Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche - DSB  

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An agonist of the CXCR4 receptor accelerates the recovery from the peripheral neuroparalysis induced by Taipan snake envenomation 2020 Stazi, MarcoD'Este, GiorgiaMattarei, AndreaNegro, SamueleRigoni, MichelaMegighian, AramMontecucco, Cesare + PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES - -
An Agonist of the CXCR4 Receptor is therapeutic for the neuroparalysis induced by Bungarus snakes envenoming 2022 Marco StaziFederico FabrisAram MegighianAndrea MattareiSamuele NegroGiorgia D’EsteOrnella RossettoCesare Montecucco + CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE - -
An Agonist of the CXCR4 Receptor Strongly Promotes Regeneration of Degenerated Motor Axon Terminals 2019 Negro SZanetti GMattarei AMegighian ATOMBESI, GIULIAZUGNO, ALESSANDROPirazzini MRigoni MMontecucco C + CELLS - -
An animal model of Miller Fisher syndrome: Mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide is produced by the autoimmune attack of nerve terminals and activates Schwann cells 2016 RODELLA, UMBERTODUREGOTTI, ELISANEGRO, SAMUELERIGONI, MICHELAMONTECUCCO, CESARE + NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE - -
Botulinum neurotoxin C mutants reveal different effects of syntaxin or SNAP-25 proteolysis on neuromuscular transmission 2017 Zanetti, GiuliaDuregotti, ElisaNegro, SamueleRossetto, OrnellaPirazzini, Marco + PLOS PATHOGENS - -
CXCL12/SDF-1 from perisynaptic Schwann cells promotes regeneration of injured motor axonterminals 2017 Negro, SamueleDuregotti, ElisaBergamin, ElisannaMegighian, AramPirazzini, MarcoRigoni, MichelaMontecucco, Cesare + EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE - -
Electrophysiological Recordings of Evoked End-Plate Potential on Murine Neuro-muscular Synapse Preparations 2018 Zanetti, GiuliaNegro, SamueleMegighian, AramPirazzini, Marco BIO-PROTOCOL - -
Hydrogen peroxide induced by nerve injury promotes axon regeneration via connective tissue growth factor 2022 Negro S.Stazi M.D'Este G.Pirazzini M.Megighian A.Lessi F.Sales G.Romualdi C.Sleigh J. N.Viero G.Rigoni M. + ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA COMMUNICATIONS - -
Hydrogen peroxide is a neuronal alarmin that triggers specific RNAs, local translation of Annexin A2, and cytoskeletal remodeling in Schwann cells 2018 Negro SSTAZI, MARCORodella UDuregotti EMontecucco CRigoni M + RNA - -
Melatonin promotes regeneration of injured motor axons via MT1 receptors 2021 Stazi, MarcoNegro, SamueleMegighian, AramD'Este, GiorgiaMontecucco, CesareRigoni, Michela + JOURNAL OF PINEAL RESEARCH - -
Mitochondrial alarmins released by degenerating motor axon terminals activate perisynaptic Schwann cells. 2015 DUREGOTTI, ELISANEGRO, SAMUELEMONTECUCCO, CESARERIGONI, MICHELA + PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - -
Models and methods to study Schwann cells 2022 Negro S.Pirazzini M.Rigoni M. JOURNAL OF ANATOMY - -
Mouse Phrenic Nerve Hemidiaphragm Assay (MPN) 2018 Zanetti, GiuliaNegro, SamuelePirazzini, MarcoCaccin, Paola BIO-PROTOCOL - -
Neurotransmission Recovery by Melatonin Measured by CMAP 2022 Negro S.Stazi M.Rigoni M.Megighian A. - - Methods in molecular biology
Polymer coated oncolytic adenovirus to selectively target hepatocellular carcinoma cells 2021 Garofalo M.Bellato F.Magliocca S.Malfanti A.Negro S.Salmaso S.Caliceti P.Mastrotto F. + PHARMACEUTICS - -
Schwann cells are activated by ATP released from neurons in an in vitro cellular model of Miller Fisher syndrome 2017 NEGRO, SAMUELEMONTECUCCO, CESARERIGONI, MICHELA + DISEASE MODELS & MECHANISMS - -
Signaling and transcriptomics at the degenerating-regenerating neuromuscular junction 2016 Negro, Samuele - - -
Signals Orchestrating Peripheral Nerve Repair 2020 Rigoni M.Negro S. CELLS - -
Sulfation at Glycopolymer Side Chains Switches Activity at the Macrophage Mannose Receptor (CD206) In Vitro and In Vivo 2022 Francesca MastrottoMarco PirazziniSamuele NegroGiuseppe Mantovani + JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - -