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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
[Nafion/(WO3)x] hybrid membranes for vanadium redox flow batteries 2018 Sun, ChuanyuZlotorowicz, AgnieszkaNawn, GraemeNegro, EnricoBertasi, FedericoPagot, GioeleVezzù, KetiPace, GiuseppeGuarnieri, MassimoDi Noto, Vito SOLID STATE IONICS - -
A lipophilic ionic liquid based on formamidinium cations and TFSI: the electric response and the effect of CO2 on the conductivity mechanism 2017 Bertasi, FedericoVezzu, KetiPace, GiuseppeDi Noto, Vito + PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS - -
A New Pyrrolidinium-based Electrolyte for Secondary Magnesium Batteries. 2016 F. BertasiG. PagotK. VezzùE. NegroG. PaceV. Di Noto - - PRiME 2016
A Polyketone-based Anion Exchange Membrane for Electrochemical Applications: Synthesis and Characterization 2017 VEZZU', KETINawn, GraemePACE, GIUSEPPECAVINATO, GIANNIDI NOTO, VITO + ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - -
A Rechargeable magnesium battery based on chloroaluminate ionic liquids 2016 F. BertasiG. PagotK. VezzùE. NegroG. NawnA. Bach DelpeuchG. PaceV. Di Noto + - - ENERCHEM-1
Carbon nitride-based oxygen reduction reaction nano-electrocatalysts for PEM fuel cells. 2016 E. NegroA. Bach DelpeuchK. VezzùF. BertasiG. NawnG. PagotC. SunG. PaceV. Di Noto + - - ENERCHEM-1
Characterisation of synthetic surgical mesh for hernia repair with regard to physicochemical and mechanical properties 2018 TODROS, SILVIAPIANIGIANI, SILVIADE CESARE, NICCOLO'PACE, GIUSEPPEP. G. PavanV. Di NotoA. N. Natali - - Sixth National Congress Of Bioengineering
Conductivity and relaxation phenomena in ion conducting materials by broadband electric spectroscopy 2017 V. Di NotoKeti VezzùEnrico NegroFederico BertasiGiuseppe Pace - - XXVI Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana
Conductivity and Relaxation Phenomena in Ion Conducting Materials by Broadband Electric Spectroscopy 2016 K. VezzùG. NawnE. NegroF. BertasiG. PaceA. Bach DelpeuchG. PagotBANG, YANNICK HERVEC. SunV. Di Noto - - 10th National Conference on Chemistry of Engineering (AICIng)
Conductivity and Relaxation Phenomena in Proton and Anion Exchange Membranes by Broadband Electric Spectroscopy 2017 Keti VezzùEnrico NegroFederico BertasiGraeme NawnGioele PagotAngeloclaudio NaleYannick Herve BangGiuseppe PaceV. Di Noto - - 21st International Conference on Solid State Ionics
Conductivity and Relaxation Phenomena in Proton and Anionic Exchange Membranes by Broadband Electric Spectroscopy 2016 V. Di NotoK. VezzùE. NegroF. BertasiA. Bach DelpeuchG. nawnG. PagotC. SunY. BangG. Pace. - - ISPE XV
Correlation between Properties and Conductivity Mechanism in Poly(vinyl alcohol)-based Lithium Solid Electrolytes 2018 Pagot, GioeleBertasi, FedericoVezzù, KetiNawn, GraemePace, GiuseppeNale, AngeloclaudioDi Noto, Vito SOLID STATE IONICS - -
Correlation between properties and ORR performance of low-loading graphene-based hierarchical nanostructured electrocatalysts in single PEMFCs 2017 Yannick Herve BangAngeloclaudio NaleEnrico NegroKeti VezzùFederico BertasiChuanyu SunGraeme NawnGioele PagotGiuseppe PaceV. Di Noto - - 21st International Conference on Solid State Ionics
Cycling Study of a High Performance Vanadium Redox Flow Battery 2016 C. SunA. Bach DelpeuchE. NegroF. BertasiG. NawnG. PagotY. BangK. VezzùG. PaceV. Di Noto - - 10th National Conference on Chemistry of Engineering (AICIng)
Effect of steam on the structural and morphological stability of renewable poly(ether-block-amide)s 2014 TODROS, SILVIANATALI, ARTUROPACE, GIUSEPPEDI NOTO, VITO JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE. PART B, POLYMER PHYSICS - -
Effects of Ni/Co doping on the properties of LiFeaNibCocPO4 cathodes for lithium batteries 2016 G. PagotF. BertasiG. NawnE. NegroG. PaceV. Di Noto. + - - ENERCHEM-1
Electric Response and Conductivity Mechanism in H3PO4-Doped Polybenzimidazole-4N-HfO2 Nanocomposite Membranes for High Temperature Fuel Cells 2017 Nawn, GraemeVEZZU', KETIBERTASI, FEDERICOPAGOT, GIOELEPACE, GIUSEPPECONTI, FOSCANEGRO, ENRICODI NOTO, VITO ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - -
Electric response and conductivity mechanism reciprocity in H⁠3PO⁠4-doped polybenzimidazole-4N-ZrO⁠2 nanocomposite membranes 2018 Graeme Nawn⁠Keti VezzùFederico Bertasi⁠Gioele Pagot⁠Giuseppe Pacefosca contiEnrico NegroVito Di Noto SOLID STATE IONICS - -
Elucidation of the interplay between vanadium species and charge-discharge processes in VRFBs by Raman spectroscopy 2019 Sun, ChuanyuVezzù, KetiPagot, GioeleNale, AngeloclaudioBang, Yannick HervePace, GiuseppeNegro, EnricoDi Noto, Vito + ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - -