Dipartimento di Biomedicina Comparata e Alimentazione - BCA
[Risks from environmental exposure: the role of the veterinary epidemiology].
1993 Peracca, L; Battelli, G; Martini, Marco; Poglayen, G.
A case-control study on bovine tuberculosis in the Veneto Region (Italy)
1998 S., Marangon; Martini, Marco; M., Dalla Pozza; J., Ferreira Neto
A case-control study on risk factors for bovine brucellosis in the Veneto Region (Italy)
1997 Dalla Pozza, M.; Martini, Marco; Marangon, S.; Manca, G.; Ricci, A.
A clinical outbreak of tick-borne fever due to Anaplasma phagocytophilum in North-eastern Italy
2007 Azzolin, A; Barberio, A; Montarsi, F; Mondin, A; Drigo, Michele; Martini, Marco; Torina, A; Capelli, G.
A longitudinal study on thermophilic Campylobacter spp. in commercial turkey flocks in Northern Italy: occurrence and genetic diversity
2012 Giacomelli, Martina; Andrighetto, C.; Lombardi, A.; Martini, Marco; Piccirillo, Alessandra
A model for the operations to render epidemic-free a hog farm infected by the Aujeszky disease
2016 Costamagna, A.; Drigo, Michele; Martini, Marco; Sona, B.; Venturino, E.
A Sensitive, Reproducible, and Economic Real-Time Reverse Transcription PCR Detecting Avian Metapneumovirus Subtypes A and B
2014 Franzo, Giovanni; Drigo, Michele; Lupini, C.; Catelli, E.; Laconi, A.; Listorti, V.; Bonci, M.; Naylor, C. J.; Martini, Marco; Cecchinato, Mattia
A serological survey on brucellosis, Q fever and chlamydiosis on sheep and goats from the refugee camps of the Saharawi people
2001 DI LELLO, S.; Saleh, M. L. S.; Zerbinato, B.; Conte, F.; Scacchia, M.; Turilli, C.; Martini, Marco
A study of factors influencing intestinal parasites in dogs.
1992 Martini, Marco; Poglayen, G; Minerva, N; Zanangeli, A.
A study of the progress of the Aujeszky's disease control programme in Italy using survival analysis
2003 Martini, Marco; Drigo, Michele; Pozza, Md; Ferrari, G; Martinello, F; Sona, B.
A surveillance system for diseases of companion animals in the Veneto region (Italy)
2017 Martini, M.; Fenati, M.; Agosti, M.; Cassini, R.; Drigo, M.; Ferro, N.; Guglielmini, C.; Masiero, I.; Signorini, M.; Busetto, R.
A surveillance system of diseases of small companion animals in the Veneto Region (Italy)
2016 Martini, Marco; Busetto, Roberto; Cassini, Rudi; Drigo, Michele; Guglielmini, Carlo; Masiero, Ivano; Menandro, MARIA LUISA; Pasotto, Daniela; Fenati, Massimo
A surveillance system of diseases of small companion animals in the Veneto Region (Italy)
2016 Martini, Marco; Busetto, Roberto; Cassini, Rudi; Drigo, Michele; Guglielmini, Carlo; Masiero, Ivano; Fenati, Massimo
A survey on cattle, pig and sheep herd characteristics in densely and sparsely populated livestock areas of the European Union.
2003 Bettio, M.; Marangon, S.; Ferre', N.; Martini, Marco
A survey on feline retroviroses in free living cats colonies in Italy
2004 Drigo, Michele; Mondin, Alessandra; Piccoli, L; DI MARTINO, L; Gavioli, R; Martini, Marco
A survey on herd characteristics in densely and sparsely populated livestock areas of the EU
2000 Bettio, M.; Ferre', N.; Martini, Marco; DALLA POZZA, M.; Marangon, S.
A wild Circ-ulation: High presence of Porcine circovirus 3 in different mammalian wild hosts and ticks
2019 Franzo, Giovanni; Grassi, Laura; Tucciarone, Claudia Maria; Drigo, Michele; Martini, Marco; Pasotto, Daniela; Mondin, Alessandra; Menandro, Maria Luisa
Absence of thermophilic Campylobacter species in commercially reared rabbit does (Oryctolagus cuniculi) in Italy
2011 Piccirillo, Alessandra; Giacomelli, Martina; Lonardi, Chiara; Menandro, MARIA LUISA; Martini, Marco; Grilli, G.
Active monitoring of ticks and tick-borne zoonotic pathogens (TBP) as part of a 'one-health' surveillance strategy: a case study from the Colli Euganei Regional Park, north-eastern Italy
2011 Drigo, Michele; Martini, Marco; Ciocchetta, S; Signorini, Manuela; FRANGIPANE DI REGALBONO, Antonio; Cassini, Rudi
An epidemiological study on Q fever in the Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy.
1994 Martini, Marco; Baldelli, R; Paulucci De Calboli, L.