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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A comparison between grey-box models and neural networks for indoor air temperature prediction in buildings 2024 Vivian, J.Prataviera, E.Zarrella, A. + JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING - -
A general framework to select working fluid and configuration of ORCs for low-to-medium temperature heat sources 2015 VIVIAN, JACOPOMANENTE, GIOVANNILAZZARETTO, ANDREA APPLIED ENERGY - -
A sensitivity analysis on the heating and cooling energy flexibility of residential buildings 2020 Vivian J.Emmi G.Zarrella A. + SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY - -
A simulation-based analysis of photovoltaic thermal hybrid solar collectors with a new TRNSYS type model 2019 Emmi G.BORDIGNON, SARAZarrella A.Vivian J. + JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES - 37th UIT Heat Transfer Conference
A solar-assisted low-temperature district heating and cooling network coupled with a ground-source heat pump 2022 Bordignon S.Quaggiotto D.Vivian J.Emmi G.De Carli M.Zarrella A. ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT - -
An evaluation of the suitability of lumped-capacitance models in calculating energy needs and thermal behaviour of buildings 2017 VIVIAN, JACOPOZARRELLA, ANGELOEMMI, GIUSEPPEDE CARLI, MICHELE ENERGY AND BUILDINGS - -
Analysis and application of a lumped-capacitance model for urban building energy modelling 2020 Zarrella, AngeloPrataviera, EnricoRomano, PierdonatoCarnieletto, LauraVivian, Jacopo SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY - -
Analysis of a wastewater based low temperature district heating system with booster heat pumps for new and existing residential buildings 2016 VIVIAN, JACOPOZARRELLA, ANGELODE CARLI, MICHELE - - CLIMA 2016
Analysis of Retrofit Solutions of a Ground Source Heat Pump System: An Italian Case Study 2020 Zarrella, AngeloZecchin, RobertoPrataviera, EnricoVivian, JacopoDe Carli, MicheleEmmi, Giuseppe + ENERGIES - -
Analysis of simplified lumped-capacitance models to simulate thermal behaviour of buildings 2017 VIVIAN, JACOPOZARRELLA, ANGELOEMMI, GIUSEPPEDE CARLI, MICHELE - - 3rd Building Simulation Applications Conference BSA 2017
Analysis of the Energy Flexibility of Residential Buildings in the Heating and Cooling Season 2019 Vivian J.Emmi G.Zarrella A. + - - BS2019, 16th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association IBPSA
Assessment of the Urban Heat Island Impact on Building Energy Performance at District Level with the EUReCA Platform 2021 Romano, PierdonatoPrataviera, EnricoCarnieletto, LauraVivian, JacopoZarrella, Angelo + CLIMATE - -
At the roots of the energy performance gap: Analysis of monitored indoor air before and after building retrofits 2023 Vivian J.De Carli M. + BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT - -
Data-driven modeling of heat pumps and thermal storage units for MPC 2023 Vivian, J + JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES - Proceedings of CISBAT 2023
Demand Side Management of a pool of air source heat pumps for space heating and domestic hot water production in a residential district 2020 Jacopo VivianEnrico Prataviera + ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT - -
Design and optimal integration of seasonal borehole thermal energy storage in district heating and cooling networks 2022 Jacopo Vivian + - - Proceedings of the 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress
Direct Use of Low Temperature Heat in District Heating Networks with Booster Heat Pumps 2018 Vivian, Jacopo - - -
Effect of climate on the optimal sizing and operation of seasonal ice storage systems 2023 Vivian, Jacopo + JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES - Proceedings of CISBAT 2023
EUReCA: An open-source urban building energy modelling tool for the efficient evaluation of cities energy demand 2021 Prataviera E.Romano P.Carnieletto L.Pirotti F.Vivian J.Zarrella A. RENEWABLE ENERGY - -
Evaluating the cost of heat for end users in ultra low temperature district heating networks with booster heat pumps 2018 Vivian, JacopoEmmi, GiuseppeZarrella, AngeloDe Carli, Michele + ENERGY - -