Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.998
EU - Europa 2.112
AS - Asia 636
AF - Africa 14
OC - Oceania 8
SA - Sud America 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 8.777
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.988
IT - Italia 1.145
CN - Cina 368
SE - Svezia 218
FI - Finlandia 210
DE - Germania 177
SG - Singapore 167
UA - Ucraina 134
GB - Regno Unito 70
FR - Francia 41
IE - Irlanda 32
IN - India 32
VN - Vietnam 21
NL - Olanda 18
ES - Italia 17
CH - Svizzera 16
ZA - Sudafrica 9
IR - Iran 8
KR - Corea 8
CA - Canada 7
BR - Brasile 6
DK - Danimarca 5
PT - Portogallo 5
TR - Turchia 5
AU - Australia 4
HU - Ungheria 4
IL - Israele 4
JP - Giappone 4
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 4
PK - Pakistan 4
BE - Belgio 3
MY - Malesia 3
AL - Albania 2
GR - Grecia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MA - Marocco 2
MX - Messico 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PS - Palestinian Territory 2
RO - Romania 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
SI - Slovenia 2
AT - Austria 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
CL - Cile 1
CO - Colombia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EU - Europa 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MM - Myanmar 1
NA - Namibia 1
PH - Filippine 1
PL - Polonia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 8.777
Città #
Fairfield 911
Woodbridge 612
Houston 561
Ann Arbor 423
Jacksonville 411
Wilmington 351
Ashburn 348
Chandler 338
Seattle 304
Cambridge 283
Princeton 225
Padova 176
Medford 171
Milan 117
Singapore 99
San Diego 98
Nanjing 96
Des Moines 88
Helsinki 88
Rome 85
Beijing 83
Roxbury 64
Boardman 55
Venezia 43
Bari 31
Dublin 30
Hebei 27
Palermo 26
Norwalk 24
Shenyang 24
Guangzhou 22
Naples 22
Dong Ket 20
Treviso 19
Jiaxing 18
London 16
Nanchang 16
Changsha 15
Lancenigo-Villorba 15
New York 15
Scafati 15
Venice 15
Los Angeles 14
Jinan 13
Verona 12
Belluno 11
Bologna 11
Kharkiv 11
Ogden 11
Redwood City 11
Tianjin 11
Turin 11
Busto Arsizio 9
Indiana 9
Alzano Lombardo 8
Reggio Emilia 8
Udine 8
Catania 7
Chicago 7
Florence 7
Nuremberg 7
Raunheim 7
Hounslow 6
Köln 6
Lausanne 6
Silea 6
Tehran 6
Atlanta 5
Barbarano Vicentino 5
Betera 5
Ferrara 5
Genoa 5
Johannesburg 5
Kilburn 5
Lanzhou 5
Leiden 5
Monza 5
Ningbo 5
Rockville 5
Vigodarzere 5
Villars-Burquin 5
Brendola 4
Brescia 4
Budapest 4
Casale sul Sile 4
Costabissara 4
Council Bluffs 4
Cuneo 4
Hangzhou 4
Karachi 4
Lurate Caccivio 4
Merano 4
Modena 4
New Bedfont 4
Offanengo 4
Paris 4
Prescot 4
Redmond 4
Trieste 4
Zhengzhou 4
Totale 6.769
Nome #
Governing offshoring in a stringent environmental policy setting: evidence from Italian manufacturing firms 141
What happens after offshoring? A comprehensive framework 138
Collaborazioni università-impresa: i risultati sul fronte dell’eco-innovazione 115
Service customisation and standardisation in combinatory knowledge-intensive business services 111
Developing capabilities in new ventures: a knowledge management approach 111
Communities of Consumption and Made in Italy 110
Che cos'è il Web marketing 108
Who benefits from university–industry collaboration for environmental sustainability? 100
Sostenibilità ambientale e Made in Italy 99
Industrial District Firms Do Not Smile: Structuring The Value Chain Between Local And Global 97
Multinational firms and the management of global networks: insights from Global Value Chain studies 94
Do Industry 4.0 Technologies Lead to More (and Better) Knowledge? 94
Luxury Firms in China: The Role of Design and Marketing Capabilities 93
An explanation of firms’ internationalisation modes, blending firm heterogeneity and spatial agglomeration: microevidence from Italy 92
The rush for cluster initiatives: Cluster organisation and management in Central Europe 91
The cultural value of Italian design for Chinese consumers: The role of communication strategy 91
Market extension and knowledge management strategies of knowledge-intensive business services 90
Does Agglomeration Affect Exports? Evidence From Italian Local Labour Markets 90
The Determinants of Market Extension in Knowledge-intensive Business Services: Evidence from a Regional Innovation System 88
SMEs’ growth in international markets: export intensity, export diversification and distribution strategies 86
Internationalization of supply networks inside and outside clusters 84
The Greening of Global Value Chains: Insights from the Furniture Industry 83
Sustainability countenance in brand equity: a critical review and future research directions 83
User innovation in creative industries 81
Industrial districts and the fourth industrial revolution 80
Codification and creativity: knowledge management strategies in KIBS 79
Social Entrepreneurship and Upgrading in Emerging Economies: The Indian Case of Industree and Its Brand Mother Earth 78
Communities of Consumption and Made in Italy 78
Modelli di business nelle imprese ad alto tasso di sostenibilità: un focus su b corp e società benefit in Italia 78
Environmental Upgrading and Suppliers’ Agency in the Leather Global Value Chain 73
Global Value Chains and Open Networks: the case of Italian Industrial Districts 72
Achieving Circular Economy Via The Adoption Of Industry 4.0 Technologies: A Knowledge Management Perspective 72
Does gglomeration affect exports? Evidence from Italian local labour markets 71
Marketing in SMEs: the role of entrepreneurial sensemaking 71
SMEs and Competitive Advantage: a Mix of Innovation, Marketing and ICT. The Case of “Made in Italy”. 70
Does It Pay to Be International? Evidence from Industrial District Firms 69
Leveraging on intra- and inter-organizational collaboration in Industry 4.0 adoption for knowledge creation and innovation 67
