Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII
A biomechanical assessment of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy with a patient-specific approach
2022 Berardo, Alice; Toniolo, Ilaria; Foletto, Mirto; Fiorillo, Claudio; Quero, Giuseppe; Perretta, Silvana; Carniel, EMANUELE LUIGI
A combined continuum-tensegrity FE model to describe the mechanical behaviour of a chondrocyte cell: definition, identification and validation by means of AFM indentation and micropipette aspiration
2021 Arduino, Alessandro; Pettenuzzo, Sofia; Berardo, Alice; Carniel, EMANUELE LUIGI; Maiorana, Carmelo
A Continuum-Tensegrity Computational Model for Chondrocyte Biomechanics in AFM Indentation and Micropipette Aspiration
2022 Arduino, Alessandro; Pettenuzzo, Sofia; Berardo, Alice; Salomoni, Valentina A; Majorana, Carmelo; Carniel, Emanuele Luigi
A model for hierarchical anisotropic friction, adhesion and wear
2020 Berardo, A.; Pugno, N. M.
A soft robot structure with limbless resonant, stick and slip locomotion
2019 Calabrese, Luigi; Berardo, Alice; De Rossi, Danilo; Gei, Massimiliano; Pugno, Nicola Maria; Fantoni, Gualtiero
An experimental-numerical study of the adhesive static and dynamic friction of micro-patterned soft polymer surfaces
2019 Berardo, A.; Costagliola, G.; Ghio, S.; Boscardin, M.; Bosia, F.; Pugno, N. M.
An insight into the toughness modulus enhancement of highperformance knotted microfibers through the correspondence analysis
2021 Berardo, A.; Pantano, M. F.; Pugno, N. M.
Applied Biotremology: the vibrational mating disruption and other innovative techniques
2019 Mazzoni, V.; Nieri, R.; Berardo, A.; Polajnar, J.; Virant-Doberlet, M.
Automatic Segmentation of Stomach of Patients Affected by Obesity
2023 Pretto, A.; Toniolo, I.; Berardo, A.; Savio, G.; Perretta, S.; Carniel, E. L.; Uccheddu, F.
Biomechanical characterization of human plantar fascia through experimental tests
2023 Pettenuzzo, S.; Berardo, A.; Belluzzi, E.; Pozzuoli, A.; Ruggieri, P.; Carniel, E. L.; Fontanella, C. G.
Biomechanical characterization of human superficial fascia from abdomen: A case study
2022 Bonaldi, L.; Berardo, A.; Stecco, C.; Fontanella, C. G.
Biomechanical characterization of plantar skin
2022 Pettenuzzo, S.; Toschetti, F.; Berardo, A.; Belluzzi, E.; Pozzuoli, A.; Ruggieri, P.; Fontanella, C. G.
Biomechanical properties of the human superficial fascia: Site-specific variability and anisotropy of abdominal and thoracic regions
2024 Berardo, Alice; Bonaldi, Lorenza; Stecco, Carla; Fontanella, Chiara Giulia
Biomechanics of breast tissues towards the design of a novel biomimetic scaffold for tissue regeneration
2024 Berardo, A; Mascolini, Mv; Pomaro, B; Morelli, Ml; Stecco, C; Fontanella, Cg; Mazzucco, G; Carniel, El
Biomechanics of Chondrocytes and Chondrons in Healthy Conditions and Osteoarthritis: A Review of the Mechanical Characterisations at the Microscale
2023 Pettenuzzo, Sofia; Arduino, Alessandro; Belluzzi, Elisa; Pozzuoli, Assunta; Fontanella, Chiara Giulia; Ruggieri, Pietro; Salomoni, Valentina; Majorana, Carmelo; Berardo, Alice
Circumferential buckling of thick-wall hyperelatsic tubes under radial pressure
2022 Pomaro, Beatrice; Mazzucco, Gianluca; Berardo, Alice; Carniel, EMANUELE LUIGI; Salomoni, Valentina; Maiorana, Carmelo
Comparison of different tensegrity models of the living cell undergoing compression
2022 Arduino, A.; Pettenuzzo, S.; Berardo, A.; Salomoni, V.; Carniel, E. L.; Majorana, C.
2021 Pettenuzzo, Sofia; Arduino, Alessandro; Berardo, Alice; Majorana, Carmelo; Carniel, EMANUELE LUIGI
Coupling computational vibrational models and experimental biotremology to develop a green pest control strategy against the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum
2022 Berardo, Alice; Fattoruso, Valeria; Mazzoni, Valerio; Pugno, Nicola M
Design of ideal vibrational signals for stinkbug male attraction through vibrotaxis experiments
2021 Caorsi, V.; Cornara, D.; Wells, K. E.; Moser, D.; Berardo, A.; Miselli, R.; Torriani, M.; Pugno, N. M.; Tasin, M.; Maistrello, L.; Mazzoni, V.