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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A data base for European climatic data for energy potentials and mapping 2016 DE CARLI, MICHELEEMMI, GIUSEPPEGALGARO, ANTONIOGRACI, SAMANTHAZARRELLA, ANGELO + - - CLIMA 2016
A database for climatic conditions around Europe for promoting GSHP solutions 2018 De Carli, MicheleCultrera, MatteoSanta, Giorgia DallaDi Bella, AntoninoEmmi, GiuseppeGalgaro, AntonioGraci, SamanthaPerego, RodolfoZarrella, Angelo + GEOSCIENCES - -
A European Database of Building Energy Profiles to Support the Design of Ground Source Heat Pumps 2019 CARNIELETTO, LAURAGraci, SamanthaEmmi, GiuseppeZarrella, AngeloDi Bella, AntoninoDalla Santa, GiorgiaGalgaro, AntonioDe Carli, Michele + ENERGIES - -
Archetype definition for analysing retrofit solutions in urban areas in Europe 2019 De Carli M.Di Bella A.Graci S.Zarrella A. + - - CLIMA2019, REHVA 13rd HVAC World Congress
Building leakage analysis and infiltration modelling for an Italian multi-family building 2013 VILLI, GIACOMOPERETTI, CLARAGRACI, SAMANTHADE CARLI, MICHELE JOURNAL OF BUILDING PERFORMANCE SIMULATION - -
Climatizzazione satellitare e prestazioni energetiche. 2012 DE CARLI, MICHELEGRACI, SAMANTHAVILLI, GIACOMOZARRELLA, ANGELO + AICARR JOURNAL - -
Coupling a horizontal heat exchanger with an all in one machine for heating and cooling a single-family house in a mild climate 2021 Michele De CarliSamantha GraciSara BordignonLaura CarnielettoAngelo Zarrella. + - - 15th ROOMVENT Conference
Definition of standardized energy profiles for heating and cooling of buildings 2016 DE CARLI, MICHELEEMMI, GIUSEPPEGALGARO, ANTONIOGRACI, SAMANTHAZARRELLA, ANGELO + - - CLIMA 2016
Dynamic Simulations for the Optimum Management of an Integrated System for Air Conditioning and DHW Generation in Multifamily Buildings 2013 ZECCHIN, ROBERTODE CARLI, MICHELEGRACI, SAMANTHA - - Proceedings of CLIMA 2013
Energy self-sufficiency and sustainable development in a closed mountain area 2012 DE CARLI, MICHELEGRACI, SAMANTHA + RENEWABLE ENERGY & POWER QUALITY JOURNAL - Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal
Hypothesis for a more efficient and sustainable development of a district heating in Padova, integrating renewable energies and existing generation plant 2019 Carnieletto L.Graci S.De Carli M. E3S WEB OF CONFERENCES - E3S Web of Conferences
Innovative integrated solutions for the reduction of the energy demand and for the development of the renewable resources in residential buildings 2014 Graci, Samantha - - -
Measurements and energy simulations of a solar combi-system for space heating and DHW production 2019 De Carli M.Emmi G.Graci S.Bordignon S.Alessio G.Carnieletto L. + - - The Human Dimension of Building Energy Performance
Ottimizzazione di sistemi per la generazione di acqua calda sanitaria. Confronto tra la normativa e la pratica progettuale 2012 ZECCHIN, ROBERTODE CARLI, MICHELEGRACI, SAMANTHA - - Atti del 67 ° Congresso Annuale ATI
Possibilities of exctractable energy from the ground in areas with anomalous gradient temperatures 2010 DE CARLI, MICHELEDONA', MIRCOGALGARO, ANTONIOGRACI, SAMANTHA - - 16th Building Services, Mechanical and Building Industry Days
Regolazione di impianti radianti a pavimento in regime di riscaldamento: un caso studio a Venezia 2014 DE CARLI, MICHELEPERETTI, CLARAGRACI, SAMANTHAEMMI, GIUSEPPEMARIOTTI, MARCO + - - Le nuove sfide della progettazione integrata per il benessere ed il risparmio energetico negli edifici
Renovation as a means to improve the enrgy efficiency in buildings. Initial phase resume of a detailed analysis on the renovation of the European residential building stock into LEB. Strategies, feasibility and energy saving potential. 2013 DE CARLI, MICHELEGRACI, SAMANTHA - - Proceedings of DEnzero international conference. Suistanable energy by optimal integration of renewable energy sources
Simulazioni dinamiche per l’ottimizzazione di un sistema integrato per il riscaldamento e la generazione di acqua calda sanitaria al servizio di un complesso residenziale multifamiliare 2013 ZECCHIN, ROBERTODE CARLI, MICHELEGRACI, SAMANTHA - - Innovazione e tendenze nella tecnologia e nelle applicazioni delle pompe di calore
Thermal Response Testing Results of Different Types of Borehole Heat Exchangers: An Analysis and Comparison of Interpretation Methods 2017 Zarrella, AngeloEmmi, GiuseppeGraci, SamanthaDe Carli, MicheleCultrera, MatteoDalla Santa, GiorgiaGalgaro, Antonio + ENERGIES - -
Two software tools for facilitating the choice of ground source heat pumps by stakeholders and designers 2019 De Carli M.Zarrella A.Graci S.Galgaro A.Dalla Santa G. + - - CLIMA2019, REHVA 13rd HVAC World Congress