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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A retrospective analysis of 141 patients with liver metastases from uveal melanoma: a two-cohort study comparing transarterial chemoembolization with CPT-11 charged microbeads and historical treatments 2015 VALPIONE, SARAPARROZZANI, RAFFAELEBAZZI, MARCOPIGOZZO, JACOPOMIDENA, EDOARDOPILATI, PIERLUIGICAMPANA, LUCA GIOVANNI + MELANOMA RESEARCH - -
A simplified procedure for continuous intraoperative external monitoring of systemic leakage during isolated limb perfusion 2002 PILATI, PIERLUIGIFOLETTO, MIRTOROSSI, CARLO RICCARDO + TUMORI - -
Anastomosis to stomach versus anastomosis to jejunum for reconstructing the pancreatic stump after pancreatoduodenectomy 2016 Mocellin, SimoneBriarava, MartaPilati, Pierluigi + COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS - -
Another Chapter of the Right Versus Left Story: Is Primary Tumor Location a Prognostic Feature in RAS Mutant Metastatic Colorectal Cancer? 2018 Loupakis, FotiosINTINI, ROSSANABergamo, FrancescaBertorelle, RobertaFassan, MatteoMerigliano, StefanoPilati, PierluigiUrso, Emanuele Luca DamianoCillo, UmbertoRugge, MassimoLonardi, SaraZagonel, Vittorina + THE ONCOLOGIST - -
Breast Cancer Chemoprevention: A Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials 2016 MOCELLIN, SIMONEPILATI, PIERLUIGINITTI, DONATO + JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - -
Cyto-reductive surgery combined with ipertermic itraperitoneal chemotherapy for peritoneal surface malignancies: current treatment and results. 2011 SOMMARIVA, ANTONIOPILATI, PIERLUIGIROSSI, CARLO RICCARDO CANCER TREATMENT REVIEWS - -
Cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in patients with peritoneal sarcomatosis: long-term outcome from a single institution experience. 2013 SOMMARIVA, ANTONIOPASQUALI, SANDROPILATI, PIERLUIGIRASTRELLI, MARCONIBA, JUDE NGWANITTI, DONATOROSSI, CARLO RICCARDO + ANTICANCER RESEARCH - -
Cytoreductive surgery combined with hyperthermic intraperitoneal intraoperative chemotherapy for peritoneal carcinomatosis arising from colon adenocarcinoma. 2003 PILATI, PIERLUIGIMOCELLIN, SIMONEROSSI, CARLO RICCARDOFOLETTO, MIRTOCAMPANA, LUCA GIOVANNINITTI, DONATO + ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY - -
Decellularized colorectal cancer matrix as bioactive microenvironment for in vitro 3D cancer research 2018 Piccoli, MartinaD'Angelo, EdoardoCrotti, SaraSENSI, FRANCESCAUrbani, LucaMAGHIN, EDOARDODe Coppi, PaoloFassan, MatteoRugge, MassimoGiordano, AntonioPilati, PierluigiMammano, EnzoPucciarelli, SalvatoreAgostini, Marco + JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY - -
Doxorubicin activity is enhanced by hyperthermia in a model of ex vivo vascular perfusion of human colon carcinoma 2003 PILATI, PIERLUIGIMOCELLIN, SIMONEROSSI, CARLO RICCARDOSCALERTA, ROMANO GABRIELEALAGGIO, RITANITTI, DONATO + WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY - -
Efficacy of FOLFOXIRI plus bevacizumab in liver-limited metastatic colorectal cancer: A pooled analysis of clinical studies by Gruppo Oncologico del Nord Ovest 2017 BERGAMO, FRANCESCACILLO, UMBERTOPILATI, PIERLUIGI + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER - -
Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: from a surgical to a molecular approach. 2003 ROSSI, CARLO RICCARDOMOCELLIN, SIMONEFOLETTO, MIRTOPILATI, PIERLUIGINITTI, DONATO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER - -
Genetic variation of clock genes and cancer risk: a field synopsis and meta-analysis 2017 BENNA, CLARARAJENDRAN, SENTHILKUMARMONTICELLI, HALENYAPILATI, PIERLUIGINITTI, DONATOMOCELLIN, SIMONE + ONCOTARGET - -
Hyperthermic intraperitoneal intraoperative chemotherapy following cytoreductive surgery for the treatment of abdominal sarcomatosis: clinical outcome and prognostic factors in 60 consecutive patients 2004 ROSSI, CARLO RICCARDOMOCELLIN, SIMONEPILATI, PIERLUIGIFOLETTO, MIRTO + CANCER - -
Hyperthermic intraperitoneal intraoperative chemotherapy for peritoneal carcinomatosis arising from gastric adenocarcinoma 2003 ROSSI, CARLO RICCARDOPILATI, PIERLUIGIMOCELLIN, SIMONEFOLETTO, MIRTOORI, CARLONITTI, DONATOLISE, MARIO + TUMORI - -
Hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion with low-dose tumor necrosis factor-alpha and melphalan for bulky in-transit melanoma metastases 2004 ROSSI, CARLO RICCARDOFOLETTO, MIRTOMOCELLIN, SIMONEPILATI, PIERLUIGI + ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY - -
Hyperthermic isolated liver perfusion for unresectable liver cancers: pilot study. 2004 LISE, MARIOPILATI, PIERLUIGIMOCELLIN, SIMONEORI, CARLOROSSI, CARLO RICCARDONITTI, DONATO + JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY - -
Hyperthermic isolated perfusion with low-dose TNFalpha and doxorubicin in patients with locally advanced soft tissue limb sarcomas. 2004 ROSSI, CARLO RICCARDOFOLETTO, MIRTOMOCELLIN, SIMONEPILATI, PIERLUIGIQUINTIERI, LUIGINITTI, DONATOLISE, MARIO + JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY - -
Hyperthermic isolated perfusion with low-dose tumor necrosis factor alpha and doxorubicin for the treatment of limb-threatening soft tissue sarcomas. 2005 ROSSI, CARLO RICCARDOMOCELLIN, SIMONEPILATI, PIERLUIGICAMPANA, LUCA GIOVANNIQUINTIERI, LUIGILISE, MARIO + ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY - -
Hypoxic antiblastic stop-flow limb perfusion: clinical outcome and pharmacokinetic findings of a novel treatment for in transit melanoma metastases. 2004 PILATI, PIERLUIGIMOCELLIN, SIMONEMIOTTO, DIEGOORI, CARLOSCALERTA, ROMANO GABRIELENITTI, DONATOLISE, MARIOROSSI, CARLO RICCARDO + ONCOLOGY REPORTS - -