Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale - DPG  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A causal link between visual spatial attention and reading acquisition. 2012 FRANCESCHINI, SANDROGORI, SIMONERUFFINO, MILENAFACOETTI, ANDREA + CURRENT BIOLOGY - -
A different vision of dyslexia: Local precedence on global perception 2017 Franceschini, SandroBertoni, SaraGIANESINI, TIZIANAGori, SimoneFacoetti, Andrea SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
A Serious Game for Predicting the Risk of Developmental Dyslexia in Pre-readers Children. 2012 GAGGI, OMBRETTAPALAZZI, CLAUDIO ENRICOFACOETTI, ANDREAFranceschini S. + - - 21st International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN)
A web application for reading and attentional assessments 2018 Bertoni S.Facoetti A.Franceschini S.Palazzi C. E.Ronzani D. - - ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Action video games improve reading abilities and visual-to-auditory attentional shifting in English-speaking children with dyslexia 2017 FRANCESCHINI, SANDROBERTONI, SARAFACOETTI, ANDREA + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Action video games make dyslexic children read better. 2013 FRANCESCHINI, SANDROGORI, SIMONERUFFINO, MILENAFACOETTI, ANDREA + CURRENT BIOLOGY - -
Atypical local perception precedence in preschooler poor readers 2010 FRANCESCHINI, SANDROCORRADI, NICOLARUFFINO, MILENAGORI, SIMONEFACOETTI, ANDREA + PERCEPTION - -
Batteria De.Co.Ne. per la lettura. Strumenti per la valutazione delle abilità di lettura nelle scuole primarie di primo grado 2016 FRANCESCHINI, SANDROBERTONI, SARARONCONI, LUCAGORI, SIMONEFACOETTI, ANDREA + DISLESSIA - -
Caffeine improves text reading and global perception 2020 Franceschini S.Bertoni S.Gori S.Angrilli A.MANCARELLA, MARTINAPuccio, GiovannaFacoetti A. + JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY - -
Caffeine makes activities more fun and boosts semantic association and text reading abilities 2022 Giovanna PuccioSandro FranceschiniFrancesca FusinaAlessandro AngrilliAndrea Facoetti + - - Caffeine makes activities more fun and boosts semantic association and text reading abilities
Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced-Nuova Versione Italiana (COPE-NVI): uno strumento per la misura degli stili di coping. 2008 GHISI, MARTAALTOE', GIANMARCOFRANCESCHINI, SANDRO + PSICOTERAPIA COGNITIVA E COMPORTAMENTALE - -
Decreased coherent motion discrimination in autism spectrum disorder: the role of attentional zoom-out deficit. 2012 RONCONI, LUCAGORI, SIMONERUFFINO, MILENAFRANCESCHINI, SANDROFACOETTI, ANDREA + PLOS ONE - -
Developmental dyslexia: Perceptual noise exclusion deficit or spatial attention dysfunction? 2010 RUFFINO, MILENAGORI, SIMONEFRANCESCHINI, SANDROFACOETTI, ANDREA PERCEPTION - -
Effectiveness of Action Video Games Training in Children with developmental Dyslexia: a meta-analysis 2022 Giovanna PuccioGiulia GazziLucia RonconiSandro FranceschiniAndrea Facoetti + - - Effectiveness of Action Video Games Training in Children with developmental Dyslexia: a meta-analysis
Faster phonological decoding in dyslexic adults induced by action video games and transcranial electrical stimulation of the posterior parietal cortex. 2022 Martina MancarellaGiovanna PuccioSandro FranceschiniSimone GoriGianluca CampanaAndrea Facoetti + - - Faster phonological decoding in dyslexic adults induced by action video games and transcranial electrical stimulation of the posterior parietal cortex.
Fun is the missing link between play and cognitive enhancement 2022 Sandro FranceschiniAndrea FacoettiGiovanna Puccio + - - Fun is the missing link between play and cognitive enhancement
I disturbi specifici di apprendimento 2017 Andrea FacoettiSandro Franceschini + - - Neuropsicologia dell'età evolutiva
Improving action video games abilities increases the phonological decoding speed and phonological short-term memory in children with developmental dyslexia 2018 Sandro, FranceschiniSara, Bertoni NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA - -
Is excessive visual crowding causally linked to developmental dyslexia? 2019 Bertoni S.Franceschini S.Facoetti A. + NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA - -
L’ampliamento del fuoco dell’attenzione nel potenziamento cognitivo indotto dal gioco 2022 Giovanna PuccioSandro FranceschiniAndrea Facoetti + - - L’ampliamento del fuoco dell’attenzione nel potenziamento cognitivo indotto dal gioco