Università di Padova
Additive effect of Bisphenol A and Pefluoro-sulphoctanoic acid exposure at subacute toxic levels, on a murine model of sertoli cell
2024 Sabovic, I.; De Toni, L.; Di Nisio, A.; Radu, C. M.; Gabbia, D.; De Martin, S.; Ferlin, A.
Aqueous extract of Eruca Sativa protects human spermatozoa from mitochondrial failure due to bisphenol A exposure
2018 Grami, Dhekra; Rtibi, Kaïs; Selmi, Slimen; Jridi, Morad; Sebai, Hichem; Marzouki, Lamjed; Sabovic, Iva; Foresta, Carlo; De Toni, Luca
Association of perfluoroalkyl substance (PFAS) on vitamin D biomarkers in a highly exposed population of the Veneto Region in Italy
2025 Di Nisio, Andrea; DE TONI, Luca; Canova, Cristina; Berti, Mirko; Di Falco, Achille; Zolin, Rinaldo; Maria Bettega, Anna; Sabovic, Iva; Ferlin, Alberto; Foresta, Carlo
E2F1 copy number variations contribute to spermatogenic impairment and cryptorchidism by increasing susceptibility to heat stress
2019 Rocca, M. S.; Di Nisio, A.; Sabovic, I.; Ghezzi, M.; Foresta, C.; Ferlin, A.
Endocrine disruption of androgenic activity by perfluoroalkyl substances: clinical and experimental evidence
2019 Di Nisio, Andrea; Sabovic, Iva; Valente, Umberto; Tescari, Simone; Rocca, Maria Santa; Guidolin, Diego; Dall'Acqua, Stefano; Acquasaliente, Laura; Pozzi, Nicola; Plebani, Mario; Garolla, Andrea; Foresta, Carlo
Endocrine Disruption of Vitamin D Activity by Perfluoro-Octanoic Acid (PFOA)
2020 DI NISIO, Andrea; Rocca, MARIA SANTA; DE TONI, Luca; Sabovic, Iva; Guidolin, Diego; Dall'Acqua, Stefano; Acquasaliente, Laura; DE FILIPPIS, Vincenzo; Plebani, Mario; Foresta, Carlo
Fertility Impairment after Trekking at High Altitude: A Proof of Mechanisms on Redox and Metabolic Seminal Changes
2022 Verratti, Vittore; Mrakic-Sposta, Simona; Fusi, Jonathan; Sabovic, Iva; Franzoni, Ferdinando; Pietrangelo, Tiziana; Bondi, Danilo; Dall'Acqua, Stefano; Daniele, Simona; Scarfò, Giorgia; Di Giulio, Camillo; Garolla, Andrea
In vitro binding analysis of legacy-linear and new generation-cyclic perfluoro-alkyl substances on sex hormone binding globulin and albumin, suggests low impact on serum hormone kinetics of testosterone
2023 Pavan, Angela; Cendron, Laura; DI NISIO, Andrea; Pedrucci, Federica; Sabovic, Iva; Scarso, Alessandro; Ferlin, Alberto; Angelini, Alessandro; Foresta, Carlo; DE TONI, Luca
Interference of C6O4 on platelet aggregation pathways: Cues on the new-generation of perfluoro-alkyl substance
2021 Minuz, P.; De Toni, L.; Dall'Acqua, S.; Di Nisio, A.; Sabovic, I.; Castelli, M.; Meneguzzi, A.; Foresta, C.
Legacy perfluoro-alkyl substances impair LDL-cholesterol uptake independently from PCSK9-function
2023 Sabovic, Iva; Lupo, MARIA GIOVANNA; Rossi, Ilaria; Pedrucci, Federica; DI NISIO, Andrea; Dall’Acqua, Stefano; Ferri, Nicola; Ferlin, Alberto; Foresta, Carlo; DE TONI, Luca
Lipidomic Profile of Human Sperm Membrane Identifies a Clustering of Lipids Associated with Semen Quality and Function
2024 DI NISIO, Andrea; DE TONI, Luca; Sabovic, Iva; Vignoli, Alessia; Tenori, Leonardo; Dall’Acqua, Stefano; Sut, Stefania; La Vignera, Sandro; Angela Condorelli, Rosita; Giacone, Filippo; Ferlin, Alberto; Foresta, Carlo; Garolla, Andrea
Membrane Cholesterol Inhibits Progesterone-Mediated Sperm Function through the Possible Involvement of ABHD2
2023 De Toni, L.; Cosci, I.; Sabovic, I.; Di Nisio, A.; Guidolin, D.; Pedrucci, F.; Finocchi, F.; Dall'Acqua, S.; Foresta, C.; Ferlin, A.; Garolla, A.
Perfluoro-octanoic acid impairs sperm motility through the alteration of plasma membrane
2020 Sabovic, I.; Cosci, I.; De Toni, L.; Ferramosca, A.; Stornaiuolo, M.; Di Nisio, A.; Dall'Acqua, S.; Garolla, A.; Foresta, C.
Sperm cholesterol content modifies sperm function and trpv1‐mediated sperm migration
2021 De Toni, L.; Sabovic, I.; De Filippis, V.; Acquasaliente, L.; Peterle, D.; Guidolin, D.; Sut, S.; Di Nisio, A.; Foresta, C.; Garolla, A.
Testicular Cancer: Genes, Environment, Hormones.
2019 De Toni, L; Sabovic, Iva; Cosci, Ilaria; Ghezzi, M; Foresta, C; Garolla, A
Testosterone is sequestered in dysfunctional adipose tissue, modifying androgen-responsive genes
2020 Di Nisio, A; Sabovic, I; De Toni, L; Rocca, Ms; Dall'Acqua, S; Azzena, B; De Rocco Ponce, M; Foresta, C