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Acute alcoholic hepatitis and liver transplantation: Waiting for Godot 2017 Toniutto, PierluigiZanetto, AlbertoFerrarese, AlbertoBurra, Patrizia LIVER INTERNATIONAL - -
Common issues in the management of patients in the waiting list and after liver transplantation 2017 BURRA, PATRIZIATONIUTTO, PIERLUIGI + DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE - -
Correction: Real-life data on potential drug-drug interactions in patients with chronic hepatitis C viral infection undergoing antiviral therapy with interferon-free DAAs in the PITER cohort study (PLoS ONE (2017) 12: 2 (e0172159) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172159) 2018 GORI, ANDREARaimondo, GiovanniMASSARI, MARCOToniutto, PierluigiRusso, Francesco PaoloZanetto, AlbertoBrancaccio, GiuseppinaDanieli, Elena + PLOS ONE - -
Cost-effectiveness of Pre-Transplant Sofosbuvir for Preventing Recurrent HCV Infection after Liver Transplantation. 2015 Vitale AlessandroSpolverato GayaBurra PatriziaToniutto PierluigiRusso Francesco PaoloCillo UmbertoAngeli PFagiuoli Stefano + TRANSPLANT INTERNATIONAL - -
Long-term albumin administration in decompensated cirrhosis (ANSWER): an open-label randomised trial 2018 Caraceni, PaoloAngeli, PaoloFagiuoli, StefanoTONIUTTO, PIERLUIGIGalioto, AlessandraPiano, SalvatoreCavallin, MartaFasolato, SilvanoSticca, AntoniettaLAFFI, GIACOMOCAPORASO, NICOLAROTIROTI, GIOVANNI RAIMONDOSALERNO, FRANCESCO + THE LANCET - -
Morbidity and mortality after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement in patients with cirrhosis 2018 Angeli, PaoloPiano, SalvatoreToniutto, Pierluigi + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY - -
Ombitasvir, paritaprevir, and ritonavir, with or without dasabuvir, plus ribavirin for patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 or 4 infection with cirrhosis (ABACUS): a prospective observational study 2017 BRUNO, ROSSELLABruno, SimonaMerli, MatteoRendina, MariagloriaPANI, LAURACRAXI, ANTONIOAndreoni M.CECERE PALAZZO, ROSANNARusso F. P.IZZI, ARIANNAGRESELIN, FEDERICO ALBERTOBrancaccio G.Borghi V.Toniutto P.Caporaso N.Nardone G.Brunetto M.Angarano G.MILELLA, MARCOBARONE, MARIARITADi Leo A.Lionetti R.MONTALBANO, MATTEOCAROLO, GREGORIODONATO, FILIPPOQUARTINI, MARTINAMONDELLI, MARIO UMBERTODISTEFANO, MARIA CINZIAGatti P.Calabrese P.Grieco A.CIANCIO, ALESSANDROPETRAGLIA, SANDRO + THE LANCET. GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY - -
On-treatment serum albumin level can guide long-term treatment in patients with cirrhosis and uncomplicated ascites 2021 Caraceni, PaoloAngeli, PaoloLaffi, GiacomoToniutto, PierluigiPiano, Salvatore + JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY - -
Outcomes of liver transplant for adults with Wilson's disease 2020 Ferrarese, AlbertoToniutto, PierluigiBurra, Patrizia + LIVER TRANSPLANTATION - -
Prevalent use of combined prophylaxis of hepatitis B after liver transplantation in Italy: results of a national survey in a large cohort 2018 Boccagni, PatriziaBurra, PatriziaTONIUTTO, PIERLUIGIRusso FP + MINERVA GASTROENTEROLOGICA E DIETOLOGICA - -
Real-life data on potential drug-drug interactions in patients with chronic hepatitis C viral infection undergoing antiviral therapy with interferon-free DAAs in the PITER Cohort Study 2017 Raimondo, GiovanniMASSARI, MARCOTONIUTTO, PIERLUIGIRUSSO, FRANCESCO PAOLOZANETTO, ALBERTOBrancaccio, GiuseppinaDANIELI, ELENA + PLOS ONE - -
Specific issues concerning the management of patients on the waiting list and after liver transplantation 2018 Burra, PatriziaCaraceni, PaoloToniutto, Pierluigi + LIVER INTERNATIONAL - -
Terlipressin plus albumin versus midodrine and octreotide plus albumin in the treatment of hepatorenal syndrome: A randomized trial 2015 CAVALLIN, MARTAFASOLATO, SILVANOTONIUTTO, PIERLUIGICaraceni, PaoloMORANDO, FILIPPOPIANO, SALVATORE SILVIOGATTA, ANGELOANGELI, PAOLO + HEPATOLOGY - -
Vascular liver diseases: A sex-oriented analysis of the literature 2022 Zanetto, AlbertoShalaby, SarahGuarino, MariaBecchetti, ChiaraToniutto, PierluigiBurra, Patrizia + DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE - -