Dipartimento di Biomedicina Comparata e Alimentazione - BCA  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A first molecular characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolates circulating in humans from 2009 to 2014 in the Italian Veneto region 2018 Salata, CristianoLisotto, PaolaBoldrin, CaterinaDe Canale, EttorePiccirillo, AlessandraCalistri, AriannaPalù, Giorgio NEW MICROBIOLOGICA - -
A longitudinal study on thermophilic Campylobacter spp. in commercial turkey flocks in Northern Italy: occurrence and genetic diversity 2012 GIACOMELLI, MARTINAMARTINI, MARCOPICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRA + AVIAN DISEASES - -
A longitudinal study on thermophilic campylobacters in turkey flocks: preliminary results 2010 GIACOMELLI, MARTINAPASOTTO, DANIELAPICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRA + - - 8th International Symposium on Turkey Diseases
A novel real-time PCR assay for quantitative detection of Campylobacter fetus based on ribosomal sequences 2016 PICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRA + BMC VETERINARY RESEARCH - -
A re-emerging disease of hares (Lepus europaeus): Hare fibromatosis 2002 PICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRA + - - -
A review on the current situation and challenges of colistin resistance in poultry production 2018 APOSTOLAKOS, ILIASPiccirillo A. AVIAN PATHOLOGY - -
A scoping review on the assessment of biosecurity measures specific to outdoor poultry farms in high-income countries. 2024 Alessandra Piccirillo + - - -
A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of vaccination against colibacillosis in broiler production 2024 Apostolakos, IliasTilli, GiudittaPiccirillo, Alessandra + PLOS ONE - -
A systematic review on the role of biosecurity to prevent or control colibacillosis in broiler production. 2024 Tilli G.Apostolakos I.Piccirillo A. + POULTRY SCIENCE - -
A two-year (2010-2011) survey on productive performances and mortality rates of farmed game hares (Lepus europeaus) 2013 PICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRAPOPPI, LISATROCINO, ANGELA + WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE - -
A two-year (2010-2011) survey on the causes of mortality in farmed game hares (Lepus europeaus) 2013 POPPI, LISAPICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRA + WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE - -
Absence of class 1 and class 2 integrons among Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli isolated from poultry in Italy. 2013 PICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRADOTTO, GIORGIASALATA, CRISTIANOGIACOMELLI, MARTINA JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY - -
Absence of thermophilic Campylobacter species in commercially reared rabbit does (Oryctolagus cuniculi) in Italy 2011 PICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRAGIACOMELLI, MARTINALONARDI, CHIARAMENANDRO, MARIA LUISAMARTINI, MARCO + VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY - -
Altre malattie virali 2009 PICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRA - - Manuale di Patologia aviare
Amoxicillin and thiamphenicol treatments may influence the co-selection of resistance genes in the chicken gut microbiota 2022 Laconi A.Tolosi R.Piccirillo A. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
An evaluation of the sanitary condition of intensively reared grey partridges (Perdix perdix) during the adaptation. Preliminary results. 1998 PICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRA + - - I Simposium International sobre Fauna Salvaje
An overview of Campylobacter infection in the turkey industry 2015 PICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRA - - Proceedings of the 9th Turkey Science and Production Conference
An overview of Campylobacter infection in the turkey industry 2016 Piccirillo A. - - -
Analisi molecolare di ceppi del Circovirus della Malattia del Becco e delle Penne degli Psittacidi in Italia. Risultati preliminari 2011 PICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRA + - - Atti della Società Italiana di Patologia Aviare 2011 - L Convegno annuale
Antibiotico-resistenza e integroni di classe 1 e 2 in ceppi di Escherichia coli isolati da specie avicole commerciali 2013 DOTTO, GIORGIAGIACOMELLI, MARTINAPICCIRILLO, ALESSANDRA + - - Atti del LII Convegno Annuale