[Another type of interaction between blood levels of digitalis and anti-arrhythmic drugs: digoxin and amiodarone. Experience with long-term therapy].
1981 Furlanello, F; Inama, G; Ferrari, Mariano; Padrini, Roberto; Guarnerio, M; Vergara, G; Dal Forno, P; Bettini, R; Disertori, M.
[Anti-arrhythmia drugs of the '80s: something new with respect for the old].
1988 Ferrari, Mariano; Piovan, Donatella; Padrini, Roberto; Bova, Sergio; Moretto, R; Cargnelli, Gabriella
[Approach to the pharmacological study of the various structures of the A-V node].
1979 Melacini, Paola; Nava, A; Buja, Gianfranco; Marinato, Pg; Bressan, M; Prandi, Am; De Petris, A; Ferrari, Mariano
[Blood levels of digoxin and digitoxin during hemodialysis].
1975 Bernardi, Am; Bucciante, Giuseppe; DALLA VOLTA, Sergio; Ferrari, Mariano; Furlanut, Mario; Melacini, Paola
[Cardiovascular pharmacology in the 1970's].
1981 Ferrari, Mariano; Cargnelli, Gabriella; Dona, B; Dorigo, P; Gobbato, S; Maddalena, F; Maragno, I; Padrini, Roberto; Russo, R; Schivazappa, L; Pessina, Ac
[Correlation between plasma concentration and therapeutic activity of digoxin in the treatment of atrial fibrillation and indications for the association of beta blockers].
1976 Melacini, Paola; Cargnelli, Gabriella; Roberti, G; Schivazappa, L; Ferrari, Mariano
[Effects of digoxin on plasma renin activity in man. II].
1977 Montanaro, D; Antonello, Augusto; Finotti, Paola; Marangoni, R; Melacini, Paola; Ferrari, Mariano
[New inotropic drugs].
1982 Ferrari, Mariano; Cargnelli, Gabriella; Piovan, Donatella; Bova, Sergio; Padrini, Roberto
[Pharmacological and clinical research on the interaction of digitalis and amiodarone in heart disease patients with varying degrees of cardiac insufficiency].
1984 Fornaro, G; Rossi, P; Padrini, Roberto; Piovan, Donatella; Ferrari, Mariano; Fortina, A; Tomassini, G; Aquili, C.
[The relevance of the receptor system in the determination of hypertension].
1991 Ferrari, Mariano; Padrini, Roberto; Piovan, Donatella
A new limited sampling strategy for 5-fluorouracil AUC determination following rapid i.v. bolus
2002 Gusella, M; Ferrazzi, E; Ferrari, Mariano; Padrini, Roberto
A report on the positive inotropic action of amrinone
1982 Cargnelli, Gabriella; Padrini, Roberto; Piovan, Donatella; Piacenza, G; Ferrari, Mariano; Gallucci, V.
Adaptation of the QT interval to heart rate changes in isolated perfused guinea-pig heart: influence of amiodarone and d-sotalol.
1997 Padrini, Roberto; Speranza, G.; Nollo, G.; Bova, Sergio; Piovan, Donatella; Antolini, M.; Ferrari, Mariano
1991 Padrini, Roberto; Compostella, L; Piovan, Donatella; Javarnaro, A; Cucchini, F; Ferrari, Mariano
Amiodarone and amiodarone plus digitalis in the treatment of paroxismal supraventricular reciprocatine tachyarrhythmias
1982 Furlanello, F; Inama, G; Ferrari, Mariano; Padrini, Roberto; Piovan, Donatella; Guarnerio, M; Vergara, G; Del Favero, A; Dal Forno, P; Disertori, M.
Antiarrhythmic drug plasma concentrations in ambulatory patients
1996 Latini, R; Magnolfi, G; Zordan, R; Ferrari, Mariano; Padrini, Roberto; Piovan, Donatella; Pecorari, T; Bottazzi, L.
1994 Padrini, Roberto; Yang, Q; Piovan, Donatella; Ferrari, Mariano
Cardiac effects of quinidine on guinea-pig isolated perfused hearts after in vivo quinidine pretreatment
1997 Yang, Q; Padrini, Roberto; Piovan, Donatella; Ferrari, Mariano
Clinical evaluation of new antiarrhythmic agents: experiences with propafenone
1983 Furlanello, F; Disertori, M; Vergara, G; Guarnerio, M; Dal Forno, P; Padrini, Roberto; Gobbato, S; Ferrari, Mariano
Clinical value of the determination of anti-arrhythmia drugs in the plasma
1980 Ferrari, Mariano; Malini, Pl; Padrini, Roberto; Costa, Fv; Gobbato, S; Ambrosioni, E.