Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.056
EU - Europa 795
AS - Asia 676
SA - Sud America 22
OC - Oceania 4
AF - Africa 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 5.557
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.047
IT - Italia 449
CN - Cina 325
SG - Singapore 207
FI - Finlandia 86
HK - Hong Kong 83
DE - Germania 51
FR - Francia 46
RU - Federazione Russa 38
SE - Svezia 37
GB - Regno Unito 19
BR - Brasile 18
VN - Vietnam 15
NL - Olanda 11
UA - Ucraina 11
JP - Giappone 10
CA - Canada 9
TR - Turchia 9
IN - India 7
SI - Slovenia 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
BE - Belgio 5
CH - Svizzera 5
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 5
AT - Austria 4
IE - Irlanda 4
AU - Australia 3
EG - Egitto 3
IR - Iran 3
NO - Norvegia 3
RO - Romania 3
TW - Taiwan 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
GF - Guiana Francese 2
ID - Indonesia 2
KR - Corea 2
LK - Sri Lanka 2
PT - Portogallo 2
BD - Bangladesh 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CO - Colombia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EE - Estonia 1
EU - Europa 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
LT - Lituania 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
PL - Polonia 1
Totale 5.557
Città #
Fairfield 614
Woodbridge 381
Ann Arbor 360
Houston 267
Ashburn 263
Santa Clara 255
Chandler 245
Wilmington 223
Seattle 203
Cambridge 193
Singapore 123
Padova 120
Boardman 107
Princeton 80
Medford 76
Roxbury 70
Des Moines 68
Central 66
Nanjing 51
San Diego 49
Beijing 41
Jacksonville 39
Helsinki 38
Genova 23
Munich 18
Hong Kong 17
Guangzhou 15
Jinan 15
Livorno 15
Nanchang 15
Shenyang 15
Dallas 14
Changsha 13
Washington 13
Capannori 12
Dong Ket 12
Los Angeles 12
Hebei 10
Austin 9
Florence 9
Phoenix 9
Zhengzhou 9
Spilamberto 8
Tianjin 8
Cuiabá 7
Hefei 7
Jiaxing 7
Lanzhou 7
Norwalk 7
Tokyo 7
Cagliari 6
Rome 6
Sofia 6
Chongqing 5
Ljubljana 5
Milan 5
Montreal 5
Naples 5
North Bergen 5
Nuremberg 5
Pieve 5
Shanghai 5
Taiyuan 5
Bologna 4
Brussels 4
Capannoli 4
Castello Molina di Fiemme 4
Chengdu 4
Dublin 4
Falls Church 4
Hangzhou 4
Kharkiv 4
Montagny 4
Montale 4
Ningbo 4
Ogden 4
Pune 4
Ankara 3
Castel Mella 3
Cornaredo 3
Council Bluffs 3
Istanbul 3
London 3
Londrina 3
Navi Mumbai 3
New York 3
Rockville 3
San Benedetto del Tronto 3
San Francisco 3
Santa Giustina 3
Taipa 3
Vienna 3
Xian 3
Yellow Springs 3
Assiut 2
Atlanta 2
Berlin 2
Bressanone 2
Campi Bisenzio 2
Canosa Di Puglia 2
Totale 4.432
Nome #
Relative Path Impact Index (RPII): a morphometric approach to quantify the effect of anthropogenic features on surface flow processes in agricultural landscapes 213
Relative Path Impact Index (RPII): un indicatore morfometrico per quantificare l’effetto delle strutture antropiche sul deflusso superficiale 174
Flood dynamics in urbanised landscapes: 100 years of climate and humans’ interaction 164
Design of terrace drainage networks using UAV-based high-resolution topographic data 140
On the linkage between runoff generation, land drainage, soil properties, and temporal patterns of precipitation in agricultural floodplains 130
Open-pit mining geomorphic feature characterisation 129
Open-pit mine geomorphic changes analysis using multi-temporal UAV survey 124
From features to fingerprints: A general diagnostic framework for anthropogenic geomorphology 121
Automatic characterization of road networks under forest cover: Advances in the analysis of roads and geomorphic process interaction 118
Hydrologic impacts of changing land use and climate in the Veneto lowlands of Italy 116
A new landscape metric for the identification of terraced sites: The Slope Local Length of Auto-Correlation (SLLAC) 114
Geomorphometric multi-scale analysis for the automatic detection of linear structures on the lunar surface 113
Rainfall simulation and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry for the analysis of soil water erosion in Mediterranean vineyards 112
Perspective – synthetic DEMs: a vital underpinning for the quantitative future of landform analysis? 111
Modification of artificial drainage networks during the past half-century: evidence and effects in a reclamation area in the Veneto floodplain (Italy) 110
An objective approach for feature extraction: distribution analysis and statistical descriptors for scale choice and channel network identification 104
Assessment of Social Vulnerability to Floods in the Floodplain of Northern Italy 103
Bank erosion in agricultural drainage networks: new challenges from structure-from-motion photogrammetry for post-event analysis 100
High-resolution mapping of Manawatu palaeochannels 100
Vineyards in terraced landscapes: new opportunities from lidar data 98
Variations in multiscale curvature distribution and signatures of LiDAR DTM errors 95
Human topographic signatures and derived geomorphic processes across landscapes 91
The Geomorphology of the Human Age 90
Drainage network detection and assessment of network storage capacity in agrarian landscape 89
Digital Terrain Analysis for hydrogeomorphic feature recognition 89
Comparison of Pleiades and LiDAR Digital Elevation Models for Terraces Detection in Farmlands 88
Geomorphic features extraction from high-resolution topography: landslide crowns and bank erosion 87
Field study on drainage densities and rescaled width functions in a high-altitude alpine catchment 86
Mapping the topographic fingerprints of humanity across Earth 85
Downstream hydraulic geometry relationships: Gathering reference reach-scale width values from LiDAR 84
