Dipartimento di Biologia - DiBio  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A European series of forest stands of different ages and their multi–taxon biodiversity 2022 Sitzia T.Campagnaro T.Alterio E. + - - Book of Abstracts – 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology, Praga, 22–26 agosto 2022
Appunti storici e politici sulla coltivazione dei boschi e sul commercio del legname negli studi di Cesare Beccaria 2021 Alterio E.Sitzia T. L' ITALIA FORESTALE E MONTANA - -
Effects of tree spacing and thinning on root reinforcement in mountain forests of the European Southern Alps 2021 Alterio E.Lingua E.Sitzia T. + FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT - -
Exploring correlation between stand structural indices and parameters across three forest types of the southeastern Italian Alps 2021 Alterio E.Sitzia T. + FORESTS - -
Extrapolating a spatially explicit tree root reinforcement model with field and LiDAR-derived stand data 2020 Edoardo AlterioTommaso SItziaAndrea RizziNiccolò MarchiEmanuele LIngua + - - EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online conference
Forest management plans as data source for the assessment of the conservation status of European Union habitat types 2023 Alterio, EdoardoCampagnaro, ThomasSitzia, Tommaso + FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE - -
Monitoring air pollution close to a cement plant and in a multi-source industrial area through tree-ring analysis 2021 Alterio E.Sitzia T. + ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - -
Preserving air pollution forest archives accessible through dendrochemistry 2020 Alterio, EdoardoRizzi, AndreaSitzia, Tommaso + JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT - -
Revisiting Vegetation Gradient Analysis and the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis for the Interpretation of Riverine Geomorphic Patterns 2023 Sitzia, TommasoIacopino, SimoneAlterio, EdoardoComiti, FrancescoSurian, NicolaLenzi, Mario AristideCampagnaro, ThomasPicco, Lorenzo + LAND - -
Supporting the conservation and management of riverscapes: the case of the LIFE Brenta 2030 project 2022 SIMONELLI F. G.IACOPINO S.CAMPAGNARO T.PICCO L.ALTERIO E.SITZIA T. + - - XXXI Congresso S.It.E. “Adattamenti degli Ecosistemi alle Pressioni dell’Antropocene”; Siena, 13-15 settembre 2022
Sweet chestnut forests under black locust invasion threat and different management: An assessment of stand structure and biodiversity 2023 Thomas CampagnaroSimone IacopinoAndrea SquartiniFlora Giulia SimonelliEdoardo AlterioGiovanni BertoldoGiuseppe ConcheriStefano GrigolatoAlessia PortaccioAndrea RizziPiergiorgio StevanatoTommaso Sitzia + FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT - -
Where are we now with European forest multi-taxon biodiversity and where can we head to? 2023 Sitzia T.Alterio E.Campagnaro T.Lingua E.Portaccio A. + BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION - -
Woodlands and hedgerows of the Po plain: planning instruments and policies implications on biodiversity conservation 2021 Giovanni TrentanoviAndrea RizziThomas CampagnaroEdoardo AlterioSimone IacopinoTommaso Sitzia + - - Book of Abstracts - Agroforestry for the transition towards sustainability and bioeconomy