Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche - DSB  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A CXCR4 receptor agonist strongly stimulates axonal regeneration after damage 2019 Zanetti G.Megighian A.Mattarei A.Rigoni M.Pirazzini M.Montecucco C. + ANNALS OF CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL NEUROLOGY - -
A lysolecithin/fatty acid mixture promotes and then blocks neurotransmitter release at the Drosophila melanogaster larval neuromuscular junction 2007 MEGIGHIAN, ARAMRIGONI, MICHELACaccin, P.ZORDAN, MAURO AGOSTINOMONTECUCCO, CESARE NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS - -
Active-site mutagenesis of tetanus neurotoxin implicates Tyr-375 and Glu-271 in the metalloprotease activity 2001 ROSSETTO, ORNELLACACCIN P.RIGONI, MICHELATONELLO, FIORELLAMONTECUCCO, CESARE + TOXICON - -
Agonists of melatonin receptors strongly promote the functional recovery from the neuroparalysis induced by neurotoxic snakes 2024 D'Este, GiorgiaFabris, FedericoBaggio, ChiaraMegighian, AramRigoni, Michela + PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES - -
An agonist of the CXCR4 receptor accelerates the recovery from the peripheral neuroparalysis induced by Taipan snake envenomation 2020 Stazi, MarcoD'Este, GiorgiaMattarei, AndreaNegro, SamueleRigoni, MichelaMegighian, AramMontecucco, Cesare + PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES - -
An Agonist of the CXCR4 Receptor Strongly Promotes Regeneration of Degenerated Motor Axon Terminals 2019 Negro SZanetti GMattarei AMegighian ATOMBESI, GIULIAZUGNO, ALESSANDROPirazzini MRigoni MMontecucco C + CELLS - -
An animal model of Miller Fisher syndrome: Mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide is produced by the autoimmune attack of nerve terminals and activates Schwann cells 2016 RODELLA, UMBERTODUREGOTTI, ELISANEGRO, SAMUELERIGONI, MICHELAMONTECUCCO, CESARE + NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE - -
An update on the mechanism of action of tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins. 2011 ROSSETTO, ORNELLAPIRAZZINI, MARCORIGONI, MICHELAMONTECUCCO, CESARE + ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA - -
Animal models for studying motor axon terminal paralysis and recovery 2017 RIGONI, MICHELAMONTECUCCO, CESARE JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY - -
Arg206 of SNAP-25 is essential for neuroexocytosis at the Drosophila melanogaster neuromuscular junction 2010 MEGIGHIAN, ARAMRIGONI, MICHELAROSSETTO, ORNELLAMONTECUCCO, CESAREZORDAN, MAURO AGOSTINO + JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE - -
Bacterial Protein Toxins as Tools in Cell Biology and Physiology 2016 RIGONI, MICHELAMONTECUCCO, CESARE - - Encyclopedia of Cell Biology
Calcium influx and mitochondrial alterations at synapses exposed to snake neurotoxins or their phospholipid hydrolysis products 2007 RIGONI, MICHELAPIZZO, PAOLACACCIN, PAOLAROSSETTO, ORNELLAPOZZAN, TULLIOMONTECUCCO, CESARE + THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY - -
Calcium overload in nerve terminals of cultured neurons intoxicated by alpha-latrotoxin and snake PLA2 neurotoxins. 2009 RIGONI, MICHELACACCIN, PAOLAROSSETTO, ORNELLAMONTECUCCO, CESARE + TOXICON - -
Calpains participate in nerve terminal degeneration induced by spider and snake presynaptic neurotoxins 2013 DUREGOTTI, ELISAMONTECUCCO, CESARERIGONI, MICHELA + TOXICON - -
Cellular Mechanisms of Action of Snake Phospholipase A2 Toxins 2015 TONELLO, FIORELLARIGONI, MICHELA - - Handbook of Toxinology, Snake Venoms
CXCL12/SDF-1 from perisynaptic Schwann cells promotes regeneration of injured motor axonterminals 2017 Negro, SamueleDuregotti, ElisaBergamin, ElisannaMegighian, AramPirazzini, MarcoRigoni, MichelaMontecucco, Cesare + EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE - -
Different mechanism of blockade of neuroexocytosis by presynaptic neurotoxins 2004 ROSSETTO, ORNELLARIGONI, MICHELAMONTECUCCO, CESARE TOXICOLOGY LETTERS - -
Different mechanisms of inhibition of nerve terminals by botulinum and snake presynaptic neurotoxins 2009 MONTECUCCO, CESAREROSSETTO, ORNELLACACCIN, PAOLARIGONI, MICHELA + TOXICON - -
Equivalent effects of snake PLA2 neurotoxins and lysophospholipid-fatty acid mixtures 2005 RIGONI, MICHELACACCIN, PAOLAROSSETTO, ORNELLAMONTECUCCO, CESARE + SCIENCE - -