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Risultati 1 - 20 di 86 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.061 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A multi-scale methods comparison to provide granitoid rocks thermal conductivity 2021 Chiara ColettiMaria Chiara DalconiGiorgia Dalla SantaLuca PeruzzoRaffaele SassiArianna VettorelloAntonio Galgaro + CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS - -
A new perspective in radon risk assessment: Mapping the geological hazard as a first step to define the collective radon risk exposure 2024 Mazzoli, ClaudioSassi, Raffaele + SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT - -
A peculiar Ms-Pg association in a chloritoid-bearing micaschist recording a multistage P-T path. 2001 MAZZOLI, CLAUDIOSASSI, RAFFAELE + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY - -
A tentative comparison of the Paleozoic evolution of the Austroalpine and Southalpine quartzphyllites in the Eastern Alps 1994 SASSI, FRANCESCO PAOLOMAZZOLI, CLAUDIOSASSI, RAFFAELESPIESS, RICHARDZIRPOLI, GIORGIO + PERIODICO DI MINERALOGIA - -
Amphiboles and clinopyroxenes from Euganean (NE Italy) cumulus enclaves: evidence of subduction-related melts below Adria microplate 2013 BARTOLI, OMARSASSI, RAFFAELE + RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI - -
An updated ground thermal properties database for GSHP applications 2020 Dalla Santa G.Galgaro A.Sassi R.Cultrera M.Scotton P.Perego R.Di Sipio E.Cassiani G.De Carli M. + GEOTHERMICS - -
Antarctic permafrost degassing in Taylor Valley by extensive soil gas investigation 2023 Mazzoli, ClaudioSassi, Raffaele + SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT - -
Assessment of lithogenic radioactivity in the Euganean Hills magmatic district (NE Italy) 2017 GALGARO, ANTONIOMAZZOLI, CLAUDIOMASSIRONI, MATTEOSASSI, RAFFAELE + JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY - -
Beauty and complexity of metamorphism: case studies from the frontal part of the Adria Micro-plate. 2010 CESARE, BERNARDOMAZZOLI, CLAUDIOSASSI, RAFFAELESPIESS, RICHARDSASSI, FRANCESCO PAOLO RENDICONTI LINCEI. SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI - -
Caratteri del metamorfismo ercinico nella fillade sudalpina ad ovest di Bressanone. 1988 MAZZOLI, CLAUDIOSASSI, RAFFAELE MEMORIE DI SCIENZE GEOLOGICHE - -
Carta Geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000; Foglio 016 – Dobbiaco-Toblach 2018 MAZZOLI C.SASSI R.SPIESS R. + - - -
Characterization of a novel dual-core elliptical hollow optical fiber with wavelength decreasing differential group delay 2010 SCHENATO, LUCAPALMIERI, LUCASASSI, RAFFAELEGALTAROSSA, ANDREA + OPTICS EXPRESS - -
Characterization of metamorphism in the metapelites of the Bithia Formation, C. Malfatano-Chia Area (Southern Sardinia). 1988 MAZZOLI, CLAUDIOSASSI, RAFFAELE + PERIODICO DI MINERALOGIA - -
Combining geological surveys, sizing tools and 3D multiphysics in designing a low temperature district heating with integrated ground source heat pumps 2022 Antonio GalgaroGiorgia Dalla SantaEloisa Di SipioRaffaele Sassi + GEOTHERMICS - -
Early Permian post-collisional magmatism induced by extensive removal of the Variscan lithospheric mantle 2025 Boscaini, AndreaSassi, RaffaeleMazzoli, ClaudioMarzoli, Andrea + CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY - -
European Atlas of Natural Radiation, Publication Office of the European Union 2019 Chiara ColettiClaudio MazzoliRaffaele Sassi + - - -
Evaluation of tectonically enhanced radon in fault zones by quantification of the radon activity index 2022 Benà, EleonoraColetti, ChiaraMassironi, MatteoMazzoli, ClaudioGalgaro, AntonioSassi, Raffaele + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Evoluzione T-P di alcune metamorfiti mineralizzate a scheelite dell'Unita' Aspromonte (Arco Calabro-Peloritano). 1988 SASSI, RAFFAELE RENDICONTI DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI MINERALOGIA E PETROLOGIA - -
Experimental study of the seismic properties of the Eastern Alps (Italy) along the Aurina-Tures-Badia Valleys transet. 2002 MAZZOLI, CLAUDIOSASSI, RAFFAELE + TECTONOPHYSICS - -
From collective to individual radon risk exposure: An insight into the current European regulation 2025 Bena EleonoraMazzoli ClaudioSassi Raffaele + ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL - -