Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.516
EU - Europa 450
AS - Asia 407
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 4.374
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.514
SG - Singapore 181
IT - Italia 175
CN - Cina 129
VN - Vietnam 87
FI - Finlandia 68
DE - Germania 50
GB - Regno Unito 45
FR - Francia 40
UA - Ucraina 33
SE - Svezia 23
IE - Irlanda 13
IN - India 5
CA - Canada 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
IR - Iran 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
AT - Austria 1
AU - Australia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 4.374
Città #
Fairfield 667
Woodbridge 369
Santa Clara 338
Ann Arbor 288
Seattle 241
Ashburn 226
Houston 222
Wilmington 217
Cambridge 208
Singapore 148
Chandler 117
Boardman 107
Dong Ket 87
Padova 78
San Diego 60
Medford 58
Princeton 58
Des Moines 46
Helsinki 30
Nanjing 21
London 15
Beijing 12
Milan 12
Roxbury 12
Shenyang 12
Dublin 11
Putian 11
Hebei 10
Karlsruhe 10
Phoenix 9
Nanchang 8
Paris 8
Lanuvio 7
Azzano Decimo 6
Jiaxing 6
New York 6
Quanzhou 6
Shanghai 6
Changsha 5
Abbiategrasso 4
Bussolengo 4
Guangzhou 4
Jinan 4
Ogden 4
Centrale 3
Collegno 3
Fuzhou 3
Hounslow 3
Ludwigshafen 3
Quinto Vicentino 3
Rockville 3
Vigonza 3
Wandsworth 3
Werl 3
Zhengzhou 3
Andover 2
Asiago 2
Bangalore 2
Chicago 2
Florence 2
Genoa 2
Haikou 2
Hong Kong 2
Kilburn 2
Las Vegas 2
Ningbo 2
Nuremberg 2
Rodgau 2
Selvazzano Dentro 2
Southwark 2
Trento 2
Verona 2
Wiesbaden 2
Ardabil 1
Baie-Saint-Paul 1
Bologna 1
Brendola 1
Cernusco sul Naviglio 1
Este 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Girifalco 1
Greenwich 1
Hangzhou 1
Kharkiv 1
Lancenigo-Villorba 1
Lappeenranta 1
Lizzano In Belvedere 1
Miami Beach 1
Monmouth Junction 1
New Bedfont 1
Olevano Romano 1
Rome 1
San Felice del Benaco 1
San Jose 1
Sydney 1
Taipei 1
Tianjin 1
Toronto 1
Treviso 1
Turin 1
Totale 3.874
Nome #
A Two-Stage Active-Set Algorithm for Bound-Constrained Optimization 162
A derivative-free approach for a simulation-based optimization problem in healthcare 115
A Feasible Active Set Method with Reoptimization for Convex Quadratic Mixed-Integer Programming 115
A class of derivative-free nonmonotone optimization algorithms employing coordinate rotations and gradient approximations 112
An active-set algorithmic framework for non-convex optimization problems over the simplex 109
A nonmonotone GRASP 108
Feasibility Pump-like heuristics for mixed integer problems 106
A derivative-free approach to constrained multiobjective nonsmooth optimization 105
A DIRECT-type approach for derivative-free constrained global optimization 104
A linesearch-based derivative-free approach for nonsmooth constrained optimization 103
First-order Methods for the Impatient: Support Identification in Finite Time with Convergent Frank--Wolfe Variants 103
A multi-objective DIRECT algorithm for ship hull optimization 101
A Derivative-Free Algorithm for Constrained Global Optimization Based on Exact Penalty Functions 100
A Frank–Wolfe based branch-and-bound algorithm for mean-risk optimization 100
Derivative-free global ship design optimization using global/local hybridization of the DIRECT algorithm 99
Derivative-Free Robust Optimization for Circuit Design 94
A new class of functions for measuring solution integrality in the Feasibility Pump approach 92
A new optimization approach for the design of IPM synchronous motor with wide constant-power region 91
Pure infection–immunization dynamics for partnership games: A correction 88
A patient adaptable ECG beat classifier based on neural networks 84
Concave programming for finding sparse solutions to problems with convex constraints 82
An approach to constrained global optimization based on exact penalty functions 81
Finite-Element-Based Multiobjective Design Optimization Procedure of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors for Wide Constant-Power Region Operation 81
Combining optimization and machine learning techniques for genome-wide prediction of human cell cycle-regulated genes 80
A fast active set block coordinate descent algorithm for ℓ1-regularized least squares 79
A concave optimization-based approach for sparse portfolio selection 79
Concave programming for minimizing the zero-norm over polyhedral sets 76
Feature selection combining linear support vector machines and concave optimization 75
Continuous Reformulations for Zero–One Programming Problems 74
Total variation based community detection using a nonlinear optimization approach 74
New results on the equivalence between zero-one programming and continuous concave programming 70
Active Set Complexity of the Away-Step Frank--Wolfe Algorithm 70
Exact Penalty Functions for Nonlinear Integer Programming Problems 69
Trust-region methods for the derivative-free optimization of nonsmooth black-box functions 68
Derivative-Free Methods for Mixed-Integer Constrained Optimization Problems 63
A variable fixing version of the two-block nonlinear constrained Gauss–Seidel algorithm forℓ1-Regularized least-squares 62
Application of derivative-free multi-objective algorithms to reliability-based robust design optimization of a high-speed catamaran in real ocean environment 62
Path loss prediction in urban environment using learning machines and dimensionality reduction techniques 62
Derivative-free methods for bound constrained mixed-integer optimization 62
A general regularized continuous formulation for the maximum clique problem 62
A conjugate direction based simplicial decomposition framework for solving a specific class of dense convex quadratic programs 62
An exact penalty global optimization approach for mixed-integer programming problems 60
Continuous reformulations for zero-one programming problems 58
Design Optimization of Synchronous Reluctance Motor for Low Torque Ripple 58
Decoding distinctive features of plasma extracellular vesicles in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 57
Data and performance of an active-set truncated Newton method with non-monotone line search for bound-constrained optimization 56
An algorithmic framework based on primitive directions and nonmonotone line searches for black-box optimization problems with integer variables 55
Solving l0-penalized problems with simple constraints via the Frank–Wolfe reduced dimension method 47
A new feasibility pump-like heuristic for mixed integer problems 42
A simulation-based multiobjective optimization approach for health care services management 41
A derivative-free method for structured optimization problems 34
Scanning integer points with lex-inequalities: a finite cutting plane algorithm for integer programming with linear objective 34
Hybridization of multi-objective deterministic particle swarm with derivative-free local searches 33
Fast Cluster Detection in Networks by First Order Optimization 30
A unifying framework for the analysis of projection-free first-order methods under a sufficient slope condition 28
Derivative-free methods for mixed-integer nonsmooth constrained optimization 25
Frank–Wolfe and friends: a journey into projection-free first-order optimization methods 24
Mining for diamonds—Matrix generation algorithms for binary quadratically constrained quadratic problems 22
Simplicial decomposition for large-scale quadratic convex programming 21
A zeroth order method for stochastic weakly convex optimization 20
Learning the Right Layers: a Data-Driven Layer-Aggregation Strategy for Semi-Supervised Learning on Multilayer Graphs 18
Laplacian-based Semi-Supervised Learning in Multilayer Hypergraphs by Coordinate Descent 18
Avoiding bad steps in Frank-Wolfe variants 17
Minimization over the ℓ1 -ball using an active-set non-monotone projected gradient 16
Collaboration and topic switches in science 15
Solving non-monotone equilibrium problems via a DIRECT-type approach 14
Improved penalty algorithm for mixed integer PDE constrained optimization problems 14
A variance-Aware multiobjective Louvain-like method for community detection in multiplex networks 14
Retraction-Based Direct Search Methods for Derivative Free Riemannian Optimization 11
An oracle-based framework for robust combinatorial optimization 10
An improved penalty algorithm using model order reduction for MIPDECO problems with partial observations 9
A Unifying Framework for Sparsity-Constrained Optimization 8
What we should learn from pandemic publishing 7
Inexact direct-search methods for bilevel optimization problems 6
Frank–Wolfe and friends: a journey into projection-free first-order optimization methods 6
Projection free methods on product domains 6
Totale 4.524
Categoria #
all - tutte 18.410
article - articoli 17.010
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 258
Totale 35.678

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020534 0 0 0 0 0 59 96 101 125 74 48 31
2020/2021731 38 44 39 45 42 26 27 90 123 48 92 117
2021/2022789 22 87 101 61 62 35 21 109 61 23 60 147
2022/2023394 95 1 4 26 79 54 14 28 67 7 14 5
2023/2024236 6 33 14 10 18 11 10 10 30 7 36 51
2024/2025687 7 184 69 35 392 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.524