"Valle d'Agredo": a paleoenviromental and geoarcheological reconstruction based on remote sensing analysis
2006 Marcolongo, B; Ninfo, Andrea; Simone,
3D geoelectrical and GPR survey of a debris cover glacier in the Dolomites: the case of Cima Uomo (South-Eastern Alps, Italy)
2013 Francese, R.; Bondesan, Aldino; Carton, Alberto; Zanoner, Thomas; Ninfo, Andrea; Seppi, R.
3D Mapping of liquefaction phenomena induced by May 2012 Emilia earthquakes (Po Plain, Northern Italy)
2013 Davide, Zizioli; Ninfo, Andrea; Claudia, Meisina; Francesco, Zucca; Luisa, Pellegrini
A step before Venice: landscape reconstruction at Altinum
2011 Mozzi, Paolo; Fontana, Alessandro; Ninfo, Andrea; Ferrarese, Francesco; Abbà, T.; Miola, A.; Maritan, M.; Gaudioso, B.
An assessment of the threat to the terraced areas along the Brenta Canal: an approach based on LiDAR
2008 Ninfo, Andrea
An investigation of local scale human/landscape dynamics in the endorheic alluvial fan of the Murghab River, Turkmenistan
2016 Markofsky, S; Ninfo, Andrea; Balbo, A.; Conesa, F. C.; Madella, M.
Current transition from glacial to periglacial processes in the Dolomites (South-Eastern Alps)
2014 R., Seppi; Zanoner, Thomas; Carton, Alberto; Bondesan, Aldino; R., Francese; Carturan, Luca; M., Zumiani; M., Giorgi; Ninfo, Andrea
Deep Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations geomorphometry. The case of Schlinig valley (Eastern Alps)
2012 Ninfo, Andrea; Zanoner, Thomas; Massironi, Matteo; Carton, Alberto
DEM e telerilevamento per lo studio geomorfologico delle pianure alluvionali
2009 Ninfo, Andrea
DSGSDs diagnostic landforms: a morphometric LiDAR based approach.
2013 Ninfo, Andrea; Zanoner, Thomas; Gruber, N.; Massironi, Matteo; Carton, Alberto
From point to surface. Reconstruction of a riverine urban settlement in Padova (NE Italy)
2013 Mozzi, Paolo; Abbà, T.; Ferrarese, Francesco; Fontana, Alessandro; Gamba, M.; Ninfo, Andrea; Piovan, Silvia; Rossato, Sandro; Zangrando, D.
High resolution DEMs for the analysis of fluvial and ancient anthropogenic landforms in the alluvial plain of Padua (Italy)
2011 Ninfo, Andrea; Ferrarese, Francesco; Mozzi, Paolo; Fontana, Alessandro
HVSR technique in near-surface thermal-basin characterization: the example of the Caldiero district (North-East Italy)
2015 Agostini, Laura; Boaga, Jacopo; Galgaro, Antonio; Ninfo, Andrea
Il contributo del telerilevamento nello studio della via Annia
2010 Ninfo, Andrea; Fontana, Alessandro; Mozzi, Paolo
Il telerilevamento satellitare per la mappatura dei suoli
2013 Ninfo, Andrea
Indagine geoarcheologica del territorio di Montegrotto Terme attraverso il telerilevamento
2012 Primon, S.; Ninfo, Andrea; Mozzi, Paolo; Piovan, Silvia; Abbà, T.
Indicatori archeologici e paleoambientali del livello marino relativo durante gli ultimi 5000 anni nell’antica città di Altino (Laguna di Venezia)
2013 Mozzi, Paolo; Fontana, Alessandro; Ninfo, Andrea; Ferrarese, Francesco
Integration of LiDAR and cropmark remote sensing for the study of fluvial and anthropogenic landforms in the Brenta-Bacchiglione alluvial plain (NE Italy)
2016 Ninfo, Andrea; Mozzi, Paolo; Abba', Tiziano
Integration of LiDAR and optical remote sensing for the study of fluvial and anthropogenic landforms in the Brenta-Bacchiglione alluvial plain (NE Italy)
2013 Ninfo, Andrea; Mozzi, Paolo
Is the present the key to the future?
2013 Stefano, Furlani; Ninfo, Andrea; Andrea, Candela