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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A teleoperation system for a remote evaluation of the hand in patients with neurological impairments 2010 OBOE, ROBERTOMASIERO, STEFANOOSCARI, FABIOROSATI, GIULIO + - - Proceedings of the 6th Europe-Asia congress on Mechatronics EAM 2010
Agility in assembly systems: A comparison model 2017 Barbazza, L.Faccio, M.Oscari, F.Rosati, G. ASSEMBLY AUTOMATION - -
Changes in muscle coordination patterns induced by exposure to a viscous force field 2016 OSCARI, FABIOFINETTO, CHRISTIANROSATI, GIULIO + JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION - -
Design and Construction of a Bilateral Haptic System for the Remote Assessment of the Stiffness and Range of Motion of the Hand 2016 OSCARI, FABIOOBOE, ROBERTOMASIERO, STEFANOROSATI, GIULIO + SENSORS - -
Design and construction of a variable-aperture gripper for flexible automated assembly 2017 ROSATI, GIULIOMINTO, SIMONEOSCARI, FABIO ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING - -
Development of a four-channel haptic system for remote assessment of patients with impaired hands 2017 OBOE, ROBERTOOSCARI, FABIOMASIERO, STEFANOROSATI, GIULIO + ROBOTICA - -
Development of a haptic teleoperation system for remote motor and functional evaluation of hand in patients with neurological impairments 2010 OBOE, ROBERTOMASIERO, STEFANOOSCARI, FABIOROSATI, GIULIO + - - Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control AMC 2010
Effect of task-related continuous auditory feedback during learning of tracking motion exercises 2012 ROSATI, GIULIOOSCARI, FABIOSPAGNOL, SIMONEAVANZINI, FEDERICOMASIERO, STEFANO JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION - -
Effects of kinesthetic and cutaneous stimulation during the learning of a viscous force field 2014 ROSATI, GIULIOOSCARI, FABIO + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS - -
Employing spatial sonification of target motion in tracking exercises 2012 SPAGNOL, SIMONEM. GeronazzoAVANZINI, FEDERICOOSCARI, FABIOROSATI, GIULIO - - Proceedings of the 9th Sound and Music Computing Conference SMC 2012
First results on the role of cutaneous feedback during the learning of a force field in reaching tasks 2014 OSCARI, FABIOROSATI, GIULIOROSSI, ALDO + - - Settima giornata di studio Ettore Funaioli - 19 luglio 2013
First test results of a haptic tele-operation system to enhance stability of telescopic handlers 2010 ROSATI, GIULIOOSCARI, FABIOROSSI, ALDO + - - Proceedings of the ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis ESDA2010-25305
Functional design of a robotic gripper for adaptive robotic assembly 2017 OSCARI, FABIOMINTO, SIMONEROSATI, GIULIO MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE - Mechanisms and Machine Science
Improving robotics for neurorehabilitation: enhancing engagement, performance, and learning with auditory feedback 2011 ROSATI, GIULIOOSCARI, FABIOAVANZINI, FEDERICOSPAGNOL, SIMONEMASIERO, STEFANO + - - Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics ICORR2011
Optimized trajectory planning of pick and place operations to be performed by cable-driven parallel robots 2017 BARBAZZA, LUCAOSCARI, FABIOMINTO, SIMONEROSATI, GIULIO - - Mechanisms and Machine Science
Remote evaluation of muscular capabilities in patients with neurological impairments 2010 OBOE, ROBERTOMASIERO, STEFANOOSCARI, FABIOROSATI, GIULIO + - - Proceedings of the Int. Symp. on Application of Biomedical Control Systems to Precision Eng. ISAB 2010
Studio di sistemi robotici attivi interagenti per rieducazione motoria 2012 Oscari, Fabio - - -
Substituting auditory for visual feedback to adapt to altered dynamic and kinematic environments during reaching 2012 OSCARI, FABIOAVANZINI, FEDERICOROSATI, GIULIO + EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH - -
Throughput maximization and buffer design of robotized flexible production systems with feeder renewals and priority rules 2016 ROSATI, GIULIOOSCARI, FABIOBARBAZZA, LUCAFACCIO, MAURIZIO INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY - -
Trajectory planning of a suspended cable driven parallel robot with reconfigurable end effector 2017 BARBAZZA, LUCAOSCARI, FABIOMINTO, SIMONEROSATI, GIULIO ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING - -