Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali - DTG
"Supermarket warehouses": stocking policies optimization in an assembly-to-order environment
2010 Battini, Daria; Faccio, Maurizio; Persona, Alessandro; Sgarbossa, Fabio
A bi-objective model to include workers’ vibration exposure in assembly line design
2021 Finco, S.; Abdous, M. -A.; Calzavara, M.; Battini, D.; Delorme, X.
A Century of Evolution from Harris's Basic Lot Size Model: Survey and Research Agenda
2014 Andriolo, Alessandro; Battini, Daria; Grubbstrom, R; Persona, Alessandro; Sgarbossa, Fabio
A comparative analysis of different paperless picking systems
2015 Battini, Daria; Calzavara, Martina; Persona, Alessandro; Sgarbossa, Fabio
A Comparison Between (s, S) Policy with Delayed Ordering and Policy Based on Binomial Distribution and Total Cost
2014 Battini, Daria; Persona, Alessandro; Sgarbossa, Fabio; Beretta, F.; Pepori, M.
A Joint Assembly Line Balancing and Feeding Problem (JALBFP) considering direct and indirect supply strategies
2021 Calzavara, M.; Finco, S.; Battini, D.; Sgarbossa, F.; Persona, A.
A method to choose between carton from rack picking or carton from pallet picking
2018 Battini, Daria; Calzavara, Martina; Persona, Alessandro; Sgarbossa, Fabio
A methodological framework for the design of efficient resilience in supply networks
2024 Aldrighetti, R.; Calzavara, M.; Martignago, M.; Zennaro, I.; Battini, D.; Ivanov, D.
A new bi-objective approach for including ergonomic principles into EOQ model
2016 Andriolo, Alessandro; Battini, Daria; Persona, Alessandro; Sgarbossa, Fabio
A new methodological framework to implement an RFID project and its application
2009 Battini, Daria; Faccio, Maurizio; Persona, Alessandro; Sgarbossa, Fabio
A new roadmap for an age-inclusive workforce management practice and an international policies comparison
2024 Katiraee, N.; Berti, N.; Das, A.; Zennaro, I.; Aldrighetti, R.; Dimovski, V.; Peljhan, D.; Dobbs, D.; Glock, C.; Pacheco, G.; Neumann, P.; Ogawa, A.; Battini, D.
A parts feeding model for big size products: the active and idle assembly islands strategy
2020 Zennaro, Ilenia; Finco, Serena; Calzavara, Martina; Battini, Daria; Persona, Alessandro
A supervised machine learning approach for the optimisation of the assembly line feeding mode selection
2020 Zangaro, F.; Minner, S.; Battini, D.
A sustainable EOQ model: Theoretical formulation and applications
2014 Battini, Daria; Persona, Alessandro; Sgarbossa, Fabio
A sustainable joint economic lot size model for supplier selection under carbon emissions: A case study
2024 Katiraee, Niloofar; Berti, Nicola; Isolan, Ilaria; Calzavara, Martina; Battini, Daria
Additional effort estimation due to ergonomic conditions in order picking systems
2017 Battini, Daria; Calzavara, Martina; Persona, Alessandro; Sgarbossa, Fabio
Advances in Production Economics
2022 Missbauer, Hubert; Battini, Daria; Trautrims, Alexander; Tseng, Ming-Lang
Ageing workforce management in manufacturing systems: state of the art and future research agenda
2020 Calzavara, M.; Battini, D.; Bogataj, D.; Sgarbossa, F.; Zennaro, I.
Application of humanitarian last mile distribution model
2014 Battini, Daria; Peretti, Umberto; Persona, Alessandro; Sgarbossa, Fabio
Applying the zero-inflated Poisson regression in the inventory management of irregular demand items
2022 Finco, S.; Battini, D.; Converso, G.; Murino, T.