Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.775
NA - Nord America 8.012
AS - Asia 1.200
SA - Sud America 27
AF - Africa 18
OC - Oceania 7
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
Totale 18.044
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.984
IT - Italia 7.109
SG - Singapore 545
CN - Cina 455
FR - Francia 438
UA - Ucraina 234
FI - Finlandia 212
DE - Germania 195
GB - Regno Unito 122
RU - Federazione Russa 96
SE - Svezia 91
NL - Olanda 57
CH - Svizzera 52
IN - India 50
VN - Vietnam 42
IE - Irlanda 37
GR - Grecia 25
CA - Canada 23
HK - Hong Kong 17
TR - Turchia 17
PL - Polonia 16
DZ - Algeria 14
IR - Iran 13
PH - Filippine 12
PT - Portogallo 12
BR - Brasile 11
ES - Italia 11
NO - Norvegia 10
RO - Romania 10
CL - Cile 9
JP - Giappone 9
DK - Danimarca 8
AT - Austria 7
AU - Australia 7
BG - Bulgaria 7
AR - Argentina 6
ID - Indonesia 6
IL - Israele 6
CY - Cipro 5
EU - Europa 5
HU - Ungheria 5
MX - Messico 5
PK - Pakistan 5
RS - Serbia 5
BE - Belgio 4
LT - Lituania 4
MY - Malesia 4
KR - Corea 3
TW - Taiwan 3
HR - Croazia 2
SA - Arabia Saudita 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AL - Albania 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
JO - Giordania 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
NG - Nigeria 1
SM - San Marino 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 18.044
Città #
Fairfield 1.102
Woodbridge 661
Chandler 591
Jacksonville 545
Santa Clara 500
Ann Arbor 467
Houston 465
Singapore 435
Ashburn 411
Wilmington 394
Milan 377
Rome 351
Padova 344
Seattle 338
Cambridge 294
Boardman 268
Princeton 232
Roxbury 151
San Diego 146
Naples 120
Medford 109
Bari 98
Des Moines 91
Nanjing 89
Turin 84
Beijing 83
Helsinki 83
Florence 82
Bologna 71
Palermo 69
Verona 50
Vicenza 48
Dong Ket 39
Rovigo 35
Genoa 32
Guangzhou 28
Dublin 26
London 26
Parma 25
Trieste 25
Catania 24
Paris 24
Shenyang 23
Treviso 23
Venice 23
Tianjin 21
Brescia 19
Hebei 19
Nanchang 19
Norwalk 19
Jiaxing 18
Bolzano 17
Foggia 17
Modena 17
Napoli 17
New York 17
Pisa 17
Cagliari 16
Redwood City 16
Reggio Emilia 16
Council Bluffs 15
Faenza 15
Taranto 15
Bergamo 14
Changsha 14
Messina 14
Pescara 14
Fossò 13
Lucca 13
Virginia Beach 13
Genova 12
Hong Kong 12
Indiana 12
Los Angeles 12
Perugia 12
Ogden 11
Terlizzi 11
Chicago 10
Lugano 10
Mondovì 10
Salerno 10
Torino 10
Ancona 9
Campobasso 9
Dallas 9
Monza 9
Nembro 9
Prato 9
Reggio Calabria 9
Santiago 9
Trapani 9
Venezia 9
Afragola 8
Aprilia 8
Carugate 8
Columbus 8
Forlì 8
Jinan 8
Marcianise 8
Mira 8
Totale 10.193
Nome #
Navigating in Virtual Environments: Does a Map or a Map-Based Description Presented Beforehand Help? 1.868
Prova di metacomprensione. Valutazione dell'abilità strategica, della sensibilità al testo e dell'attività di controllo implicate nella comprensione della lettura: manuale con guida alla correzione 1.123
Psicologia della personalità  e delle differenze individuali. 647
Falsi ricordi per eventi emozionali: Il ruolo delle differenze individuali nella memoria di lavoro e nei tratti ansioso-depressivi 558
Il disturbo dell'apprendimento Non-verbale (visuospaziale) 537
Emozioni nello studio e successo accademico. Presentazione di uno strumento 469
Psicologia dell'apprendimento multimediale 405
MESI. Motivazioni, emozioni, strategie e insegnamento. Questionari metacognitivi per insegnanti. 345
Psicologia della personalità e delle differenze individuali 317
Metacognizione e lettura: attività didattiche per la comprensione del testo 224
Quando dire bravo non basta. Effetti della lode e dell'attribuzione all'impegno e all'abilità. 195
La comprensione del testo: modelli teorici e programmi di intervento 193
Insegno bene geografia perché mi piace 152
How to enhance route learning and visuo-spatial working memory in aging: a training for residential care home residents 145
Relationship between spatial ability, visuospatial working memory and self-assessed spatial orientation ability: a study in older adults 142
Strategie di empowerment cognitivo per il successo scolastico 133
Influenza della memoria di lavoro e delle abilita metacognitive e sintattiche nella difficolta specifica di comprensione della lettura. 131
Mental rotation training: transfer and maintenance effects on spatial abilities 125
Mental representations derived from spatial descriptions: the influence of orientation specificity and visuospatial abilities 121