Semi-automatic methodologies for landslide features extraction: new opportunities but also challenges from high resolution topography 81
Perspective – synthetic DEMs: A vital underpinning for the quantitative future of landform analysis? 80
Channel network identification from high-resolution DTM: a statistical approach 79
Metrics for quantifying anthropogenic impacts on geomorphology: Road networks 78
High-resolution topography and anthropogenic feature extraction: testing geomorphometric parameters in floodplains 77
Prospects for crowdsourced information on the geomorphic ‘engineering’ by the invasive Coypu (Myocastor coypus) 73
Hydrological response to ~30 years of agricultural surface water management 72
Field study on drainage densities and rescaled width functions in a high-altitude alpine catchment 70
Land-use, climate and floods dynamics in Northeastern Italy (Veneto) 66
Perspective – Synthetic DEMs: A vital underpinning for the quantitative future of landform analysis? 65
Erosion in vineyards and LiDAR: new opportunities for anthropogenic terraced landscapes 60
Surface water storage in alluvial and urbanized plains: the effectiveness of high resolution topography 58
Erosion processes by water in agricultural landscapes: a low-cost methodology for post-event analyses 55
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data for monitoring and maintenance of terraced landscapes – a case study in Lombardy vineyards (Italy) 54
Drainage channels under pressure from invasive animal species: investigation on the regional and local impact of Coypu (Myocastor coypus) damages 53
Farmland terrace slope detection from Pleiades digital elevation models 52
Morphological Similarity of Channels: From Linear Erosional Features (Rill, Gully) to Alpine Rivers 52
Semi-automatic methods for landslide features and channel network extraction in a complex mountainous terrain: new opportunities but also challenges from high resolution topography 51
LiDAR and Geomorphic Parameters for Anthropogenic Feature Extraction in Floodplains 47
Land use change in the last century in the Veneto floodplain: effects on network drainage density, water storage, and related consequences on flood 47
LiDAR DTMs and anthropogenic feature extraction: testing the feasibility of geomorphometric parameters in floodplains 47
Exploring the spatial heterogeneity of terraced landscapes using LiDAR: the Slope Local Length of Auto-Correlation (SLLAC) 46
Smartphones for post-event analysis: a low-cost and easily accessible approach for mapping natural hazards 46
Opportunities and challenges from high resolution topography for understanding earth surface processes 44
Geomorphometric multi-scale analysis for the recognition of Moon surface features using multi-resolution DTMs 44
Towards understanding links between rural landuse changes and local hydrological response 43
Il reticolo di drenaggio minore: caratterizzazione a larga scala di densità di drenaggio e capacità di invaso 42
Quantificare i danni da nutria con lo smartphone 41
Geomorphometric characterization of natural and anthropogenic land cover in different landscapes context 41
Analysis of open-pit mines using high-resolution topography from UAV 38
Automatic measurement of bankfull widths from high resolution LiDAR DTMs: a new tool to analyze the link between hydraulic and morphological variables 37
Drainage network detection andquantification of water storage capacity within drainage channels in alluvial plains through LiDAR derived DTMs 37
Recent Changes in Floodplain Urban Development and in Intense Rainfall Patterns: Evidence and Effects for the Reclamation Network in North-Eastern Italy 35
Hydrological Assessment of Model Performance and Scenario Analyses of Land Use Change and Climate Change in lowlands of Veneto Region (Italy) 35
Developing a framework to observe and analyze anthropogenic geomorphology across millennia 35
Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) data for the maintenance of terraced landscapes – a case study in Valcamonica (BS, Italy) 35
Impiego dei DTM ad alta risoluzione per la misura automatica di larghezze al bankfull 34
Smartphone imagery to analyze animal-induced erosion in riverbanks 34
The topographic signature of anthropogenic geomorphic processes 33
Geomorphology of anthropogenic landscapes 32
Social vulnerability in the flood-prone anthropogenic landscape of Northern Italy 32
Humans reclaimed lands in NorthEastern Italy and artificial drainage networks: effects of ∼30 years of Agricultural Surface Water Management 27
Similitudine morfologica tra canali di diversa dimensione: dai rill ai tratti alluvionali 23
Monitoring of Open-pit mining using geomorphometry and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), 21
The topographic signature of man 20
Hydro-geomorphic connectivity and landslide features extraction to identifying potential threats and hazardous areas 20
Totale 5.677
Categoria #
all - tutte 20.028
article - articoli 12.386
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 925
Totale 33.339

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020431 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109 108 136 42 36
2020/2021510 24 54 12 22 16 17 11 41 64 84 116 49
2021/2022861 21 162 90 53 27 40 43 79 38 15 63 230
2022/2023714 134 10 9 97 135 88 2 62 102 8 47 20
2023/2024488 10 49 34 41 23 32 84 45 22 45 60 43
2024/2025739 12 60 57 67 365 48 59 71 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.677