Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII
A solar-assisted low-temperature district heating and cooling network coupled with a ground-source heat pump
2022 Bordignon, S.; Quaggiotto, D.; Vivian, J.; Emmi, G.; De Carli, M.; Zarrella, A.
Gestione ottimale delle reti di teleriscaldamento utilizzando diverse fonti di flessibilità
2022 Quaggiotto, Davide
Increasing the energy flexibility of existing district heating networks through flow rate variations
2020 Vivian, J.; Quaggiotto, D.; Zarrella, A.
Load-shifting strategies in district heating networks with constant supply temperature: the case study of Verona
2019 Vivian, J.; Quaggiotto, D.; Ploner, E.; D’Isep, F.; Zarrella, A.
Management of a district heating network using model predictive control with and without thermal storage
2021 Quaggiotto, Davide; Vivian, Jacopo; Zarrella, Angelo
Potential of GSHP coupled with PV systems for retrofitting urban areas in different European climates based on archetypes definition
2023 Carnieletto, Laura; Di Bella, Antonino; Quaggiotto, Davide; Emmi, Giuseppe; Bernardi, Adriana; De Carli, Michele
Simulation-Based Comparison Between the Thermal Behavior of Coaxial and Double U-Tube Borehole Heat Exchangers
2019 Quaggiotto, Davide; Zarrella, Angelo; Emmi, Giuseppe; De Carli, Michele; Pockelé, Luc; Vercruysse, Jacques; Psyk, Mario; Righini, Davide; Galgaro, Antonio; Mendrinos, Dimitrios; Bernardi, Adriana