L’attività lavorativa influisce sempre negativamente sul successo accademico? Strategie, motivazione ed emozioni di studenti lavoratori di due diverse facoltà. 121
Costruire un apprendimento di successo. Attività per promuovere strategie, atteggiamenti e motivazione nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado 117
Abilità spaziale e senso dell'orientamento in persone che praticano l'orienting. 116
Visual perception and memory impairments in children at risk of nonverbal learning disabilities 114
The role of visuo-spatial abilities in recall of spatial descriptions: a mediation model 114
Working memory components and imagery instructions in the elaboration of a spatial mental model. 112
Are Wayfinding Self-efficacy and Pleasure in Exploring Related to Shortcut Finding? A Study in a Virtual Environment 112
Psychological Benefits of Attending Forest School for Preschool Children: a Systematic Review 111
The role of visuospatial and verbal abilities, styles and strategies in predicting visuospatial description accuracy 109
Gli effetti positivi del contatto con ambienti blu sulla salute e il benessere psicologico. Gli ambienti blu come fonte di benessere psicologico: evidenze, meccanismi e implicazioni per la promozione della salute mentale 108
A comparison of updating processes in children good or poor in arithmetic word problem-solving 108
Environment Learning from Spatial Descriptions: The Role of Perspective and Spatial Abilities in Young and Older Adults 107
Positive and Negative Wayfinding Inclinations, Choice of Navigation Aids, and How They Relate to Personality Traits 106
Cognitive styles and mental rotation ability in map learning 102
When being able is not enough. The combined value of positive affect and self-efficacy for job satisfaction in teaching 101
Visuo-spatial working memory and mental representation of spatial descriptions 100
Learning to read: Evidence on the distinction between decoding and comprehension skills 99
Planning routes around the world: International evidence for southern route preferences 97
The Mental Representation Derived from Spatial Descriptions is North-Up Oriented: The Role of Visuo-spatial Abilities. 96
The effects of verbal and spatial interference in the encoding and retrieval of spatial and non-spatial texts 94
Differenze individuali nella rappresentazione dello spazio e nell'abilità  di orientamento: presentazione di un questionario autovalutativo 94
Working memory involvement in spatial text processing: What advantages are gained from extended learning and visuo-spatial strategies? 94
Empowerment cognitivo e prevenzione dell'insuccesso 93
Attitude towards school, motivation, emotions and academic achievement 93
Which spatial abilities and strategies predict males’ and females’performance in the object perspective test? 93
Specifying the boundary conditions of the multimedia effect: The influence of content and its distribution between text and pictures 93
Encoding and updating spatial information presented in narratives. 91
Learning to read: Evidence on the distinction between decoding and comprehension skills. 90
Spatial mental models derived from the integration of information from different perspectives 88
Language, spatial cognition, and navigation 88
The role of mental rotation and age in spatial perspective-taking tasks: when age does not impair perspective-taking performance 86
Spatial mental representations derived from spatial descriptions: the predicting and mediating roles of spatial preferences, strategies, and abilities 86
Multiple Dimensions of Self-Esteem and Their Relationship with Health in Adolescence 86
The power of extraversion? Reduced false memories for positive events 86
Mind and maze. Spatial cognition and environmental behavior 85
BVS-Corsi: Batteria per la valutazione della memoria visiva e spaziale 85
Individual differences in spatial language and way-finding: the role of cognition, emotion and motivation. 85
Spatial text processing in relation to spatial abilities and spatial styles 84
Emergenza, trauma e resilienza. L’impatto psicologico del sisma su individui e società. In «E vulnere ubertas». Passaggi feriti nelle terre di Benedetto 84
Lo sviluppo della memoria di lavoro visuospaziale e il suo ruolo nella memoria spaziale. 83
The structure of visuospatial memory in adulthood 82
