto AQUA, Veneto Agricoltura, ISBN 978-88-6337-107-9, 44 p. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.5081.9527 89
Controlled drainage and crop production in a long-term experiment in North-Eastern Italy 88
Ecological interpretation of weed flora dynamics under different tillage systems 87
Comparison of carbon balance in Mediterranean pilot constructed wetlands vegetated with different C4 plant species 87
Plant species effect on CO2 and CH4 emissions from pilot constructed wetlands in Mediterranean area 87
Effetti del letame e del liquame bovino in avvicendamenti colturali a diverso livello di concimazione 86
Chromium in Agricultural Soils and Crops: A Review 86
Performances of two small subsurface flow constructed wetlands treating domestic wastewaters in Italy. 85
Degradation of 2,6-diisopropilnaftalene (DIPN) with macrophytes inoculated with bacteria 85
Performance of a wall cascade constructed wetland treating surfactant-polluted water 85
Energy characterisation of herbaceous biomasses irrigated with marginal waters 85
Performance of a constructed surface flow wetland in abating nutrients in agricultural drainage waters. 84
Testing and statistical analysis of the performance of a pipe drainage system: A case study in north-eastern Italy. 84
Assessing Stormwater Nutrient and Heavy Metal Plant Uptake in an Experimental Bioretention Pond 83
Preliminary evaluation of macrophyte wetland biomasses to obtain second generation ethanol. 82
Use of compost source for maze (Zea Mays): total biomass, grain yield and N efficiency evaluation. 82
Five year water and nitrogen balance for a constructed surface flow wetland treating agricultural drainage waters 81
Plant species for floating treatment wetlands: A decade of experiments in North Italy 81
Effects of digestate solid fraction fertilisation on yield and soil carbon dioxide emission in a horticulture succession 80
Technical and production aspects of ridge till, sod seeding and conventional tillage in a barley-soybean-maize rotation in north-east Italy. 77
Grandine - meteorologia, difesa, stima dei danni 76
Drenaggio controllato e fitodepurazione per la riduzione delle perdite di nutrienti in agricoltura. 76
Ecology, Functioning and Management of Wetland Systems 76
Distillery anaerobic digestion residues: A new opportunity for sweet potato fertilization 76
Ligneous-cellulosic, nitrophilous and wetland plants for biomass production and watertable protection against nutrient leaching 75
I risultati di campo 73
Fitodepurazione - Soluzioni per il trattamento dei reflui con le piante 72
Analysis of DRAINMOD performances with different detail of soil input data in the Veneto region of Italy 72
Effects of four cultivation systems for maize on nitrogen leaching .1. Field experiment 72
Adaptation of maize phenology to climate change in Veneto region. 71
Performance of a narrow buffer strip in abating agricultural pollutants in the shallow subsurface water flux 71
Effects of mycorrhizal inoculation and digestate fertilisation on triticale biomass production using fungicide-coated seeds 71
Composition and quality traits of vegetables grown in a low-tech aquaponic system at different fish stocking densities 71
CO2 emissions and maize biomass production using digestate liquid fraction in two soil texture types 70
Apparent nitrogen balance. Back-up trials 69
Editorial 69
Totale 10.933
Categoria #
all - tutte 68.284
article - articoli 46.412
book - libri 2.255
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 611
other - altro 270
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 4.483
Totale 122.315

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.856 0 0 0 0 0 240 197 326 255 494 160 184
2020/20212.676 60 218 63 271 107 233 78 254 413 321 366 292
2021/20222.918 50 609 248 227 140 144 116 272 127 59 248 678
2022/20232.809 637 229 122 218 443 283 25 174 291 123 205 59
2023/20242.071 72 174 172 169 128 201 144 196 102 115 253 345
2024/20252.555 88 479 311 360 1.165 152 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 19.930