Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
7-year N and P balance of a Surface Flow Constructed Wetland in advanced stage: a case study in North-Eastern Italy 2018 tolomio, massimodal ferro, nicolaborin, maurizio - - Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control
A Bayesian belief network framework to predict SOC dynamics of alternative management scenarios 2018 Dal Ferro, N.Morari, F. + SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH - -
A Bayesian Belief Network framework to predict SOC stock change: the Veneto region (Italy) case study 2017 DAL FERRO, NICOLAMORARI, FRANCESCO + - - Geophysical Research Abstracts
A comparison of 2D and 3D approach for quantifying the pore size distribution in soil aggregates 2012 DAL FERRO, NICOLAMORARI, FRANCESCO - - USer Meeting 2012 Abstract Book
A model-GIS platform to globally assess the environmental impact of European agri-environmental schemes. 2019 LONGO, MATTEONicola Dal FerroFrancesco Morari + - - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-5549, 2019
A participatory approach to combat the decline of soil organic matter in croplands 2018 dal ferro, nicolacamarotto, carlopiccoli, ilariaberti, antoniomorari, francesco + - - Soil Security and Planetary Health Conference
Advantages of multi-region kriging over bi-region techniques for computed tomography-scan segmentation 2019 Dal Ferro N.Morari F.Piccoli I. + SOIL RESEARCH - -
Ammonia Volatilization Reduction From Mineral N Fertilizers In The Veneto Region: Combining Modeling And Field Approach 2020 Mencaroni M.Dal Ferro N.Furlanetto J.Longo M.Sartori L.Morari F. + - - SIA (Società Italiana di Agronomia) 2020
Application of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) and pore morphologic model to predict saturated water conductivity from X-ray CT 2015 DAL FERRO, NICOLAMORARI, FRANCESCO + GEODERMA - -
Assessing glyphosate movement through different agricultural systems with a shallow water table: insights from an inverse dual permeability model 2024 Giovanna PiazzonMatteo LongoFrancesco MorariNicola Dal Ferro + - - Copernicus Meeting, 2024
Assessing the role of agri-environmental measures to enhance the environment in the Veneto Region, Italy, with a model-based approach 2016 DAL FERRO, NICOLACOCCO, ELISABERTI, ANTONIOMORARI, FRANCESCO + AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT - -
Assessment of different agricultural soil compaction levels using shallow seismic geophysical methods 2024 Carrera, AlbertoBarone, IlariaPavoni, MirkoBoaga, JacopoDal Ferro, NicolaCassiani, GiorgioMorari, Francesco GEODERMA - -
Biochar addition has contrasting effects on aggregate stability dynamics of clay and sandy-loam soils 2018 PITUELLO, CHIARADal Ferro, NicolaFRANCIOSO, ORNELLASimonetti, GianlucaBerti, AntonioMorari, Francesco + - - Proceedings
Buffer Strips on the Low-Lying Plain of Veneto Region (Italy): Environmental Benefits and Efficient Use of Wood as an Energy Resource 2019 Dal Ferro, NicolaBorin, MaurizioCardinali, AlessandraCavalli, RaffaeleGrigolato, StefanoZanin, Giuseppe JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - -
Building 3D soil models combining X-ray ct and 3D printing Technology. First applications to a Loamy soil 2014 DAL FERRO, NICOLAMORARI, FRANCESCO - - Soils Embrace Life and Universe
Calibration and validation of the EPIC model to predict glyphosate movement with different agronomic practices under shallow water table conditions 2020 Longo MatteoDal Ferro NicolaGrillo FedericoCardinali AlessandraZanin GiuseppeMorari Francesco + - - EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
Carbon content and pore network of a silt loam soil under different agricultural management practices 2018 Dal Ferro, NicolaZanini, FilippoCarmignato, SimoneMorari, Francesco + - - Proceedings
Chapter 2 - Deep Carbon sequestration in cropping systems 2019 Francesco MorariAntonio BertiNicola Dal FerroIlaria Piccoli - - Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 29
Characterization of pore network morphology in differently fertilized soils using X-ray computed tomography 2011 DAL FERRO, NICOLABERTI, ANTONIOMORARI, FRANCESCO + - - 6th International Congress of European Society for Soil Conservation
Conservation agriculture and cover crop practices to regulate water, carbon and nitrogen cycles in the low-lying Venetian plain 2018 carlo camarottonicola dal ferroilaria piccoliriccardo polesefrancesco morari + CATENA - -