Combining Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Visuospatial Tests to Classify Mild Cognitive Impairment 81
Increases in intrusion errors and working memory deficit of poor comprehenders 80
Spatial mental representations derived from survey and route descriptions: When individuals prefer extrinsic frame of reference 80
Visual Perceptual Organization Ability in Autopsy-Verified Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer's Disease 80
Visuospatial memory and neuroimaging correlates in mild cognitive impairment 80
Perché (non) mi piace la scuola. 79
Working memory components in survey and route spatial text processing. 79
The joint role of spatial ability and imagery strategy in sustaining the learning of spatial descriptions under spatial interference 79
Evidence for a double dissociation between spatial-simultaneous and spatial-sequential working memory in visuospatial (Nonverbal) learning disabled children 79
Tracing a Route and Finding a Shortcut: The Working Memory, Motivational, and Personality Factors Involved 79
Short-Term Exposure to Nature and Benefits for Students’ Cognitive Performance: a Review 79
Following the instructions ! Effects of gender beliefs in mental rotation 78
Perspective, Instruction, and Cognitive Style in Spatial Representation of a Virtual Environment 78
The role of working memory in spatial text processing: What benefit of imagery strategy and visuospatial abilities? 77
Evidences for different components in children's visuospatial working memory 77
Orientamento e rappresentazione dello spazio 76
The Role of Distinct Components of Visuo-spatial Working Memory in the Processing of Texts 76
Individual differences in spatial text processing: high spatial ability can compensate for spatial working memory interference 75
Abilità visuo-spaziali in ballerini di danze sportive. 75
What working memory subcomponents are needed in the acquisition of survey knowledge? Evidence from direction estimation and shortcut tasks 74
Memory and comprehension deficits in spatial descriptions of children with non-verbal and reading disabilities 74
Individual differences in memory updating in relation to arithmetic problem solving 74
Successful navigation: the influence of task goals and working memory 74
Increases in Intrusion Errors and Working Memory Deficit of Poor Comprehenders 73
Spatial discourse and navigation: an analysis of route directions in the city of Venice 73
Text and picture integration in comprehending and memorizing spatial descriptions. 73
Residential Place Attachment as an Adaptive Strategy for Coping With the Reduction of Spatial Abilities in Old Age 73
The influence of individual characteristics on perceived restorativeness and benefits associated with exposure to nature in a garden 72
Strategies of processing spatial information in survey and landmark-centred individuals 72
The specific involvement of verbal and visuospatial working memory in hypermedia learning. 72
Psicologia cognitiva dell'apprendimento 71
The assessment of imagery and visuo-spatialworking memory functions in childrenand adults 71
Effects of home environment structure on navigation preference and performance: A comparison in Veneto, Italy and Utah, USA 71
Immagini mentali e memoria. 69
Representation of route and survey descriptions in children with nonverbal (visuospatial) learning disabilities 69
Knowledge about reading and self-evaluation in reading disabled children 68
Human navigation inside complex buildings: using instructions and maps to reach an area of refuge 68
Memory for different kinds of mental images: Role of contextual and autobiographic variables 68
The role of architectural design for rheumatic patients’ wellbeing: The point of view of environmental psychology 67
Totale 14.811
Categoria #
all - tutte 53.933
article - articoli 38.558
book - libri 7.412
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 177
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 5.251
Totale 105.331

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020999 0 0 0 0 0 0 131 195 151 239 143 140
2020/20212.018 71 122 77 242 118 151 69 213 280 257 231 187
2021/20222.247 75 255 254 129 116 113 89 240 155 134 216 471
2022/20232.200 353 139 99 149 279 204 86 233 279 112 155 112
2023/20243.678 100 149 216 248 283 173 196 187 215 280 360 1.271
2024/20253.942 1.054 537 402 377 957 289 326 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 18.296