Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale - ICEA  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A metastatistical approach for the assessment of frequency and duration of low-wind-power events 2023 Francesco MarraMarco MaraniEleonora DallanMarco Borga + - - ICEM2023
A metastatistical approach to rainfall extremes 2015 MARANI, MARCO + ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES - -
A Method to Assess and Explain Changes in Sub‐Daily Precipitation Return Levels From Convection‐Permitting Simulations 2024 Dallan, EleonoraBorga, MarcoCanale, AntonioMarani, MarcoMarra, Francesco + WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH - -
A Minimalist Model of Salt-Marsh Vegetation Dynamics Driven by Species Competition and Dispersal 2022 Finotello AlviseMarani MarcoD'Alpaos A + FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE - -
A Perturbance Moment Point Estimate Method for Uncertainty Analysis of the Hydrologic Response 2012 MARANI, MARCO + ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES - -
A stochastic model of nitrate transport and cycling at basin scale 2006 BOTTER, GIANLUCASETTIN, TOMMASOMARANI, MARCORINALDO, ANDREA WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH - -
Analyses Through the Metastatistical Extreme Value Distribution Identify Contributions of Tropical Cyclones to Rainfall Extremes in the Eastern United States 2020 Miniussi A.Marani M. + GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS - -
Analysis of Organic Matter Decomposition in the Salt Marshes of the Venice Lagoon (Italy) Using Standard Litter Bags 2023 Finotello, A.Marani, M.D'Alpaos, Andrea + JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. BIOGEOSCIENCES - -
Analysis, synthesis and modelling of high-resolution observations of salt-marsh ecogeomorphological patterns in the Venice lagoon 2006 MARANI, MARCOBELLUCO, ENRICAD'ALPAOS, ANDREALANZONI, STEFANORINALDO, ANDREA + ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE - -
Assessing the fractional abundance of highly mixed salt-marsh vegetation using random forest soft classification 2020 Yang Z.D'alpaos A.Marani M. + REMOTE SENSING - -
Astronomic link to anomalously high mean sea level in the northern Adriatic Sea 2021 Marani, MarcoCarniello, LucaD'Alpaos, AndreaLanzoni, Stefano + ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE - -
Auto-organizzazione in fenomeni idro-meteorologici 1997 MARANI, MARCO - - -
Biogeomorphology of tidal landforms: physical and biological processes shaping the tidal landscape 2012 D'ALPAOS, ANDREADA LIO, CRISTINAMARANI, MARCO ECOHYDROLOGY - -
Biogeomorphology of tidal landforms: physical and biological processes shaping the tidal landscape 2011 MARANI, MARCOD'ALPAOS, ANDREADA LIO, CRISTINA - - Abstract Volume
Biologic-Geomorphic feedbacks that sculpt tidal landscapes 2013 DA LIO, CRISTINAD'ALPAOS, ANDREAMARANI, MARCO - - Abstract Volume
Biologically-controlled multiple equilibria of tidal landforms and the fate of the Venice lagoon 2007 MARANI, MARCOD'ALPAOS, ANDREALANZONI, STEFANOCARNIELLO, LUCARINALDO, ANDREA GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS - -
Biomorphological modeling of tidal landscapes: the role of physical and biological processes in determining equilibrium states and transient dynamics 2011 DA LIO, CRISTINAD'ALPAOS, ANDREAMARANI, MARCO - - Geophysical Research Abstracts
Blue Carbon assessment in the salt marshes of the Venice lagoon (Italy) 2022 Alice PuppinDavide TogninMichela PaccagnellaMirella ZancatoMassimiliano GhinassiMarco MaraniAndrea D’Alpaos - - Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology
Blue Carbon Assessment in the Salt Marshes of the Venice Lagoon: Dimensions, Variability and Influence of Storm‐Surge Regulation 2024 Puppin, AliceTognin, DavidePaccagnella, MichelaZancato, MirellaGhinassi, MassimilianoD'Alpaos, ChiaraMarani, MarcoD'Alpaos, Andrea EARTH'S FUTURE - -