The Real Value of B2B: From Commerce towards Interaction and Knowledge Sharing 67
Linee guida per la valutazione d'impatto delle società benefit e la rendicontazione sociale 66
Environmental Upgrading in Global Value Chains 65
The Determinants of Market Extension in Knowledge-intensive Business Services: Evidence from a Regional Innovation System 64
Which country characteristics support corporate social performance? 64
Sourcing from Northern and Southern countries: the global value chain approach applied to Italian SMEs 63
Managing knowledge in smart networks 63
Environmental innovations and internationalization: Theory and practices 63
La manifattura torna indietro? Come i distretti industriali stanno affrontando la nuova fase della globalizzazione 63
From local networks of SMEs to virtual clusters? Evidence from recent trends in Italy 63
Environmental strategies, upgrading and competitive advantage in global value chains 62
Local or global? Does internationalization drive innovation in clusters? 62
Eco-innovazione, relazioni di fornitura e implicazioni per la comunicazione nelle piccole imprese: un focus sulla moda italiana 59
On Line Citizenship. Emerging Technologies for European Cities 58
Woven fabric: the role of on line professional communities in urban renewal and competitiveness 56
Una via italiana all'Industria 4.0? 56
E-Democracy: The Participation of Citizens and The New Forms of the Decision-Making Process 55
DFORM: reinterpretare la tradizione 55
Creativity versus standardization in knowledge-intensive business services: a real trade-off? 54
Design networks and competitiveness. The Italian furniture districts case 53
Sostenibilità ambientale, reti locali e catene globali 53
Knowledge and Digital Strategies in Manufacturing Firms: The Experience of Top Performers 53
Dal business all'e-business: nuove direzioni per l'impresa in rete 50
Networks, technologies and globalization processes in SMEs. The Italian case 50
Manufacturing and value-added dynamics in global value chains: the case of Italy 50
Indagine sulla dimensione economica dell'offerta culturale a Venezia 49
Relazioni di mercato e interazione attraverso la rete: un rinnovamento nelle imprese distrettuali? 49
Knowledge Management Strategies and KIBS models: codification and relational opportunities 49
Business models and sustainable firms: a focus on B Corps in Italy 49
Processi di internazionalizzazione e strategie delle imprese distrettuali 48
I distretti meccanici: Lumezzane e Montecchio Maggiore 47
Competitività, imprenditorialità  e immigrazione. Il caso del Veneto 47
Sustainable Development Strategies In Local Networks of Small Firms 47
E cluster – The evolution of productive districts - Veneto Innovazione 47
Industry 4.0 technologies and circular economy: The mediating role of supply chain integration 47
Dalla new economy al networking. Imprenditorialità  nell'economia delle reti 46
Innovazione simbolica e comunità di consumatori 46
Local Clusters in Global Value Chains. Linking Actors and Territories Through Manufacturing and Innovation 46
Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Knowledge Management 46
Industry 4.0 and Knowledge Management: An Introduction 46
Developing and managing distant markets: the case of KIBS 45
Le ICT a supporto dell'innovazione aziendale. Filiere e distretti industriali nella provincia di Pordenone 44
Reti di PMI tra ICT, creatività  e innovazione 44
Failure and Success of B-to-B Exchange Business Models: A Contingent Analysis of Their Performance 44
Exporters moving toward emerging markets: a resource-based approach 44
KIBS’ knowledge management strategy between local and global: the case of Veneto regional innovation system 44
New Craft. Saper fare, tecnologia e design per una produzione sostenibile 44
Vertical communities e distretti virtuali 43
Design, communication and competitive advantage in the Italian furniture districts 43
Trasformazione digitale dei mercati: il marketing nella creazione di valore per le imprese e la società. Atti della 18ª SIM Conference. Contributo: DOES COVID-19 IMPACT ON CULTURAL CONSUMPTION? THE ROLE OF DIGITAL EXPERIENCES 43
Blending Urban Place and Electronic Space: Designing Cities Through Civic Networks 42
Economic upgrading and green strategies in global value chains 42
Smart networks for innovation and production: the role of designers, makers, and customers 42
Le tecnologie di rete nei distretti industriali: Lombardia e Veneto a confronto 40
Strategia e organizzazione al tempo di Internet 40
Exploring Knowledge-Intensive Business Services. Knowledge Management Strategies 40
Creativity vs. standardization? Knowledge management in KIBS firms 40
Network Technologies and Local Networks: Evidence from a Three-Year Survey in North East Italy 40
Agglomeration, related-variety and internationalisation. Does a relationship exist? 40
Local Clusters and Global Value Chains 40
Le nuove tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione come fattore strategico di sviluppo locale 39
Totale 6.545
Categoria #
all - tutte 33.392
article - articoli 19.146
book - libri 989
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 1.053
other - altro 356
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 8.632
Totale 63.568

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/2019133 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133
2019/20201.479 236 25 26 121 120 105 118 155 142 205 154 72
2020/20211.339 55 96 85 87 77 125 46 99 169 186 205 109
2021/20221.741 43 301 92 203 82 71 101 118 119 56 163 392
2022/20231.361 351 24 14 96 232 150 15 114 172 63 86 44
2023/20241.162 52 97 109 114 78 59 65 105 98 115 167 103
Totale 8.932