Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita" - DM
A direct proof of the Nekhoroshev theorem for nearly integrable symplectic maps
2004 Guzzo, Massimiliano
A Kustaanheimo–Stiefel regularization of the elliptic restricted three-body problem and the detection of close encounters with fast Lyapunov indicators
2024 Rossi, Mattia; Guzzo, Massimiliano
A new problem of adiabatic invariance related to the rigid body dynamics
2008 Benettin, Giancarlo; Guzzo, Massimiliano; Neishtadt, A.
A Numerical Study of Arnold Diffusion in a Priori Unstable Systems
2009 Guzzo, Massimiliano; Lega, E; Froeschle, C.
A numerical study of the hyperbolic manifolds in a priori unstable systems. A comparison with Melnikov approximations
2010 Lega, E; Guzzo, Massimiliano; Froeschle, C.
A numerical study of the size of the homoclinic tangle of hyperbolic tori and its correlation with Arnold diffusion in Hamiltonian systems
2010 Lega, E; Guzzo, Massimiliano; Froeschle, C.
A numerical study of the stabilization effect of steepness
2011 N., Todorovic; Guzzo, Massimiliano; E., Lega; Froeschle, C. l.
A numerical study of the topology of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds supporting Arnold diffusion in quasi-integrable systems
2009 Guzzo, Massimiliano; Lega, E; Froeschle, C.
A PDE approach to finite time indicators in Ergodic Theory
2009 Bernardi, Olga; Cardin, Franco; Guzzo, Massimiliano; Zanelli, Lorenzo
A spectral formulation of the Nekhoroshev theorem and its relevance for numerical nad experimental data analysis
2001 Guzzo, Massimiliano; Benettin, Giancarlo
A study of temporary captures and collisions in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem with normalizations of the Levi-Civita Hamiltonian
2020 Guzzo, Massimiliano; Paez, Rocio
A study of the past dynamics of comet 67P/Churyumov-gerasimenko with fast lyapunov indicators
2015 Guzzo, Massimiliano; Lega, Elena
Adiabatic chaos in the spin-orbit problem
2008 Benettin, Giancarlo; Guzzo, Massimiliano; Marini, V.
Analysis of the chaotic behaviour of orbits diffusing along the Arnold web
2006 Froeschle, C; Lega, E; Guzzo, Massimiliano
Cantori of the dissipative sawtooth map
2009 Celletti, A; Guzzo, Massimiliano
Construction of a Nekhoroshev like result for the asteroid belt dynamical system
1997 Guzzo, Massimiliano; Morbidelli, A.
Convergence to the time average by stochastic regularization
2013 Bernardi, Olga; Cardin, Franco; Guzzo, Massimiliano
Detection of Arnold diffusion in Hamiltonian systems
2003 Lega, E.; Guzzo, Massimiliano; Froeschle', C.
Detection of close encounters and resonances in three-body problems through Levi-Civita regularization
2011 E., Lega; Guzzo, Massimiliano; Froeschle, C. l.
Diffusion and stability in perturbed non-convex integrable systems
2006 Guzzo, Massimiliano; Lega, E; Froeschle, C.