Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.160
EU - Europa 1.894
AS - Asia 535
OC - Oceania 6
SA - Sud America 6
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 5.602
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.157
IT - Italia 1.591
SG - Singapore 247
CN - Cina 197
SE - Svezia 57
FI - Finlandia 50
FR - Francia 46
DE - Germania 38
VN - Vietnam 35
IN - India 33
GB - Regno Unito 32
UA - Ucraina 15
NL - Olanda 14
RU - Federazione Russa 14
IE - Irlanda 8
JP - Giappone 7
TR - Turchia 6
RO - Romania 5
AU - Australia 4
HK - Hong Kong 4
LU - Lussemburgo 4
PL - Polonia 4
CH - Svizzera 3
MT - Malta 3
BR - Brasile 2
CA - Canada 2
CO - Colombia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
HU - Ungheria 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
OM - Oman 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
BE - Belgio 1
EU - Europa 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
NO - Norvegia 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
RS - Serbia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 5.602
Città #
Fairfield 446
Padova 392
Woodbridge 270
Ashburn 209
Houston 207
Singapore 206
Ann Arbor 205
Chandler 185
Cambridge 166
Seattle 151
Boardman 145
Wilmington 142
Milan 128
Santa Clara 90
Beijing 69
Vicenza 69
Princeton 68
Medford 60
Des Moines 59
San Diego 50
Roxbury 46
Pisa 37
Dong Ket 35
New York 32
Rome 27
Iowa City 24
Jacksonville 24
Venice 23
Helsinki 21
Nanjing 21
Parma 19
Guangzhou 16
Pune 16
Verona 16
Bassano del Grappa 13
Albignasego 12
Shanghai 12
Bologna 11
Trieste 11
Hebei 10
Falls Church 9
Mestre 9
Naples 9
Shenyang 9
Bari 8
Cornedo Vicentino 8
Forlì 8
Phoenix 8
Cagliari 7
Dublin 7
Tappahannock 7
Centro 6
Jiaxing 6
London 6
Mira 6
Scorzè 6
Treviso 6
Castelfranco Veneto 5
Castelmassa 5
Fossalta di Portogruaro 5
Sovizzo 5
Tianjin 5
Turin 5
Villafranca Padovana 5
Aprilia 4
Brendola 4
Brescia 4
Cassino 4
Cosenza 4
Este 4
Fabriano 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Grantorto 4
Kharkiv 4
Lozzo Atestino 4
Milazzo 4
Monselice 4
Noordwijk aan Zee 4
Ogden 4
Paris 4
Pescara 4
Piove di Sacco 4
Santa Lucia di Piave 4
Schio 4
Thiene 4
Torrebelvicino 4
Torreglia 4
Anguillara Veneta 3
Birkirkara 3
Bolzano 3
Cadoneghe 3
City of Westminster 3
Como 3
Falkenstein 3
Fontaniva 3
Kilburn 3
Piovene Rocchette 3
Ponte San Pietro 3
San Martino Buon Albergo 3
Santa Cristina Val Gardena 3
Totale 4.034
Nome #
La previsione in tempo reale dei livelli idrometrici di piena del fiume Bacchiglione a Ponte degli Angeli, Vicenza 1.022
A semi-empirical model to predict the probability of capture of buoyant particles by a cylindrical collector through capillarity 157
Floods, landscape modifications and population dynamics in anthropogenic coastal lowlands: the Polesine (northern Italy) case study 139
Extended theory of hydraulic hysteresis in open channel flow 131
Chute cutoffs in meandering rivers: formative mechanisms and hydrodynamic forcing 125
A note on weak shock wave reflection 114
Modellazione Idraulica per l'analisi della vulnerabilità dei ponti 110
Bed friction effects on the stability of a stationary hydraulic jump in a rectangular upward sloping channel 110
Consideration of the Mechanisms for Tidal Bore Formation in an Idealized Planform Geometry 106
Simplified methods for real-time prediction of storm surge uncertainty: The city of Venice case study 101
Multipurpose Use of Artificial Channel Networks for Flood Risk Reduction: The Case of the Waterway Padova–Venice (Italy) 101
Free surface waves induced by vortex shedding in cylinder arrays 100
Positive Surge Propagation in Sloping Channels 97
Water age, exposure time, and local flushing time in semi-enclosed, tidal basins with negligible freshwater inflow 96
Modelling urban floods using a finite element staggered scheme with an anisotropic dual porosity model 96
Mathematical modeling of flooding due to river bank failure 95
Integrated mathematical modeling of hydrological and hydrodynamic response to rainfall events in rural lowland catchments 93
Open channel flow through a linear contraction 91
Numerical study of the Guderley and Vasilev reflections in steady two-dimensional shallow water flow 89
Benefici dell’idrovia Padova-Venezia sulla riduzione della pericolosità idraulica nel bacino Brenta-Bacchiglione 84
Flood inundation modeling in urbanized areas: A mesh-independent porosity approach with anisotropic friction 84
Optimal floodgate operation for river flood management: The case study of Padova (Italy) 83
Comment on “Can assimilation of crowdsourced data in hydrological modelling improve flood prediction?” by Mazzoleni et al. (2017) 79
Sistema integrato di previsione delle piene in tempo reale nel bacino idrografico Brenta-Bacchiglione 77
Remote sensing for optimal estimation of water temperature dynamics in shallow tidal environments 77
Multiple states in the flow through a sluice gate 75
Modelling urban floods using a finite element staggered scheme with porosity and anisotropic resistance 74
Renewal time scales in tidal basins: Climbing the Tower of Babel 70
The I.M.A.Ge. Early Warning System for real time flood forecasting in the Brenta-Bacchiglione river system 70
A coupled hydrodynamic and breach formation model to simulate floodplain inundations: the case study of the Bacchiglione River 68
Modeling anisotropy in free-surface overland and shallow inundation flows 67
Riflessione di fronti d'onda onda stazionari di altezza finita in correnti a superficie libera 67
Meandering evolution and width variation, a physics-statistical based modeling approach 65
Numerical simulation of the Vasilev reflection 64
A fully coupled hydrodynamic and breach formation model to simulate floodplain inundation: the case study of the Muson dei Sassi River (Italy). 63
Un sistema modellistico integrato per la previsione in tempo reale delle piene del Muson dei Sassi (Pd) 62
Chute cutoffs initiation and the flow field inside the main channel bed 56
Floodwater pathways in urban areas: A method to compute porosity fields for anisotropic subgrid models in differential form 56
Loss of geomorphic diversity in shallow tidal embayments promoted by storm-surge barriers 54
A coupled hydrodynamic and breach formation model to simulate floodplain inundations: the case study of the Muson dei Sassi River (Italy) 51
Width variation meandering evolution with a physic mathematical and statistical based model 50
Ricostruzione modellistica della piena dell’ottobre 2018 nel bacino del Fiume Piave 50
A coupled hydrodynamic and breach formation model to simulate floodplain inundations: the case study of the Bacchiglione River (Italy) 48
Un modello 2D con porosità per lo studio di allagamenti a larga scala in aree urbane 44
Sistema integrato di previsione delle piene in tempo reale nel bacino idrografico del Piave 43
Le prime operazioni del Mo.S.E. a difesa di Venezia: quali effetti sulla morfodinamica lagunare? 41
Riflessione di fronti d’onda di altezza finita in correnti a superficie libera nel campo del paradosso di von Neumann 40
Un modello idrodinamico accoppiato per la simulazione di rotte arginali in contesti fluviali 39
Porous shallow water modelling in differential form: Computation of cell-based conveyance porosity fields in a real urban layout 39
Un approccio accoppiato alla modellazione idrologica e idraulica 2D in bacini di pianura 38
Minimization, equivalence and fate of the hydrogeological hazard: a new criterion to manage the flood threats applied to the Padova hydraulic node 38
Flood damage functions based on a single physics- and data-based impact parameter that jointly accounts for water depth and velocity 37
Dinamica della temperatura dell’acqua in ambienti a marea poco profondi: uso combinato di immagini satellitari, misure in-situ e risultati numerici 36
A new framework for flood damage assessment considering the within-event time evolution of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability 35
Implementazione di un sistema di previsione per la gestione delle piene in tempo reale: il Bacchiglione nel Vicentino 35
The first operations of Mo.S.E. system to prevent the flooding of Venice: Insights on the hydrodynamics of a regulated lagoon 34
La capacità di deflusso del Po a valle di Pontelagoscuro. Analisi numerica degli effetti legati alla mobilità del fondo. 30
Orientazione di fronti d’onda di altezza finita e fenomeni di riflessione 30
Past and current flood risk: human and landscape interactions in the anthropogenic floodplain of Polesine (Italy) 30
Chute cutoff of large meandering rivers 29
Flow under vertical sluice gates: Flow stability at large gate opening and disambiguation of partial dam-break multiple solutions 28
Curvature-induced secondary flow in 2D depth-averaged hydro-morphodynamic models: An assessment of different approaches and key factors 28
A single physics- and data-based impact parameter to express flood damage functions 28
Esperimenti numerici sul trasporto solido di fondo 28
A quantitative criterion to predict the occurrence of tidal bores 27
Flood-regulation promotes salt-marsh drowning and enhances loss of geomorphic diversity in shallow tidal embayments 27
Influence of bed roughness on flow and turbulence structure around a partially-buried, isolated freshwater mussel 26
Monitoring temperature dynamics in shallow tidal lagoons combining in situ observations, satellite retrievals, and numerical modeling 26
A quantitative criterion to predict the occurrence of tidal bores 25
Assessing 40 years of flood risk evolution at the micro-scale using an innovative modeling approach: the effects of urbanization and land planning 24
Saturation of secondary flow in relatively sharp bends: a two-dimensional modelling approach 22
Saturation of curvature-induced secondary currents in relatively sharp bends: a two-dimensional modelling approach 22
Sull’eccezionale evento di marea del 12 novembre 2019 in Laguna di Venezia 22
Loss of Geomorphic Diversity in Flood-Regulated Shallow Tidal Embayments 21
Flood mapping due to levee failure: the case of the Roncajette River 21
How Is Time Distributed in a River Meander Belt? 19
Monitoring temperature dynamics in shallow tidal lagoons combining in situ observations, satellite retrievals, and numerical modeling 18
Supercritical flow overpassing forward- or backward-facing steps non-orthogonal to the flow direction 16
A Flood Damage Model Accounting for Time-Evolving Hazard, Exposure, and Vulnerability 16
Studio del rischio idraulico delle aree sottoposte a bonifica nel territorio della Provincia di Venezia 16
Beyond flood hazard. Mapping the loss probability of pedestrians to improve risk estimation and communication 15
Beyond the Fixed-bed Paradigm in Flood Modelling: An Analysis of the Terminal Reach of the Po River (Italy) 15
Allagamenti in aree urbane: estrazione automatica dei parametri di porosità da geometrie complesse 15
Fully Developed Open Channel Flow Over Clusters of Freshwater Mussels Partially Buried in a Gravel Bed 14
A model to account for the within-event evolution of flood damage: insights from a case study in northern Italy 12
Estimating velocity distribution and flood discharge at river bridges using entropy theory – insights from computational fluid dynamics flow fields 9
Eddy-resolving CFD modelling of a river flow at a full-scale, multi-pier bridge over naturally-deformed bathymetry 7
Improving flood risk evaluation and communication by mapping the loss probability of pedestrians 6
Totale 5.738
Categoria #
all - tutte 21.974
article - articoli 11.834
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 559
Totale 34.367

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020407 0 0 0 0 0 44 51 71 73 57 71 40
2020/2021494 16 52 12 27 17 31 23 32 77 34 114 59
2021/2022716 16 100 75 46 33 38 47 60 45 23 38 195
2022/20231.123 98 22 16 48 124 94 23 41 93 35 498 31
2023/20241.134 33 115 67 147 275 61 43 115 19 59 110 90
2024/2025776 73 211 112 89 241 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.738