Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale - ICEA
3D collapse mechanisms of masonry bridges subjected to horizontal actions
2023 Niero, L.; Zampieri, P.; Pellegrino, C.
A comparison between European Electric Arc Furnace Slags
2017 Santamaría, Amaia; Faleschini, Flora; Vegas, Iñigo; San-José, Jose-Tomás; Pellegrino, Carlo; Jesús González, Javier
A comparison of the bond behavior of PBO-FRCM composites determined by double-lap and single-lap shear tests
2015 Sneed, L. H; D'Antino, Tommaso; Carloni, C.; Pellegrino, Carlo
A Critical Analysis Based on the Comparison Between Traditional and Advanced Approaches to the Visual Inspection of Bridges and Viaducts
2023 Manarin, Silvia; Zanini, MARIANO ANGELO; Faleschini, Flora; Pellegrino, Carlo
2021 Zampieri, P.; Piazzon, R.; Panto, B.; Pellegrino, C.
A framework for assessing the seismic risk map of Italy and developing a sustainable risk reduction program
2019 Zanini, Mariano Angelo; Hofer, Lorenzo; Pellegrino, Carlo
A methodological approach to bridge maintenance and criteria for seismic risk evaluation
2004 Franchetti, P.; Grendene, M.; Pellegrino, Carlo; Modena, Claudio
A new stone stress ribbon pedestrian bridge in Verona
2008 Busatta, F; Pellegrino, Carlo; Modena, Claudio
A parametric study of the hanger arrangement in arch bridges
2007 DE ZOTTI, A; Pellegrino, Carlo; Modena, Claudio
A parametric study on the fragility of typical existing concrete bridges in seismic areas
2012 Carturan, Federico; Morbin, Riccardo; Zanini, MARIANO ANGELO; Pellegrino, Carlo
A probabilistic approach in estimating optimal evacuation scenarios for seismic emergency management
2015 Zanini, MARIANO ANGELO; Pellegrino, Carlo; Rossi, Riccardo; Gastaldi, Massimiliano; Modena, Claudio
A probabilistic strategy for seismic assessment and FRP retrofitting of existing bridges
2015 Morbin, Riccardo; Zanini, MARIANO ANGELO; Pellegrino, Carlo; Zhang, H.; Modena, Claudio
A procedure for the evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of bridge networks
2010 Carturan, Federico; Pellegrino, Carlo; A., Zampellini; Modena, Claudio; Rossi, Riccardo; Gastaldi, Massimiliano
A Procedure for the Probabilistic Seismic Risk Assessment of Ng Distribution Networks
2023 Zanini, M. A.; Vianello, C.; Faleschini, F.; Hofer, L.; Pellegrino, C.; Maschio, G.
A review of methods for strengthening of masonry arches with composite materials
2018 Zampieri, Paolo; Simoncello, Nicolo'; Tetougueni, CYRILLE DENIS; Pellegrino, Carlo
A Review of the Fatigue Strength of Shear Bolted Connections
2019 Zampieri, P.; Curtarello, A.; Maiorana, E.; Pellegrino, C.
A seismic loss estimation framework for enterprises taking into account business interruption
2018 Zanini, M. A.; Hofer, L.; Faleschini, F.; Pellegrino, C.
A simplified management procedure for bridge network maintenance
2011 Pellegrino, Carlo; Pipinato, Alessio; Modena, Claudio
A Simplified Modelling Approach for the In-Plane Analysis of Masonry Structures Strengthened by FRCMs
2022 Zampieri, Paolo; Piazzon, Riccardo; Pantò, Bartolomeo; Pellegrino, Carlo
A three-dimensional stress recovery procedure for composite materials
1998 Galvanetto, Ugo; Pellegrino, Carlo; Schrefler, Bernhard