Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale - ICEA  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
3D mesoscale modelling of cementitious materials at post-peak. 2019 Gianluca MazzuccoGiovanna XottaBeatrice PomaroEnrico GarbinValentina A. SalomoniCarmelo Maiorana - - Proceedings: VI International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures (CFRAC 2019)
3D Modeling of asphalt materials at the mesoscale 2022 Mazzucco GianlucaPomaro BeatriceSalomoni ValentinaMaiorana Carmelo. - - 15th World Congress on Computation Mecchanics & 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computation Mechanics
3D Modeling of concrete at meso-level 2012 MAIORANA, CARMELOSALOMONI, VALENTINAXOTTA, GIOVANNAPOMARO, BEATRICE + - - Proceedings: Virtual testing of materials and structures, 8.10.2012, Turin
3D modeling of Radiation Induced Volumetric Expansion (RIVE) on concrete: thermo-mechanical implications and shielding properties investigations on a heavy-weight sustainable concrete. 2017 Pomaro B.Xotta G.Salomoni V.Majorana C. E.Faleschini F. + - - Proceedings: Third general meeting – International Committee on Irradiated Concrete (ICIC)
3D subsidence analyses above gas reservoirs accounting for an unconventional plasticity model 2012 SALOMONI, VALENTINAFincato, Riccardo INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS - -
A 3D coupled thermo-mechanical and neutron diffusion numerical model for irradiated concrete 2024 Zhang J.Pomaro B.Mazzucco G.Dongmo B. F.Majorana C.Salomoni V. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES - -
A 3D elasto-plasto-damaged model of confined concrete composites at the mesolevel 2018 Gianluca MazzuccoDE MARCHI, NICOBeatrice PomaroGiovanna XottaValentina A. SalomoniC. E. Maiorana - - XXII CONVEGNO GIMC GRUPPO ITALIANO DI MECCANICA COMPUTAZIONALE - IX RIUNIONE GMA GRUPPO MATERIALI AIMETA
A 3D plastic-damage constitutive model for concrete failure 2022 Gianluca MazzuccoBeatrice PomaroBeaudin Freinrich DongmoJiangkun ZhangValentina SalomoniCarmelo Majorana. - - The Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
A 3D visco-elasto-plasto damage constitutive model of concrete under long-term effects 2023 Dongmo B. F.Mazzucco G.Pomaro B.Zhang J.Majorana C.Salomoni V. - MATERIALS RESEARCH PROCEEDINGS Materials Research Proceedings
A CBS-type stabilizing algorithm for the consolidation of saturated porous media 2005 SALOMONI, VALENTINASCHREFLER, BERNHARD INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING - -
A Cohesive Contact Algorithm to Describe the Multi-axial Bond Behavior of FRCM Composites 2022 Mazzucco G.Salomoni V. + - LECTURE NOTES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering
A cohesive contact algorithm to evaluate the mechanical behaviour of concrete ITZ at different roughness conditions 2021 Mazzucco G.Salomoni V. A.Majorana C. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS - -
A Cohesive Contact Law To Model The Interfacial Transition Zone In Cementitious Materials 2021 mazzucco g.pomaro b.salomoni v.majorana c. - - Proc. of the 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics
A combined FEM-Monte Carlo approach to assess damage effects on irradiated concrete 2015 Pomaro B.Majorana C. E.Salomoni V. A. + - - proceedings: First general meeting – International Committee on Irradiated Concrete (ICIC)
A combined Finite Element and Monte Carlo approach for radiation damage assessment on nuclear facilities 2011 POMARO, BEATRICESALOMONI, VALENTINAMAIORANA, CARMELO + - - Proceedings: Sixth M.I.T. Conference
 on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics - Advances in Solids & Structures
A constitutive relationship for high performance and ultra high performance concrete 1998 MAIORANA, CARMELOSALOMONI, VALENTINASCHREFLER, BERNHARD - - EURO-C 1998
A Continuum-Tensegrity Computational Model for Chondrocyte Biomechanics in AFM Indentation and Micropipette Aspiration 2022 Arduino, AlessandroPettenuzzo, SofiaBerardo, AliceSalomoni, Valentina AMajorana, CarmeloCarniel, Emanuele Luigi ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING - -
A coupled elasto-plastic damage model for concrete in a mesoscale approach 2017 MAZZUCCO, GIANLUCAMAIORANA, CARMELOSALOMONI, VALENTINA - - Coupled Problems 2017
A coupled elasto-plasto-damaged formulation for ordinary concrete at the meso-scale with explicit modelling of entrapped air macropores 2021 G. MazzuccoB. PomaroV. SalomoniC. Majorana - - Proceedings: IX International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (Coupled 2021)
A COUPLED MULTI–FIELD DYNAMIC MODEL FOR ANISOTROPIC POROUS MATERIALS 2022 N. De MarchiM. FerronatoG. XottaV. A. Salomoni - - Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems. Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 5-7 September 2022, Cape Town, South Africa