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51P Liver kinase B1 (LKB1) and phosphorylated AMP kinase (AMPK) expression in small cell lung cancer (SCLC): Association with prognosis and tumour immune microenvironment (TIME) features 2021 Bonanno, L.Dal Maso, A.Zulato, E.Fassan, M.Pasello, G.Guarneri, V.Calabrese, F.Rea, F.Indraccolo, S.Conte, P. F. + JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY - -
Binary classification of copy number alteration profiles in liquid biopsy with potential clinical impact in advanced NSCLC 2024 Zulato, ElisabettaPasello, GiuliaGuarneri, ValentinaIndraccolo, StefanoBonanno, Laura + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Biomarker analysis of the MITO2 phase III trial of first-line treatment in ovarian cancer: Predictive value of DNA-PK and phosphorylated ACC 2016 Perrone F.Baldassarre G.Indraccolo S.Sonego M.Zulato E.Scollo P. + ONCOTARGET - -
Clinical features and progression pattern of T790M+ compared with T790M-EGFR mutant NSCLC 2019 Pasello, GiuliaDal Maso, AlessandroLorenzi, MartinaScattolin, DanielaUrso, LoredanaZulato, ElisabettaFrega, StefanoBonanno, LauraIndraccolo, StefanoCalabrese, FiorellaConte, Pierfranco + JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY - -
Detection of loss of heterozygosity in cfDNA of advanced EGFR-or KRAS-mutated non-small-cell lung cancer patients 2020 Nardo G.Zulato E.Bonanno L.Frega S.Indraccolo S. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - -
Detection of Low-Frequency KRAS Mutations in cfDNA From EGFR-Mutated NSCLC Patients After First-Line EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors 2021 Marra, LudovicaBonanno, LauraBoscolo, AliceDal Maso, AlessandroBoscolo Bragadin, AndreaIndraccolo, StefanoZulato, Elisabetta + FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY - -
Early assessment of KRAS mutation in cfDNA correlates with risk of progression and death in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer 2020 Zulato, ElisabettaAttili, IlariaPavan, AlbertoDel Bianco, PaolaBoscolo Bragadin, AndreaPasello, GiuliaFassan, MatteoCalabrese, FiorellaGuarneri, ValentinaAmadori, AlbertoConte, PierFrancoIndraccolo, StefanoBonanno, Laura + BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER - -
EGFR T790M testing through repeated liquid biopsy over time: a real-world multicentric retrospective experience 2022 Dal Maso, ADel Bianco, PNardo, GZulato, EBonanno, LPasello, GIndraccolo, S + JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE - -
ESR1 Gene Mutation in Hormone Receptor-Positive HER2-Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients: Concordance Between Tumor Tissue and Circulating Tumor DNA Analysis 2021 Urso L.Vernaci G.Fassan M.Zulato E.Faggioni G.Menichetti A.Di Liso E.Griguolo G.Conte P.Indraccolo S.Guarneri V.Dieci M. V. + FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY - -
Implementation of next generation sequencing-based liquid biopsy for clinical molecular diagnostics in non-small cell lung cancer (Nsclc) patients 2021 Zulato E.Tosello V.Nardo G.Bonanno L.Del Bianco P.Indraccolo S. DIAGNOSTICS - -
In situ Metabolic Profiling of Ovarian Cancer Tumor Xenografts: A Digital Pathology Approach 2020 Piga I.Montenegro F.Nardo G.Zulato E.Del Bianco P.Indraccolo S. + FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY - -
Involvement of NADPH Oxidase 1 in Liver Kinase B1-mediated effects on tumor angiogenesis and growth 2018 Elisabetta ZulatoFrancesco CiccareseMarica PinazzaValentina AgnusdeiMicol Silic-BenussiVincenzo CiminaleStefano Indraccolo + FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY - -
Liquid biopsy and non-small cell lung cancer: are we looking at the tip of the iceberg? 2022 Bonanno, LauraDal Maso, AlessandroZulato, ElisabettaPasello, GiuliaGuarneri, ValentinaConte, PierFrancoIndraccolo, Stefano + BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER - -
LKB1 expression correlates with increased survival in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and bevacizumab 2017 Bonanno, LauraDe Paoli, AngelaZulato, ElisabettaCALABRESE, FIORELLAFavaretto, AdolfoSanto, AntonioCICCARESE, FRANCESCOBertorelle, RobertaDe Salvo, Gian LucaAMADORI, ALBERTOConte, PierfrancoIndraccolo, Stefano + CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH - -
LKB1/AMPK Pathway and Drug Response in Cancer: A Therapeutic Perspective 2019 Ciccarese F.Zulato E.Indraccolo S. OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY - -
Longitudinal liquid biopsy predicts clinical benefit from immunotherapy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer 2024 Boscolo Bragadin, AndreaZulato, ElisabettaPavan, AlbertoGuarneri, ValentinaIndraccolo, StefanoBonanno, Laura + NPJ PRECISION ONCOLOGY - -
Metformin Enhances Cisplatin-Induced Apoptosis and Prevents Resistance to Cisplatin in Co-mutated KRAS/LKB1 NSCLC 2018 Zulato E.Indraccolo S. + JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY - -
NGS detection of gene rearrangements and METexon14 mutations in liquid biopsy of advanced NSCLC patients: A study of two Italian centers 2024 Andrea Boscolo BragadinGiulia PaselloElisabetta ZulatoLaura BonannoStefano Indraccolo + THE JOURNAL OF LIQUID BIOPSY - -
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Testing on Reference Specimens: An Italian Multicenter Experience 2024 Fassan M.Zulato E. + ONCOLOGY AND THERAPY - -